View Full Version : New house twist

03-07-2006, 09:09
does anyone else think that big brother's latest twist hasn't worked.

First off, the new housemates have figured out what happens to them when they have been evicted. Which means that ashlyne will evict the people that like her so she will have some friends when she goes back in the house.

And Lea (REALLY CANT STAND HER! ASIF SHE IS 35! For **** Sake,) heard the new housemates voices whilst she was in the diary room. With all the money BB makes you would have though tthey could afford sound proofing.


03-07-2006, 10:02
definaltely isnt working!

aisleyen ahs heard loud nosies from main house which she has saidd is jayne!

03-07-2006, 10:32
i dont like this - the secret garden twist last year was better.

03-07-2006, 20:10
i dont like this - the secret garden twist last year was better. i totally agree they should of made the corridor between the houses longer or soemthing cos its just aint working.

03-07-2006, 20:29
i really think that this years twist has gone down the pan seriously. even when they announced the twist it wasnt really exciting. for starters when aisleyne re-enters the house everyone (possibly except jayne) will be alrite with her for nominating them so its less likely to cause arguments ( which it was intened for) and the orginal housemates can hear everything, and have almost guessed correctly about what is going on, and to top it off i think aisleyne and the other new housemates have figured out about the nominations loL! personally im getting a bit sick and tired of the same thing, they just keep putting in new housemates, if i get fed up of it, god knows how the original housemates must feel lol! i wish BB were more evil like they were in BB5 that was brilliant!!!!

Chloe O'brien
03-07-2006, 21:49
It would probably have worked better if they had built the two houses at the same time instead of sending in workman when there are housemates living in one

04-07-2006, 10:16
It would probably have worked better if they had built the two houses at the same time instead of sending in workman when there are housemates living in one
yeah, i dont quite understand why that happened, surely they planned that they were going to do it beforehand. and also with the soundproofing thing, come on, they've got enough money so why didn't they do it? it was when Johnathan was saying the other day 'maybe it's not supposed to be a secret' or something like that, because it's been done so badly it seems so obvious.

06-07-2006, 12:09
this year's twist has been a disaster they should of had sound proof walls

06-07-2006, 16:55
this year's twist has been a disaster they should of had sound proof walls I know it really has and the twists beame more obvious through out

06-07-2006, 20:29
This thread is now redundant as all housemates are living in the main house.
