View Full Version : Best Soap So Far?

01-07-2006, 18:11
Halfway through 2006, which soap do you think has had the best year so far?

For me it would have to be Hollyoaks. It started out a bit rocky in January but soon picked up by February with the four late night specials leading to Andy's gory demise. :eek: Since then it's been on the up with consistently good stuff from the Burton family.. Becca & Justin's affair being exposed.. high drama from the Hutchinsons with Baby Grace dying/Mandy leaving.. and i'm also starting to like the Ashworths now too. :) It has had it's low points but I still think Hollyoaks has been the best soap so far this year.

Coronation Street started off really well too, especially with Mike's alzheimer's disease storyline, but ever since he died I think it's just started to go downhill again and is pretty bad at the moment to be honest.

And as for Emmerdale & EastEnders, well I don't think they've been that good so far this year unfortunately. Oh and as for Doctors well i've never watched that but thought I better put it on anyway seeing as it's classed as a soap. :)

So anyway my vote goes to Hollyoaks. :bow: And by the look of some spoilers, it sounds like there's more good stuff coming up down Chester way too! :cheer:

01-07-2006, 18:41
hollyoaks is teh one that i hate to miss, ive missed ee for twoweeks and i havent really missed it!

home and away has been really good to

01-07-2006, 18:49
Oh sorry yeah I forgot about the Australian soaps.

Jessie Wallace
01-07-2006, 19:10
Neighbours, but it's not there!

01-07-2006, 20:02
Hollyoaks for me
everyone does really count that but everyone i know watches it!
i think its great and i never miss it

01-07-2006, 21:03
I have done the unimaginable and voted for Hollyoaks :eek:

di marco
01-07-2006, 21:15
I have done the unimaginable and voted for Hollyoaks :eek:

good for you bryan, good for you! :D its been far better than ee this year!

01-07-2006, 21:27
Time to join the Hollyoaks crew bry :cool: :D

01-07-2006, 21:33
Well Home and Away has been the best - always unmissable - but seeing as it aint there. I went for Corrie. Although Hollyoaks has been really good, but I haven't seen much of it. But even though Corrie has had alot of boring moments this year, it's been better than EastEnders.

01-07-2006, 22:00
eastenders as its the only one i watch all the time.

02-07-2006, 08:42
hollyoaks has been amazing this year and like has been said before, i hate when i miss it and therefore have to catch the repeat on E4. Home and Away has been good with Flynns death but Hollyoaks has been one good storyline after an other.

x Amby x
02-07-2006, 10:05
As much as i am obsessed with EastEnders, i ahve to say Hollyoaks has just been amazing this year!

02-07-2006, 10:44
Eastenders has to be the top soap at the moment! It is really smoking again. I stopped watching it the last couple of years because it had become so bad and boring. Started watching it again in January, and crumbs, what a turn around. It has been transformed with a new injection of characters and decent storylines. No wonder it had been winning loads of awards latey.

02-07-2006, 11:40
ive voted for hollyoaks its been a lot better than eastenders alot better......
ok coronation street was on fire with mikes alzhemiers but thats it hollyoaks has been consistent with the whole andy thing,justin and becca,claire after max's money,rhys,kathy,sarah and mels drinking and so much more now theres warren to mix it up and the BIG storyline coming up its all good up in chester:)

02-07-2006, 11:44
ive voted for hollyoaks its been a lot better than eastenders alot better......
ok coronation street was on fire with mikes alzhemiers but thats it hollyoaks has been consistent with the whole andy thing,justin and becca,claire after max's money,rhys,kathy,sarah and mels drinking and so much more now theres warren to mix it up and the BIG storyline coming up its all good up in chester:)

Well fine thats your point of view, but which soap has been winning truck loads of awards this year?!

I do think Hollyoaks is a good soap and has been on good form this year. But, as Tina Turner sang....(Eastenders) is simply the best!!!!! lol

02-07-2006, 11:46
hollyoaks have had the best storylines they've kept me gripped throughout shame they dont get nominated a lot at awards they deserve it

di marco
02-07-2006, 11:47
Well fine thats your point of view, but which soap has been winning truck loads of awards this year?!

no matter how rubbish ee and corrie get and how great hollyoaks, doctors and emmerdale get, corrie and ee are still going to win the most awards, its always going to be like that, so the amount of awards a show wins i dont think truely represents how good the show actually is

02-07-2006, 11:53
Eastenders and Corrie are more mainstream (wider audience). Hollyoaks aims its storylines to the 14 - 30 year old year viewers. Anyway, hollyoaks did win a soap award this year.

di marco
02-07-2006, 11:55
Eastenders and Corrie are more mainstream (wider audience). Hollyoaks aims its storylines to the 14 - 30 year old year viewers. Anyway, hollyoaks did win a soap award this year.

thats what im saying, ee and corrie are seen as the main soaps, i bet most people wouldnt even give hollyoaks and doctors a chance. yeh hollyoaks won 2 i think, how many did ee win? loads more, and its always going to be like that, ee and corrie winning the majority of the awards

02-07-2006, 11:59
Yeah, I think we are actually making the same point there, but Hollyoaks has broken through this year by winning one or two awards. However, Eastenders won all those wards because they, in my eyes anyway, deserved them.

di marco
02-07-2006, 12:07
Yeah, I think we are actually making the same point there, but Hollyoaks has broken through this year by winning one or two awards. However, Eastenders won all those wards because they, in my eyes anyway, deserved them.

they deserved some of them, dont get me wrong, but i was just trying to make the point that the amount of awards a soap wins doesnt necessarily represent how good the soap is. dont get me wrong, i like ee and dont like missing an epi, but some of the time its so boring to watch, its got better over recent months, but hollyoaks has been far more brilliant with all the different issues its covered

02-07-2006, 17:57
As an avid Eastender fan I did what any other person would do and voted Hollyoaks

Loving Warren he's gorgeous :heart:

02-07-2006, 18:13
As an avid Eastender fan I did what any other person would do and voted Hollyoaks

Loving Warren he's gorgeous :heart:

:confused: ?????????????????????:confused: ???????????????????:confused:

02-07-2006, 18:23
I've watched EE for years and the last few months has been PANTS so I started watching Hollyoaks more often and now I'm addicted EE is my first big love just at the mo it's rubbish sorry if I confused you

02-07-2006, 18:32
It's great to see Hollyoaks leading the way in this poll. It doesnt get half as much regonition as it deserves. This stigma of "aimed at young people, for young people" etc its a loud of rubbish! My nan watches it! My aunt watches it! I know grown women in their 20s/30s watch it! It's good for everyone and a top class soap!

02-07-2006, 18:51
It's great to see Hollyoaks leading the way in this poll. It doesnt get half as much regonition as it deserves. This stigma of "aimed at young people, for young people" etc its a loud of rubbish! My nan watches it! My aunt watches it! I know grown women in their 20s/30s watch it! It's good for everyone and a top class soap!

Aiming Hollyoaks at young people (the targeted audience age range is 14-30) isnt a load of rubbish, its fact. So just because a few older folk enjoy watching it doesnt alter the fact who its primary audience is. Also why do you think its sponsored by a chewing gum company?! Note to the commericals in the break next time to see who they are aimed at.

02-07-2006, 18:53
Well fine thats your point of view, but which soap has been winning truck loads of awards this year?!

I do think Hollyoaks is a good soap and has been on good form this year. But, as Tina Turner sang....(Eastenders) is simply the best!!!!! lol

simply the best?.....thats why coronation street has more ratings?

its obvious to anyone that eastenders and corrie would win makor awards...mainly due to their loyal fan bases not actual storylines

for example alot of people feel emmerdale should of won best soap over eastenders but it didnt.While no one can argue that lacey turner is a great actress did she deserve to win over sarah jayne dunn?

hollyoaks has had several taboo issues...eastenders have had to resort the another mitchell brothers return to return to form! buts it your opinon babe :)

di marco
02-07-2006, 19:51
It's great to see Hollyoaks leading the way in this poll. It doesnt get half as much regonition as it deserves. This stigma of "aimed at young people, for young people" etc its a loud of rubbish! My nan watches it! My aunt watches it! I know grown women in their 20s/30s watch it! It's good for everyone and a top class soap!

i agree bryan, hollyoaks doesnt get anywhere near as much recognition as it deserves, mostly cos of peoples attitudes of "its a teen soap with loads of pretty faces who cant act to save their lives", as ive said before, im not denying that hollyoaks probably has the most "fit" actors and actresses, but there are a good deal of them on there who have pretty good acting abilities, and look at the other soaps, especially ee of late, bringing in characters who are going to be "the next sex god" or something along those lines, all soaps have their fair share of good and bad actors, just like hollyoaks. and i also agree about people of all different age groups watching it, my nan and her friends (about the 70 year old age group) watch it, some of my mums friends (about the 40 year old age group) watch it and some of my second cousins (who are in their 20s and 30s) watch it as well. if it was only for teenagers then all the characters would be in their teens or their early 20s but theyre not

Aiming Hollyoaks at young people (the targeted audience age range is 14-30) isnt a load of rubbish, its fact. So just because a few older folk enjoy watching it doesnt alter the fact who its primary audience is. Also why do you think its sponsored by a chewing gum company?! Note to the commericals in the break next time to see who they are aimed at.

its not a fact actually, i read on the hollyaoks website (i think it was some time last year but not entirely sure) that they didnt aim hollyoaks at the teen and 20 year old audience and they thought that it wasnt suitable for many younger people to watch, i think they said that the main audience they aimed at was 18-50 or something like that (again dont quote me on that as i cant remember exactly) but that they aimed to target a wide range of audience. plus, i dont think they care who sponsors them as long as someone does, the sponsor before chewing gum was nescafe and im sure teenagers didnt care about buying coffee. i dont pay much attention to the adverts tbh so couldnt say exactly what they are mainly of, but i remember seeing frequently that bank advert (i think its for natwest) well im sure thats aimed at older people, and car adverts frequently turn up as well, so i dont think the adverts in the middle of hollyoaks are aimed at "the younger target audience"

02-07-2006, 20:04
Also why do you think its sponsored by a chewing gum company?! Note to the commericals in the break next time to see who they are aimed at.

so the only people who buy chewing gum are teenagers?...and isnt a tv show about the program and not the sponser....as for the commercials comment are they not the same ones that get played through other channel 4 programs

ok you may not agree but for hollyoaks the only way is up from here it is getting better and better and in a few years I strongly belive they will be picking up 'truck loads' of awards
:) look at this poll for instance...who's winning again

02-07-2006, 20:30
so the only people who buy chewing gum are teenagers?...and isnt a tv show about the program and not the sponser....as for the commercials comment are they not the same ones that get played through other channel 4 programs

ok you may not agree but for hollyoaks the only way is up from here it is getting better and better and in a few years I strongly belive they will be picking up 'truck loads' of awards
:) look at this poll for instance...who's winning again

Why do companies pour shed loads of money into advertising?! They sponsor a show cause they want people to buy their product. If they want to shift toys then they will put those adverts out at CITV etc...

I think you didnt understand my point. I was answering someone who believed that cause they granny watched Hollyoaks that it was aimed at wide audience like Enders or Corrie, which it isnt. Its more focused on younger people. I was using the type of advertising it attracts as an example. And I hardly think this poll (on this thread) is any real indication of which soap is the best! lol

02-07-2006, 20:39
Why do companies pour shed loads of money into advertising?! They sponsor a show cause they want people to buy their product. If they want to shift toys then they will put those adverts out at CITV etc...

I think you didnt understand my point. I was answering someone who believed that cause they granny watched Hollyoaks that it was aimed at wide audience like Enders or Corrie, which it isnt. Its more focused on younger people. I was using the type of advertising it attracts as an example. And I hardly think this poll (on this thread) is any real indication of which soap is the best! lol

dont get me wrong im not having a go at you over it...Im just really protective of hollyoaks because ive always watched it

:) I personally think hollyoaks is better than ee Im not bothered if the british public voted eastenders 'best soap' in my heart this year hollyoaks has been better...so has emmerdale and I think the only reason EE and corrie keep winning is because of the huge fan base.

di marco
02-07-2006, 20:48
Why do companies pour shed loads of money into advertising?! They sponsor a show cause they want people to buy their product. If they want to shift toys then they will put those adverts out at CITV etc...

I think you didnt understand my point. I was answering someone who believed that cause they granny watched Hollyoaks that it was aimed at wide audience like Enders or Corrie, which it isnt. Its more focused on younger people. I was using the type of advertising it attracts as an example. And I hardly think this poll (on this thread) is any real indication of which soap is the best! lol

well dont people of every age buy chewing gum? as i said in my previous post, lots of people of different ages watch hollyoaks and its not aimed at a younger audience (again read my earlier post). and maybe this poll isnt any real indication of which soap is best, but imo neither was the best soap award, i think the only real indication is if everyone in the country voted and thats not going to happen so its never going to be known which is the best soap. plus you cant judge if one soap is better than the other if you dont watch all the soaps, ive never seen doctors so for all i know it could be the best soap

02-07-2006, 20:53
dont get me wrong im not having a go at you over it...Im just really protective of hollyoaks because ive always watched it

:) I personally think hollyoaks is better than ee Im not bothered if the british public voted eastenders 'best soap' in my heart this year hollyoaks has been better...so has emmerdale and I think the only reason EE and corrie keep winning is because of the huge fan base.

You are entitled to you opinion, just as im entitled to mine. It would be totally boring if everyone agreed with each other all the time. Not that I want to get into a 'heated debate' with anyone over this. Life's too short! lol

Though EE has a huge fan base for a reason......:D

PS we both agree that Deanooooo is a total plank!

di marco
02-07-2006, 20:55
Though EE has a huge fan base for a reason......:D

i think most of the reason is cos theyve watched it since the beginning and are being loyal

02-07-2006, 21:00
i think most of the reason is cos theyve watched it since the beginning and are being loyal

Thats a sweeping statement you're making there!!! I never watched eastie until a few years ago. Infact, im a born again eastenders fan!!! I found it a real turn off the last two years. Its only since the beginining of this year that ive started watching it again - I have seen the light! lol

Though I do watch Hollyoaks, and agree it is pretty good these days. Just not, in my humble opinion, as good as Enders.

02-07-2006, 21:03
Though EE has a huge fan base for a reason......

yes your right its because eastenders is great soap I watch it myself I love it

plus you cant judge if one soap is better than the other if you dont watch all the soaps, ive never seen doctors so for all i know it could be the best soap

But there you go,

I think hollyoaks will be a bigger name,in the last few months there has been a lot building towards a future and its moving away from the dan/debbie era and its getting drastically better and better, alot of the actors should be given more credit and they make things very realistic

I mean EE didnt do justice when EE made deano spike staceys drink (which was hollyoaks biggest storyline at the same time)all it did was undermime it, while hollyoaks showed the horrors of it and what it does to the people who are victims

di marco
02-07-2006, 21:04
Thats a sweeping statement you're making there!!! I never watched eastie until a few years ago. Infact, im a born again eastenders fan!!! I found it a real turn off the last two years. Its only since the beginining of this year that ive started watching it again - I have seen the light! lol

Though I do watch Hollyoaks, and agree it is pretty good these days. Just not, in my humble opinion, as good as Enders.

its a sweeping statement just like your statement that hollyoaks is only watched by young people and hardly any old people, im only making the statement from what ive read on here and by what older people i know say about ee

02-07-2006, 21:05
ok i didnt realize you watched hollyoaks but still......

di marco
02-07-2006, 21:08
yes your right its because eastenders is great soap I watch it myself I love it

But there you go,

I think hollyoaks will be a bigger name,in the last few months there has been a lot building towards a future and its moving away from the dan/debbie era and its getting drastically better and better, alot of the actors should be given more credit and they make things very realistic

I mean EE didnt do justice when EE made deano spike staceys drink (which was hollyoaks biggest storyline at the same time)all it did was undermime it, while hollyoaks showed the horrors of it and what it does to the people who are victims

yeh dont get me wrong, as i think i said earlier in this thread, i watch every epi of ee, its the only other soap apart from hollyoaks that i bother watching (apart from neighbours occassionally), but i cant think of many main issues that ee has covered this year, hollyoaks i can think of loads

02-07-2006, 21:09
So you said therefore unless we all watch every soap, we cant judge which is the best?! Then I guess none of us can make an informed judgement, but we can offer our own opinions, which I did.

di marco
02-07-2006, 21:11
So you said therefore unless we all watch every soap, we cant judge which is the best?! Then I guess none of us can make an informed judgement, but we can offer our own opinions, which I did.

yeh and im offering mine, i was just disagreeing with you which i thought was ok in this country?

02-07-2006, 21:13
yeh and im offering mine, i was just disagreeing with you which i thought was ok in this country?

Sorry, I fail to see your problem. I didnt say you weren't allowed to give your opinion. So there is no need for the above. Yes this is a free country.

di marco
02-07-2006, 21:16
Sorry, I fail to see your problem. I didnt say you weren't allowed to give your opinion. So there is no need for the above. Yes this is a free country.

im sorry, im not having a go, but your last post seemed to me that you were saying that i shouldnt have been disagreeing with you cos you were entitled to your opinion, which yes you are, but im also entitled to my opinion which means i can disagree with what you say and say what i think from my point of view

02-07-2006, 23:29
well i say hollyoaks

pink banana says its eastenders

so lets settle and go with coronation street:p

03-07-2006, 09:49
Definitely Emmerdale, closely followed by Home and Away

03-07-2006, 11:40
yes emmerdale does deserve some regontion it is are such an underated show It should of won best soap at the soap awards

03-07-2006, 12:24
The soap is starting to come into it's own now. Once or twice it has beaten Eastenders in the ratings and I beleive ??corrie?? as well

The writing is very good and needless to say so are most of the storylines.

03-07-2006, 12:58
well at the moment i have to say home and away, theres always something going on there

03-07-2006, 13:04
The soap is starting to come into it's own now. Once or twice it has beaten Eastenders in the ratings and I beleive ??corrie?? as well

The writing is very good and needless to say so are most of the storylines.

apart from the chugspokes wtf where they about!?

07-07-2006, 00:30
Neighbours has been better than any of our soaps over the past few months if not longer.

07-07-2006, 10:13
I say Eastenders simply because its the only one i watch, besides ive always been loyal to Eastenders and even though it does go down hill i still like it, its had some good stories so far, but i doubt it will win much as a few people have stopped watching.

07-07-2006, 19:13
well, i voted hollyoaks but i sure didnt expect that! it is a great soap, im watching it just now! :D