View Full Version : Mickey and Mia

30-06-2006, 13:59
Has he blown it with her do you think?
I don't think he should have admitted last night about him going into self destruct and then about him going off with his ex that night mia came round.

also, if mia was to take him back, would he be more open about his past, or would he walk off everytime it came to talking about his past? i think it's got to the point now that although she was accepting at first she can;t work it out if he likes her or not as he just walks away whenever they have to talk.

Opinions please :)

30-06-2006, 15:53
I would love them to stay together, i really like both characters, but it's wether Mia can put up with the way Mickey has been acting. I think if she didn't ask to many questions he would have told her slightly more.

30-06-2006, 15:55
I would love them to stay together, i really like both characters, but it's wether Mia can put up with the way Mickey has been acting. I think if she didn't ask to many questions he would have told her slightly more.

i think her nature is quite inqusitive, she's the press officer. but his behaviour is erratic and fine when they pass each other but when they start talking he goes all weird

30-06-2006, 16:28
Yeah thats what i was trying to get across but didn't really, Thats what i had in my head anyway! Lol!

30-06-2006, 17:04
i really think they are good together but he needs to be completely honest about his past otherwise the relationship wont work. she seems like the kind of person who would be understanding about it.

30-06-2006, 17:12
do you think he trusts women or not, as it seems he doesn't really want to trust her, that's why he does what he does. i suppose its hard as she never knows where she stands with him

03-07-2006, 10:28
I don't think Mickey has blown it with Mia. What they need to do is sit and have a proper chat and Mickey can explain what has happened in his past. Then they can decide where they stand with each other but i think Mickey and Mia are both opposite to each other. Mia is very curious and upfront, while Mickey is the shy and nervous type in my opinion, and who can blame him for not trusting woman after being raped, it's a big thing to get over, so i think Mickey should tell Mia he was raped, and Mia should give him time to think about where he stands with her. I was kicking myself when Mickey didn't tell Mia the truth on Thursday, i really wish he did so Mia could understand what he was feeling.

19-07-2006, 09:32
I don't think they have blown it... they just need to get together and talk things through...Mickey should tell Mia all about his past and let her decide if she thinks they can make a go of things