View Full Version : Week 29

30-06-2006, 10:43
Week 29

Max is stunned when Gemma turns up in the Square and he invites her back to his house. Having decided to give his dad a chance, Bradley heads to No. 5 but is furious when he sees Max there with Gemma.
Meanwhile, Juley is desperate for money and resorts to stealing tips from the café. Realising that he has little alternative, Juley swallows his pride and asks Phil for the cleaning job.
Elsewhere, Gus tells Sonia that he doesn't regret what happened between them and is later surprised when Sonia turns up at his flat.

Bradley demands the truth from Max but is disgusted when he admits he's been having an affair. Bradley tells Max that he doesn't want anything to do with him and is later faced with a tough decision when Gemma reveals her plans to him.
Elsewhere, Kevin goes to a lot of trouble to cook dinner for the Fox family. He is left frustrated when Squiggle is deliberately difficult and does her best to ruin the evening.
After spending the night together, Sonia asks Gus to keep their relationship quiet, but soon changes her mind after a run-in with Pauline. Gus is left having to defend himself to Martin.

Honey is hoping that her wedding will run smoothly and warns Billy not to eat anything that will upset his stomach. But when she sees him tucking into a takeaway, she loses her temper and ends up throwing it at him before storming off.
Meanwhile, Kevin is shocked when he discovers that all his cars have been keyed. Denise suspects Squiggle is to blame, but is left frustrated when she denies having anything to do with it.
Elsewhere, Phil is shocked by Sonia's worsening state and tries to speak to her, but his warnings fail to make an impression.

After his stag do, a confused Billy wakes up alone in a warehouse on his wedding day. Things only get worse when he is arrested and put in a cell.
As the search for Billy begins, Ben receives a phone call from him, explaining that he’s at the police station. But Ben is unable to pass the message on.
While Honey waits nervously at the church, Billy is finally released.

30-06-2006, 13:53
Oh god not Sonia and Gus again....looks like I'll be sky +ing again, so I can watch at at least 2x speed lol

30-06-2006, 13:53
Sonia and GUS??! I know they went out a while ago but it still feels like it's completely out of nowhere, mainly on Sonia's side.

30-06-2006, 14:01
awww gus and sonia wow I didnt think a couple could be more boring than naomi and sonia but now gus and sonia whoa theyre back together again Its very strange while gus is still roughly same guy since back then

but st.sonia since 2002 shes lost jamie married/divorved martin gone through the whole chloe/rebecca saga,went to a dark place called college and became a lesbian even more shocking laid old jack to rest in 2004.......:rotfl: I think since 2002 sonias gone through loads of character transplants

So while gus has always had a thing for sonia its not really that shocking on his part -sonia on the other hand has completley lost shes crackers whats next she'll be digging jamie up next and sleeping with phil?

30-06-2006, 17:19
But of course Sonia has lost the plot. She has been slowly cracking up since last year which is why all this is happening. She isn't the selfish bitch that people are saying - she is simply responding to her past which has come back to hit her in the face. Sonia has never grieved for any of her losses or her problems, she always just carries on as if nothing has happened. You can't go through life like that, at some time you have to face it all and that is what is happening here.

And if Martin has suffered because of her breakdown, then tough - he caused a lot of her heartache in the first place.

Poor Gus, he has always loved Sonia and he is there for her now. It's a shame because Sonia and Gus were quite a good couple. But no doubt there will be people saying she is using him, but she isn't. She doesn't know what the hell she is doing any more and is turning to the first person who has shown her some understanding. Why should Gus have to defend himself to Martin? It has nothing to do with him anymore.

Nice to see Phil who is an alcoholic worried about her and trying to help.

30-06-2006, 18:05
well sonia and gus was a cute couple before

30-06-2006, 19:45
well sonia and gus was a cute couple before

They were, but Gus was in love with her, and Sonia was in love with Jamie. She just saw Gus as a mate. I think Gus should think carefully about what he's doing, becase I'm sure it's going to be one sided. I don't think Sonia's in the right state of mind to care about anyone right now. It seems she ends up with Gus when everything is going bad in her life, a shoulder to cry on. Don't know why Martin is having a go at Gus though?! He's not exactly entitled is he.

What is Max thinking bringing Gemma back to the house?! Just tell her to get lost! Talk about dangerous territory!

03-07-2006, 10:07
Gus and Sonia?! I am quite surprised by this, i don't think their relationship will last! Sonia is in a real state right now and needs someone to be there for her, and Gus is always there for her when things go wrong. Sonia is just looking for comfort, it's not love between them.

Hopefully Billy and Honey's wedding will go to plan this time.....good to see Gemma make her first appearance too but why did Max take her back to his house?! He's definetly blown his chances of building a father/son relationship with Bradley.

Mr Humphries
06-07-2006, 14:14
Sonia and Gus ! Yuk Yuk Talk about history repeating itself ! Come Enders cant you have Phil and Sonia ! She has the size to be a Mitchell !!:rotfl:

06-07-2006, 22:39
Oh god not Sonia and Gus again....looks like I'll be sky +ing again, so I can watch at at least 2x speed lol

Cmon you mean 30 x speed surely...
I am no longer watching it and haven't done since grant departed,gone back to being a pile of dog's crap again.

07-07-2006, 00:04
Cmon you mean 30 x speed surely...
I am no longer watching it and haven't done since grant departed,gone back to being a pile of dog's crap again. For at least the past 3 months - I've hit the yellow button, without bothering to watch - even Grunts return didn't get me watching again....