View Full Version : Help finding escaped Hamsters

29-06-2006, 15:36
Has anyone got any advice for finding their escaped hamsters??

I've tried the egg in bucket bit, the choc drops in bucket, live humane traps and am starting to run out of ideas - Hammy escaped on Monday and although we could hear her upstairs initially during the night, last night I only heard her once, and I'm concerned shes either stuck or can't get back. She hasn't taken any food or water since she got out, and my son is even more worried than he was before about her.

HELP! Any other suggestions anyone??

29-06-2006, 15:47
Omg our hamster was called Hammy.. erm anyway.. when ours escaped we had to rip half the cupboards apart near where the dishwasher was cos it'd got like right behind somehow, and we heard him scratching all the time. It was a nightmare cos the kitchen was like ruined and it took about two days to get him. :eek: So i'd try and like listen near the cupboards and places like that cos it's amazing the places they can get. I know it sounds daft but it's worth a try. Or try putting some food there. Good luck ems. :)

di marco
29-06-2006, 16:04
Has anyone got any advice for finding their escaped hamsters??

I've tried the egg in bucket bit, the choc drops in bucket, live humane traps and am starting to run out of ideas - Hammy escaped on Monday and although we could hear her upstairs initially during the night, last night I only heard her once, and I'm concerned shes either stuck or can't get back. She hasn't taken any food or water since she got out, and my son is even more worried than he was before about her.

HELP! Any other suggestions anyone??

awwwwww you still cant find him ems? :( erm dont really have any ideas seeing as ive never owned a hamster! but hope you find him soon! :)

29-06-2006, 16:27
oh no ems, is hammie still missing??

found some tings for you, dont know if youve tried them yet?

Q: Do you have any advice on locating escaped hamsters?
A: Hamsters are very smart little guys and quite a few have been known to be escape artists. The best thing to do is open his cage and place it on the floor. They can easily find their way back by sense of smell. Also, try looking for him around possible food sources, such as dog or cat food if you have other pets. Keep an eye out for his droppings to show you where he's been. It is very likely you will find him perfectly healthy stashed away in a quiet little space.


Don't discount a hiding place because you think it is too small or inaccessible - snakes, lizards and even small mammals can fit through surprisingly small spaces.
If your pet is nocturnal, consider putting out its favorite treat after dark (e.g. in the cage), turning out the lights, and waiting.
Many pets do consider their cage their home, and will return to it given the chance. Make sure your home is safe, and that your pet can get some food and water if they have been missing for longer than 12-24 hrs.

29-06-2006, 17:50
You tried up the curtains that was a favourite hidin place my very own Houdini, also you dont have any holes in beds of sofas as mine also used to like the inside of the safa bed that had the smallest hole in the lining, he really was a pain in the ......

29-06-2006, 19:36
Well, shes hidden in my eldests room, which is the loft - with no curtains or anything like that - she seems to have gone in between the tongue and groove cladding and the actual roof rafters if that makes sense.

Does anyone know how long they can last with no water in this weather (or food, although shes probably found a food source)??

I'm going to keep my ear open tonight and see if there are any noises still coming from up there, (the bathroom is directly underneath) and keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the advice so far though guys...

29-06-2006, 20:05
My Hamster also called Hammy went missing, he was missing for about 2 weeks and seemed ok, i think they find there own food source (which im think someone else has alredi said). Just so you knpw they can live for a while with out food.

29-06-2006, 20:43
when its dead late (make sure no ones asleep) just turn on all sound off (tv radio)and then even the lights in the house and just listen out for about an hour when you hear the scratching follow the sound even to the most ridculous places....leave nibbles everywhere in the day/night (only fault is in the dark mind your step just in case he is running around)

29-06-2006, 22:49
My hamster was alled herbie,he went missing once and i just left his cage on the floor with the door open,by the morning her was back in his bed.Good luck babes.

01-07-2006, 11:43

Hammy was caught in a bucket (containing a mini cheddar, peanut butter, cheese, choc drops, normal hamster food, and a blanket) on friday morning! :cheer:

Shes a little worse for wear though - her breathing isn't brilliant at the moment, but she is eating and drinking. I'm not sure if some of the loft insulation hasn't got to her or not. Shes very quiet and has slept a fair while since we've got her back, so hopefully she may improve over the next couple of days.

But thanks for all of your suggestions guys - I didn't have a clue what to do...:D :D

di marco
01-07-2006, 11:50

Hammy was caught in a bucket (containing a mini cheddar, peanut butter, cheese, choc drops, normal hamster food, and a blanket) on friday morning! :cheer:

Shes a little worse for wear though - her breathing isn't brilliant at the moment, but she is eating and drinking. I'm not sure if some of the loft insulation hasn't got to her or not. Shes very quiet and has slept a fair while since we've got her back, so hopefully she may improve over the next couple of days.

But thanks for all of your suggestions guys - I didn't have a clue what to do...:D :D

oh yay thats great ems! :D hopefully she will be back to her normal self

02-07-2006, 08:59
How can a little cteature cause so much trouble. Glad you have found her saftly. I think i would be attracted to a mini cheddar, peanut butter, cheese, choc drops, normal hamster food, and a blanket minus the hamster food.