View Full Version : Writer Wanted!

26-06-2006, 20:11
Hi, i thought i would start a thread on this. Basically, what i need is a soapboard member to volunteer to help me write episodes of Hinston High. I am finding it difficult to write episodes on my own so i really do need another person on board.

Please reply to this thread, if you are interested in becoming a writer for my soap Hinston High. If you are interested, i will pm/email you further information you need to know. :)

I hope some of you are interested. :)

Thanks, Dave. :)

26-06-2006, 22:52
whats hinston high, lol, sorry its just that im new here and im not sure what it is. lol. xx

big bro fan
27-06-2006, 15:11
whats hinston high, lol, sorry its just that im new here and im not sure what it is. lol. xx

Basically its one of the best soaps on soapboards. I dont mind helping out. I thought Little Mo was doing it with you. Im only availible till september but would still like to help.

27-06-2006, 17:44
Basically its one of the best soaps on soapboards. I dont mind helping out. I thought Little Mo was doing it with you. Im only availible till september but would still like to help.

Thanks bbf, i will keep you in mind. Little Mo is quite busy at the moment and is unable to help me out but bbf it will be great if you could help me out, it would be very much appreciated.

I am giving other soapboard members a chance to volunteer though to help me write Hinston High so i am keeping this thread open until tomorrow night so if any other members would like to help me out write Hinston High, reply to this thread.

Thanks, Dave. :)