View Full Version : a problem with boys.

25-06-2006, 21:05
right ive got a problem relating to boys.

here comes the essay.

right this boy. i really used to fancy him and we kissed a couple of times including last monday. he said he really liked me but we was doing things for a bit of fun, not for a relationship. but on friday he said we should just be mates cos he cant get over his ex, but he really likes me, which i thought would be fine. then he tells me today that he kissed another girl on saturday which im now confused about because he said he didnt want to be casual like that.

please any advice would be lovely.

25-06-2006, 21:10
well he doesnt seem like he wants a full on relationship yet, so dont read into anything (dont get your hopes up just yet) at least he was honest to you and told you he kissed another girl and you're not even going out so he must like you as something do you still like him beacause you said you used to fancy him?

25-06-2006, 21:12
yer well i thought i was over him then we kissed again and im all confused weather i like him all not - but i am kind of jelous though.

25-06-2006, 21:18
you probably do like him deep down then but you don't want to admit it? so wo was this other girl he kissed just some randomer or someone he used to go out with/liked

25-06-2006, 21:21
its one of my mates not a close one though.

theres also another boy that i really do like - ive liked him for ages, im always talking to him and texting, but ive just heard he might have a girlfriend.

25-06-2006, 21:27
tricky lol maybe you shoudl just talk to that lad to see where you stand its not fair if he's leading you on kissing you one minute then kissing someone the next