View Full Version : BB7 Twist: 2 Houses, 5 New Housemates!

23-06-2006, 22:47
Prepare yourself for the most exciting news you'll hear all summer, and it doesn't involve Wayne Rooney...

Now, bear with us. There's a lot to take in... but we have exciting news.

One week from now, Big Brother will open the doors to a brand new secret House hidden right next door to the main House. And in that secret House will live five brand new housemates... plus one of the existing housemates. Confused? Let us explain.

This Monday nominations will proceed as normal, or so the housemates think. Because instead of voting someone out, viewers will vote to 'move' one of the nominees into the secret House next door.

On Friday's live show the 'evicted' housemate will get a massive shock when they discover they are not really being shown the door, but led through a new one.

And the surprises won't end there... the housemate will then be joined by five brand-new housemates. They'll enter the House one by one, just like the original housemates did on launch night and will share the 'House next door', hidden away from the eight housemates in the main House.

And the surprises don't end there either... because the five new housemates will also be shocked to learn they aren't entering the normal House, but a new secret one. Basically, everyone will be really surprised.

The self-contained 'House next door' will look completely different to the main Big Brother House. It has a living area, dining area, shower room, garden and bedroom. The one connecting room is the Diary Room, which the six housemates will share with the original eight House-dwellers. But they'll be blissfully unaware... for now.

Chloe O'brien
23-06-2006, 22:50
It has to be either nikki or pete that goes into the new house as they are the most entertaining :rotfl:

23-06-2006, 23:01
It has to be Nikki - she is finally "evicted" after being nominated all these past weeks and then she cries and is so upset and then oh look, you're in another bb house - it would be classic to see her face!!! :rotfl:

23-06-2006, 23:08
It has to be Nikki - she is finally "evicted" after being nominated all these past weeks and then she cries and is so upset and then oh look, you're in another bb house - it would be classic to see her face!!! :rotfl:
EXACTLY! she really wont understand what's going on, it'll be like the BB Bedsit all over again :lol:
wonder if they'll ever merge the two houses, and if so how they'll go about it...

23-06-2006, 23:09
This is a brilliant idea, i can't wait to see everyone's faces!! The only problem is that i am away next friday:angry: :angry: :angry: so i will miss it!:angry:

I am going to tape it but i want Nikki to go into the secret house, for the reasons jojomum said. Big Brother is going to get a whole lot more exciting now!!!

24-06-2006, 00:07
cannot wait till next friday, fab twsit but nikki may not be any good! if they have to be secret from each other theyll hear nikki straight away! the gardens are almost next to eacj other

24-06-2006, 00:21
Can't wait until friday!!:cheer: :cheer:

24-06-2006, 10:04
I cant be pete (Well it could! lol) The housemates still have to nominate then we vote from the two or more housemates up for eviction. Pete is the only housemate never to have a single nomination during the entire show! So i doubt it will suddenly go from nothing... to enough to put him up.

I'm guessing Nikki could be up yet again. And part of me hope she does leave and go into the other house so she can finally have those men she wanted.... whether or not they'll be 'Fit' and to her standards is another matter. lol. But then again i think Pete and Lea will be upset to see her be 'evicted'. lol.

Another possibility could be Imogen... Richard... maybe Lea.... Or even Mikey again. I think there could be a few up this week as numbers decrease and there are only now 2 and a half plastics left! lol Mikey and Imogen and well sometimes Nikki.

Something ive been wondering about this new house thing. Will the other 'evicted' housemate and the new 5 housemates still nominate and be evicted like the others or will they stay immune each week. And can any of them still win? Especially the housemate that goes over to live in the other house? Divina said you'll be voting for the one you want to 'save' which makes me think they wont ever leave. where as is your least favourote doesnt go throuh then they can be evicted next week or the week after. This hasnt really been answered about the evictions or the other housemates has it?

24-06-2006, 11:23
I can't wait for this,really interesting twist :D I think it will be Nikki who goes into it :D

24-06-2006, 12:38
How fab is this! At first i was la bit like :eek: , but i mean such a good twist i can't wait! Urm I think Nikki would be good in there!

x Amby x
24-06-2006, 14:50
Can the housemate who goes into the 'House Next Door' still win, even though the other housemates will think that the housemate in there has been evicted? Also will the housemate that goe sinto the secret ever see the other housemates again? Its all very confusing! lol x

24-06-2006, 14:54
when i read the titiel i was like 5 new housemates its going to be going on forever!!! but now i have read it i think its quite a good idea.

24-06-2006, 14:58
I'm just curious as to who is going in from the normal house - i do hope it is Imogen!:clap:

24-06-2006, 16:31
EXACTLY! she really wont understand what's going on, it'll be like the BB Bedsit all over again :lol:
wonder if they'll ever merge the two houses, and if so how they'll go about it...

Maybe the gardens are connected through "Nowhere"

always said that nowhere leads somewhere

24-06-2006, 16:48
Maybe the gardens are connected through "Nowhere"

always said that nowhere leads somewhere

they are very close together and if you look at some of the aerieal shots you can see how close theyare and theres only a little passage between the two!

nowhere definaltely leads somewhere

25-06-2006, 18:38
nowhere definaltely leads somewhere

it must cos you never see a camera POV from behind the mirrors in Nowhere!

25-06-2006, 19:14
He's a real Nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his Nowhere plans for nobody.

anyway. Nowhere leads to somewhere otherwise they wouldnt call it nowhere:)

25-06-2006, 19:53
it must cos you never see a camera POV from behind the mirrors in Nowhere!

ill see ii i still got the areila shot of nowhere on my site, it clearly showed the passage!

26-06-2006, 15:56
Channel 4 has confirmed that nominations will take place as usual this week, giving the housemates the impression that nothing is afoot.

From the nominees - to be announced on Tuesday - the public will vote for who they want to enter the secret second house.

When the result is delivered on Friday, the housemate in question will believe that they are actually being evicted. After he or she has walked up the eviction stairs and the door to the house has been closed, he or she will be led into the second house.

The five new housemates will then enter one by one, just as the original housemates did on launch night. Like everyone else, they have no idea about the twist.

The six living in the second house will live "parallel lives" to the eight next door but will be "set their own special tasks".

Some of them will also move into the main house "before too long" but exactly how or when remains to be seen

26-06-2006, 16:02
Have the 5 new people been watching BB or did they think that they are on BB show for real???

28-06-2006, 09:51
Ashleinne sp? and sussie. cant it be someone interesting?

28-06-2006, 17:24
Ashleinne sp? and sussie. cant it be someone interesting?

Yeah Ashleigne and Susie aren't the most exciting housemates but i think Ashleigne should move to the secret house, i think she could be quite entertaining, and the best choice between her and Susie.

28-06-2006, 19:48
Yeah Ashleigne and Susie aren't the most exciting housemates but i think Ashleigne should move to the secret house, i think she could be quite entertaining, and the best choice between her and Susie.

Also if ashleyne goes to the new house then we have a better chance of getting rid of suzie sooner.

28-06-2006, 20:33
is it 5 housemates that are going into the new house? i read somewhere that it was 14?

28-06-2006, 21:25
is it 5 housemates that are going into the new house? i read somewhere that it was 14?

Yeah i read somewhere that there will be 14 housemates going into the new house, i think it is somewhere on the boards that someone posted that. To be honest though, i think putting 14 new housemates in a secret house would be pretty ridiculous and much. We would have to get to know another batch of housemates as well as keep track of the remaining housemates in the actual Big Brother house.

Davina confirmed last Friday though that 5 new housemates will be entering the secret house along with the housemate who is voted to move to the secret house so i think there are just 5 new housemates going into the new house.

Chloe O'brien
29-06-2006, 12:17
Out of the two I would prefer Ashlyne to go into the secret house at least it would give her a chance to return to the house and see that slapper lea's face when she returns, as I bet she will be back stabbing ashlyene when she goes. Lea has to go next week

29-06-2006, 12:19
i think that it is a brilliant idea having another house with new housemates

29-06-2006, 12:23
it is a great idea, itll bring some hopefully better charcaters in and it will stir things up espically if the new house can view the old one!

30-06-2006, 10:23
in the paper today it says whoever is evicted from the secret house will then be put into the original house and have the chance to win

02-07-2006, 21:18
in the paper today it says whoever is evicted from the secret house will then be put into the original house and have the chance to win

This sounds great! I bet BB will be hoping that the housemates who are evicted from the secret house and are put in the original house will hate Ashleigne because she chose to evict them. BB really wants conflict in the house i think!