View Full Version : Sugar cravings

19-06-2006, 13:18
Has anyone any tips on getting rid of them? I seem to have developed some bad habits and now my body seems to crave sugar thoughout the day and especially after meals.

I actually want to try to cut out excessive sugar from my diet completely as well as excessive salt. Any tips will be greatly appeciated.

19-06-2006, 13:30
Has anyone any tips on getting rid of them? I seem to have developed some bad habits and now my body seems to crave sugar thoughout the day and especially after meals.

I actually want to try to cut out excessive sugar from my diet completely as well as excessive salt. Any tips will be greatly appeciated.

The only way I know is to go 'cold turkey', after 4 days the cravings disappear.

19-06-2006, 13:43
The only way I know is to go 'cold turkey', after 4 days the cravings disappear.

No sugar at all? Its been about 1 hour and my brain keeps on thinking about a can of coke or a hot chocolate

19-06-2006, 16:29
No sugar at all? Its been about 1 hour and my brain keeps on thinking about a can of coke or a hot chocolate

How a sparkling water with ice

19-06-2006, 17:06
im exactly the same, its not god and its really unhealthy but i cant seem to stiop having the odd can of cake, in fact i have one right now. My cousin says he thinks the only way os tp avoid it all together as well.

19-06-2006, 17:38
I got this problem but it's just with chocolate in sweets.. nothing like fizzy drinks (only drink them when I go out) or anything like that.. :( It's bad.. :(

20-06-2006, 13:15
yeah, i'm having this problem. esp after meals when my body just starts screaming for sugar, and i'm quite full after my meal but i can't settle til i've had something sugary. it's getting annoying.