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View Full Version : Who will win the World Cup?

di marco
17-06-2006, 21:31
so who does everyone think will win the world cup? (and say who you think will win not who you want to win)

17-06-2006, 23:01
As much as I'd love England to win, I dont think they will (although you never know). I went for Argentina as so far they've been playing really well

17-06-2006, 23:08
i reckon they'll probs fix it so germany are in the final as they are osring it along with argentinia and brazil and maybe brazil win it? although argentinia are looking very good

18-06-2006, 10:23
Argentina, Crespo seems to be on fine form.

18-06-2006, 10:26
i think maybe argentina this year because they are looking very good.

18-06-2006, 12:18
I think Brazil will win, I'm not really bothered who it is, but obviously I'd prefer England.

18-06-2006, 16:04
the dutch are the ones to watch out for this year folks...

18-06-2006, 17:38
I'm the only one to vote england then!! I reckon england will win! I have faith and until they are/if they are knocked out-that is when i will start saying i will think some other county will win.

x Amby x
18-06-2006, 19:04
I think Brazil will win! Although i will be supporting England all the way!

18-06-2006, 21:43
by the looks of it holland or argentina will win they are both on top form they are playing so well.

i would bet on argentina myself i would love them to beat brazil (although i dislike both team you cant argue with their skill) but i am cheering for holland(other than england)

di marco
02-07-2006, 11:02
well, well, well, only one person actually voted for a team thats still in the tournament lol! i thought argentina had a great chance of winning, but thats obviously not going to happen now, i obviously wanted england to win but thats not going to happen either, brazil i would have liked to see win but theyve gone out too! id like france to win out of the teams that are left but i have a horrible feeling germany will win!

02-07-2006, 19:09
i think germany will win now
seeing as brazil are out and they are very strong i think they might be able to win it

02-07-2006, 19:13
France will win it now i think, Zidane the Magician, what a guy. Shock that ARgentina and Brazil both knockedout. rub salt in the wounds but if England got through thats the perfect oppurtunity.

03-07-2006, 14:44
I think Germany now that Brazil and Argentina are out