View Full Version : Who will be supporting england

07-06-2006, 20:33
With all the controversy over scotland not supporting england was just wondering what the scottish member on here think

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2006, 10:24
No chance I'm being honest I will not be rooting for England. Nothing against the players personally but I just cant stand having to look at gary linker's smug face if England win, its been bad enough that we have had to suffer it for the last 40 years without the thought of suffering the torture of another 40 years if they win this one. i will laugh my socks of if they sent home after the first round.:rotfl:

08-06-2006, 10:28
With all the controversy over scotland not supporting england was just wondering what the scottish member on here think

I am not scottish but close enough... I won't be supporting them. Like Kath said, I don't want to listen to how the won the world cup in 1966 and 2006 for the rest of my life...

because of a cup draw at work, I will be supporting the Dutch

08-06-2006, 11:10
Yes i will be supporting ENGLAND, due to the fact that i'm English!!!:cheer: :cheer:

08-06-2006, 11:46
As I'm working in Scotland at the moment, it looks like I'm going to get lynched if i support England. Everyone here is saying "Scotland is going to the World Cup" i.e. Jason Scotland, the Trinidad and Tobago international. So all the Scots in the office are routing for Trinidad and Tobago when they play England ...

08-06-2006, 12:01
i won't be supporting them as it's bad enough listening to some of them about 1966.

i'm supporting senegal.

08-06-2006, 14:40
Nope, Techinaclly i should as i was born in England and do live here (everyone will jump down my throat now but i dont care) I supported Ireland in Everything, the Qualifiers etc and as they didnd Qualify im rooting for

1) Costa Rica - The great Paulo Wanchope
2) The Usa - Claudio Reyna

I hope they do well but i dont think i should support them as theres no one else. Im fed up of all the were giong to win and i think if i here a bout Wayne Rooneys foot one more time then i will scream. They may as well call the team Svens Favourites as his world cup0 selection is appauling.

08-06-2006, 14:51
Not me!! Sorry but Im sick:sick: of all the hype and every newspaper filled from cover to cover with news about Wayne Looney's metatarcal. The first match he plays he will become a target for someone to kick him in the ankle. As usual he will retaliate and probably get sent off. :rotfl:

All we hear about is Wembley 1966, imagine what it would be like in the highly unlikely event that Engerrrrrrrlaaaaaaannnd reach the finals.

Remember Windsor Park on an evening last September:cheer: :lol:

08-06-2006, 15:19
There was no way Rooney should have gone its a waste of a place on the coach, any decent manager would have taken someone with two working feet, SWP Darren Bent Defoe. but no that stupid swede. he irritates the life out of me.

all the hype about its our year to win it Ronney or No rooney not a chance. I love the world cup as Worls class players entertain us like Argentina and Brazil.

08-06-2006, 15:53
im going to be supporting england even if there is so much in the press about the at the moment.

08-06-2006, 16:58
Not me!! Sorry but Im sick:sick: of all the hype and every newspaper filled from cover to cover with news about Wayne Looney's metatarcal. The first match he plays he will become a target for someone to kick him in the ankle. As usual he will retaliate and probably get sent off. :rotfl:

All we hear about is Wembley 1966, imagine what it would be like in the highly unlikely event that Engerrrrrrrlaaaaaaannnd reach the finals.

Remember Windsor Park on an evening last September:cheer: :lol:

Completely agree with this particualry the middle paragraph lol.
And also i'm Welsh, so I don't want to support the English, especially seeing as Wales never get through ha! I'll support some random team, not sure who yet :p

08-06-2006, 17:14
i'm english but not supporting englad... they are footballers not models! and wayne rooney.. well i think that its bad, he should spend all summer getting fit and then do well. also, it's embarrasing. all the people with the flags on the cars and drunked louts

08-06-2006, 18:01
I will :D I'll definitley be supporting them, I'm sick of all the hype about Rooney though :thumbsdow

08-06-2006, 18:45
Nope i wont be, i am Scottish and i am not a big fan of the World Cup but even still i will not be supporting England i do not see why they are making such big a fuss about Scottish people not supporting England its not a big deal did they really expect it anyway and i doubt most English would support Scotland if they were in it and they were not.Also when England win you never hear the end of it.

08-06-2006, 18:51
the guy fro gmtv was in st georges cross in glasgow this morning with his face painted with the georges cross.....death wish or what

08-06-2006, 19:37
Not me!! Sorry but Im sick:sick: of all the hype and every newspaper filled from cover to cover with news about Wayne Looney's metatarcal. The first match he plays he will become a target for someone to kick him in the ankle. As usual he will retaliate and probably get sent off. :rotfl:

All we hear about is Wembley 1966, imagine what it would be like in the highly unlikely event that Engerrrrrrrlaaaaaaannnd reach the finals.

Remember Windsor Park on an evening last September:cheer: :lol:

Pah. We let them win that evening - have to give the boys accross the pond happy sometimes :D

I know that having England in the world cup is a bitter pill to swallow, especially as your respective countries lack the talent and ambition get anywhere :D

Now if that isn't flame bait :D

08-06-2006, 20:14
England all the way!! Hate how they are counting the days in the news abount Rooney playing or not though!! Looking forward to the matches.. Win or Lose!!

08-06-2006, 20:45
Even though I'm English, I will not be supporting them. I am sick of hearing about 1966. There was a great team back them and players weren't in it so much for the money. It will be hell if England win, everyone won't shut up about it. I am supporting Brazil and also France. I know you shouldn't support 2 teams, but I love them both. There is too much hype about Rooney and he isn't that amazing. Come on Brazil/France!

08-06-2006, 20:51
Suprised how many people wont be
Wheres your spirt!
i defo will at my school you can come in early to school to watch it on the tv:thumbsup:
england england england!!!

08-06-2006, 21:15
I know that having England in the world cup is a bitter pill to swallow, especially as your respective countries lack the talent and ambition get anywhere :D

your crusing mr.....:angry: :readtheru

08-06-2006, 21:23
your crusing mr.....:angry: :readtheru

Sounds like he touched a raw nerve :rotfl:

Theres a nice, simple word to describe what you're feeling now towards England.

Its called jealousy.


08-06-2006, 21:46
your crusing mr.....:angry: :readtheru

There's always next time for Scotland. Here's a hint - try and get some players that can pass the ball and hit the back of the net :D

08-06-2006, 22:30
So Abi you are with England? :D

NB are you secretly with the England fans then? :D

It's all so mysterious..

09-06-2006, 07:45
There's always next time for Scotland. Here's a hint - try and get some players that can pass the ball and hit the back of the net :D

Definatly Scotland have a great chance in the up and coming competitions in my opinion due to the young lads that did so well for the likes of Gretna.

The Ivory Cost ill be rooting for as well (there falg is the same colours as Ireland)

09-06-2006, 14:11
Im an arsenal fan so even if england get knocked out i can still cheer for france:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Chloe O'brien
09-06-2006, 15:33
There's always next time for Scotland. Here's a hint - try and get some players that can pass the ball and hit the back of the net :D

excuse me Mr B we have plenty of players up here in Scotland who can pass the ball and even put the ball in the back of the net. Its just they don't play for Rangers and therefore don't qualify to play for Rangers reserves (Scotland) :p

09-06-2006, 19:02
Yeh i deffinatly will be supporting england :cheer:

09-06-2006, 20:02
There's always next time for Scotland. Here's a hint - try and get some players that can pass the ball and hit the back of the net :D
oh i cant wait for yous to be kicked out and then see all the excuses come out...infact you want to start now?? save sometime later??

09-06-2006, 20:36
I support England so I hope they win the World Cup! But if not, then they still try their best. They won 6-0 last saturday which made my day! :cheer: heh am glad that Rooney has been given all the clear and is allowed to play in German. I dont like his attitude but he is a good player :)

09-06-2006, 23:55
i love my football! england all the way and im half scotish its shame they cudnt be there i support both countries:)

got me union jack and england top ready next stop offlicence for my carling

10-06-2006, 12:01
I don't care about the world cup or anything else relating to football. I'd rather England win than anyone else because of my nationality, but I'm not bothered.

di marco
10-06-2006, 12:28
ok i thought id have my say on this

i personally dont see what all the fuss is over if scotland support england or not, they dont have to if they dont want to seeing as it isnt their country and its really not as big a deal as the papers make out it is! however, i also dont see why scotland are so against supporting england, yeh it might not be their country and in football we might compete as separate countries but in other sporting events we complete jointly and so i dont see why its so hard for the scottish to support the english, if it was the other way round and scotland were in the world cup instead of england, id want scotland to do well. in the qualifiers i wanted scotland, wales and ireland all to do well as well as england (apart from when england played wales and NI when obviously i wanted england to win being english! but for all the other games id have liked them to win), at the last world cup, me and my mates watched the ireland games and were cheering them on, so i really dont see why the scottish/irish/welsh are all so against england

my next point is about you all going on about england winning in 1966, why cant we go on about it if we want to? if scotland or ireland or wales had won it i dont think youd have just gone "oh yeh thats great but we are never going to talk about it again". it seems to me that youre just moaning about england winning it cos youve never won it yourself? and saying about england have no chance of winning it this year, id love to see england win it but i personally dont think its going to happen, i think they have a good enough team to go quite far but they arent consistant enough and so often dont play to their best. and why should there need to be excuses when england are knocked out, i dont see you lot giving excuses for why scotland/wales/ireland didnt qualify so why should there need to be excuses for why england didnt win? as i said, id love to see england win and its disappointing when they are kncoked out, but i just enjoy the whole thing of watching them play and supporting them, whether they win or not

i cant believe some of you english people arent supporting england, i know its your choice, but wheres your national spirit? and the people who have said about having flags up, we have put our flag out this year (my mum doesnt normally let us but cos of all the thing about banning them being up my mum decided we would put ours out this year) and i think its nice to see houses with flags out cos it shows that you actually care how your country do, though i do think that houses with excessive numbers of flags are going a bit over ott! just cos you have a flag out doesnt mean that youre football yobs it means that you support your country, and the comment about drunken hooligans (sp?) thats not everyone in this country whos a footie fan and i bet other countries have drunken yobs in them as well

you people have all said who youll support instead, and if youre not english im not going to say anything about your choice, but all the english people who have said they will support good "worldclass" teams such as france, argentina, brazil, well i have nothing to say against brazil i agree they are a good team, but france and argentina yeh they may sometimes be great but lets think back to the last world cup, if my memory is correct (and i apologise if its wrong) france were knocked out in the first round and beaten by senegal (a team people thought werent very good) and england beat argentina (so i cant see how argentina can be so much better than england, also i cant remember if argentina went out in the first round, i think they might have done, but im not sure), so what im saying is, england got further than both these teams so how can you say that england arent very good and that these 2 teams are brilliant?

finally, id like to comment about wayne rooney. i agree with what most of you have said about the newspaper coverage on his foot, i dont really need to know an update everyday about how hes doing, its not going to make a difference. i think hes a great player but his attitude is completely wrong and thats something that affects the whole team. also, england have a lot of other good players (both picked to be in the squad and others that werent picked) so i dont think rooney playing is the be all and end all of everything, football is a team sport so having/not having one player shouldnt have a huge affect on the quality of the team overall, and if it does then thats quite sad really cos that isnt what football is about

sorry for going on for so long lol! i think ive said everything i wanted to say, so all thats left is to say to all you nonenglish people, stop giving england so much stick, its not their fault your teams didnt qualify, and GO ON ENGLAND!!! :D

10-06-2006, 12:48
i dont see you lot giving excuses for why scotland/wales/ireland didnt qualify
Wales suck at football, hence why the didn't qualify :p

if it was the other way round and scotland were in the world cup instead of england, id want scotland to do well
I don't think the hardcore footy/england fans would though

so i really dont see why the scottish/irish/welsh are all so against england
personnally i'm just generally against football :p cause I hate it *hides* but also, I think England brag more than the other regions :p *hides again*

my mum doesnt normally let us but cos of all the thing about banning them being up my mum decided we would put ours out this year
lmao rebellious!!

so all thats left is to say to all you nonenglish people, stop giving england so much stick, its not their fault your teams didnt qualify
make me :p lmao

di marco
10-06-2006, 12:51
personnally i'm just generally against football :p cause I hate it *hides* but also, I think England brag more than the other regions :p *hides again*

england only brag more than the other regions cos the other regions dont actually have anything to brag about lol! :)

10-06-2006, 12:54
lmao true!! But what about when Wales won the rugby thing 2 years ago, or when Ireland won the riple crown this year... not much bragging going on ;-)

di marco
10-06-2006, 12:56
lmao true!! But what about when Wales won the rugby thing 2 years ago, or when Ireland won the riple crown this year... not much bragging going on ;-)

yeh but when england won the rugby world cup there wasnt much bragging either, i think its just cos generally, football is the more popular sport, so thats why theres more focus on it than rugby

10-06-2006, 12:59
haha suppose so! but i still think england brag more, and we'd never hear the end of it

10-06-2006, 16:54
England are stil bragging about winning the cup... despite the fact it happened 40 years ago.

Ireland didnt qualify as they could nt put the round ball in the oblong thing at the end of the pitch simple as. Roll on 2008...well definatly be in the euro 2008.

Id be worrying about England especially after the performance today.

di marco
10-06-2006, 17:02
England are stil bragging about winning the cup... despite the fact it happened 40 years ago.

Ireland didnt qualify as they could nt put the round ball in the oblong thing at the end of the pitch simple as. Roll on 2008...well definatly be in the euro 2008.

Id be worrying about England especially after the performance today.

how are they bragging? they dont go on about it everyday of the year for the last 40 years! im not overly worried about england, i thought they played well in the first half and if they continue to play like that they should do ok, their second half performance might cause worry though if thats how they are always going to play in the second half

10-06-2006, 17:06
Di marco.. you can read my mind.. But that's impossible :eek:I totally agree with you though!! I really can't express how much I agree with you because it's a 110% right with everything you have said!!

England are just proud of what they achieved 40 years ago and they just hope to continue it!!

Though, I have to say today's performance wasn't as good as I expected but least we got the winning goal within 3 minutes!! + Did I mention.. we won that game :D

Btw, shouldn't this be in the Sports Section?

:cheer: GO ON ENGLAND!!:cheer:

di marco
10-06-2006, 17:07
Di marco.. you can read my mind.. But that's impossible :eek:I totally agree with you though!! I really can't express how much I agree with you because it's a 110% right with everything you have said!!

England are just proud of what they achieved 40 years ago and they just hope to continue it!!

Though, I have to say today's performance wasn't as good as I expected but least we got the winning goal within 3 minutes!!

Btw, shouldn't this be in the Sports Section?

:cheer: GO ON ENGLAND!!:cheer:

yep didnt you know that im a mindreader lol! :D glad someome agrees with me though! :)

10-06-2006, 17:11
yep didnt you know that im a mindreader lol! :D glad someome agrees with me though! :)
I had my suspicions but I didn't think you could totally read my mind!!:rotfl: :thumbsup: I'm soooo looking forward to the next game!!

Oh yeah thought I'd just mention this :p.. Mum and dad don't usually have flags and stuff but me and dad always watch the big football matches.. and this year I persuaded mum to get us some flags for the car.. she refused :rolleyes: But dad went out and bought one!! :cheer: It just makes it a tiny bit better when you go and show everyone you are proudly supporting England!!

di marco
10-06-2006, 17:24
I had my suspicions but I didn't think you could totally read my mind!!:rotfl: :thumbsup: I'm soooo looking forward to the next game!!

Oh yeah thought I'd just mention this :p.. Mum and dad don't usually have flags and stuff but me and dad always watch the big football matches.. and this year I persuaded mum to get us some flags for the car.. she refused :rolleyes: But dad went out and bought one!! :cheer: It just makes it a tiny bit better when you go and show everyone you are proudly supporting England!!

yep i can totally read your mind lol! im looking forward to the next game too, hopefully we will score a few more goals as well! :) weve had a little flag on a stick since the last world cup cos i went on and on about having a big flag so my mum bought me a little one instead! and weve had our big flag since euro 2004 which my mum bought for me but said we couldnt have to up, but this year shes decided we can although it has to come down at night and when we go out as at the mo the windows are open cos of it! my grandad gave us a car flag this year which he got free with one of the newspapers but my mum wont have it on the car in case it falls off! yeh i agree though, its nice to show your support and i like walking down the street and seeing other peoples flags out, i think the people that have about 10 flags hanging out of every window are being a bit silly and over the top though! (no offence to anyone here that might have that, its just my opinion)

10-06-2006, 17:30
:eek: I agree with that too!! One huge or small flag is enough for one house!! :D.. Though maybe they just put two or more because they want to express their support for England.. oh well.. Go on England :cheer:

di marco
10-06-2006, 17:34
:eek: I agree with that too!! One huge or small flag is enough for one house!! :D.. Though maybe they just put two or more because they want to express their support for England.. oh well.. Go on England :cheer:

i think 2 is ok, any more than that is a bit silly, my mum saw a car the other day that had four car flags on it, a huge flag drapped over the boot of the car, a huge flag over the back seats of the car, a flag hanging from the rearview mirror, a noddy dog with an england flag on it, little england things sitting on the dashboard etc, i think thats going a bit far, seeing as the person had unscrewed the number plate at the back to put the flag on and then screwed the number plate back on over the flag lol!

11-06-2006, 22:22
I'm supporting England. I lived there for a long time, 20 years, and also Steve supports them.

As for Rooooney, I think Sven is a muppet and he should get back into the kitchen, (get it? the Chef from the muppets was Sven the Swedish Chef..) I love Fergie and think he has a really valid point - not only from Man Utd's point of view, but for Rooney himself. If he's not fit and does a more serious damage it could spell the end of his career.

12-06-2006, 01:08
They will need a vast improvement in their rubbish performance against Paraguay to have any hope of progressing past the next stages

12-06-2006, 12:35
Theres a very funny cartoon video on one of the irish radio websites about the Irish suporting Trinidad and Tobago because the met this guy in the pub. Its very funny. I love flags, mine are mainy Irish Rugby though, so they come out for the six nations.

12-06-2006, 12:43
Theres a very funny cartoon video on one of the irish radio websites about the Irish suporting Trinidad and Tobago because the met this guy in the pub. Its very funny. I love flags, mine are mainy Irish Rugby though, so they come out for the six nations.

Terry Wogan was going on about this this morning on radio 2. i must listen again though because I was half asleep.

Dr. Tangliss
12-06-2006, 15:09
Brazil for me. I supported them in the last world cup too.

12-06-2006, 16:09
What i find ironic, is that pretty much everyone manages to get behind the United Kingdom, in the Olympics, and will us to win medals in the different events- no matter if the individual person be Scottish, English, Welsh or from Northern Ireland. Everyone supports the competors from other regions... yet in the World Cup and in the Euro competitions, people dont have the same sportsmanship. So what, its not your particular part of the UK, its still part of the UK which you live in!! So why not get behind them just as much?!

It would be interesting to see how many people said they weren't supporting the UK in the Olympics, when whilst doing that, they're supporting players from other regions.

If it was Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland in the World Cup, then of course i'd support them! We're all part of the UK, so we should all stick together, like! I bet only a hand full of people would be able to say that DONT have blood in them from other regions (I for one think i have Welsh blood in me, partly). So why not support the other regions eh?!

England are the only ones in the world cup, so naturally, i'm supporting them. If Ireland, Scotland or Wales were in it, then i'd also watch their matches and root for them. But they're not, because they're not good enough to get into the competition. So what if the English go on about 1966, you lot probably would if you ever won it!!

Dr. Tangliss
12-06-2006, 16:14
You go girl!

Still, Brazil it is for me.;)

12-06-2006, 16:29
Abi, I don't support england in anything!! not the world cup, olympics or even GP...

Dr. Tangliss
12-06-2006, 16:31
I have to admit that I don't support England in anything either, not even the Euorvision Song Contest.

12-06-2006, 16:32
I have to admit that I don't support England in anything either, not even the Euorvision Song Contest.

Yeah... even if Ireland doesn't make it through I don't support them.. I love supporting the underdogs.. the teams that don't win all the time and are just happy to get so far...

12-06-2006, 16:39
I don't support the UK in many things either. I admit in the Olympics I do though. But then in the end it's my decision whether I want to support England or not.

di marco
12-06-2006, 16:51
What i find ironic, is that pretty much everyone manages to get behind the United Kingdom, in the Olympics, and will us to win medals in the different events- no matter if the individual person be Scottish, English, Welsh or from Northern Ireland. Everyone supports the competors from other regions... yet in the World Cup and in the Euro competitions, people dont have the same sportsmanship. So what, its not your particular part of the UK, its still part of the UK which you live in!! So why not get behind them just as much?!

It would be interesting to see how many people said they weren't supporting the UK in the Olympics, when whilst doing that, they're supporting players from other regions.

If it was Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland in the World Cup, then of course i'd support them! We're all part of the UK, so we should all stick together, like! I bet only a hand full of people would be able to say that DONT have blood in them from other regions (I for one think i have Welsh blood in me, partly). So why not support the other regions eh?!

England are the only ones in the world cup, so naturally, i'm supporting them. If Ireland, Scotland or Wales were in it, then i'd also watch their matches and root for them. But they're not, because they're not good enough to get into the competition. So what if the English go on about 1966, you lot probably would if you ever won it!!

exactly abi! thats the point i tried to make the other day, but i think youve said it better than i did lol!

di marco
12-06-2006, 16:52
I don't support the UK in many things either. I admit in the Olympics I do though. But then in the end it's my decision whether I want to support England or not.

yeh its your decision and you can choose what you like, but it is a bit hypocritical in a way, that you can support english people for some things and not others

12-06-2006, 16:59
Not really, because with the Olympics, i'm supporting the UK as a whole and not England, or any other region alone.

12-06-2006, 18:23
I will be supporting england but i wont watch many of the matches lol but it annoys me how they are playing on my birthday.

13-06-2006, 20:09
I will be supporting England!

What annoys me about it (And i wont go into too much detail because my strong opinions will no doubt offend a few people!:o ) is that.. actually i'll stop there! :p

Its once every four years and i dont see the harm in haveing a little fun enjoying supporting your country that you live in. Even if you dont enjoy football you can still support your team and your country. You dont have to watch the game but just at least support them! Someone my mum knows wont watch it for perhaps a justified reason (Which is the one i wont go into because people will yell at me!lol) but it bugs me that some people can be so pathetic about a little game! Chill Out!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Dr. Tangliss
13-06-2006, 20:16
Yeah, at the end of the day it's a game.

13-06-2006, 20:54
the world cup gives a lot of people hope aswell people who have nothing and they just want to play football to get out of what ever enviroment there in ect ect

13-06-2006, 20:56
Well said Abi!! *chants* Abi! Abi! Abi!..

14-06-2006, 09:23
I will be supporting England!

What annoys me about it (And i wont go into too much detail because my strong opinions will no doubt offend a few people!:o ) is that.. actually i'll stop there! :p

Its once every four years and i dont see the harm in haveing a little fun enjoying supporting your country that you live in. Even if you dont enjoy football you can still support your team and your country. You dont have to watch the game but just at least support them! Someone my mum knows wont watch it for perhaps a justified reason (Which is the one i wont go into because people will yell at me!lol) but it bugs me that some people can be so pathetic about a little game! Chill Out!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

well said jess! lets just get behind england and support them, it does only happen once in 4 years so lets make the most of it and support our country!

Dr. Tangliss
14-06-2006, 09:26
Brazil for me! Watched them last night, what can I say, I HATE footy but they were fab!

Sorry guys, just because I am British does automatically make me HAVE to support my country!

14-06-2006, 18:00
brazil were crap last night there defence is so bad! and ronaldo well what can i say? crap he hardly done anything