View Full Version : Internet Forums

03-06-2006, 22:16
I was wondering how many folk on here belong to other forums such as Digital Spy and Talk Walford. I belong to both (yes I know I'm banned on DS but say nothing ) but compared with SB they are absolute rubbish totally over-run by mad EE fanatics. AZt least here on SB everyone gets an equal say. We have a great set of mods who listen to their members and nip trouble in the bud.

03-06-2006, 22:40
I was wondering how many folk on here belong to other forums such as Digital Spy and Talk Walford. I belong to both (yes I know I'm banned on DS but say nothing ) but compared with SB they are absolute rubbish totally over-run by mad EE fanatics. AZt least here on SB everyone gets an equal say. We have a great set of mods who listen to their members and nip trouble in the bud.
Hey there. :)

I was banned from Digital Spy (total nutters they are, there. Talk about ridiculous moderation!) for no reason. I got an email saying that they are an independent site or something, but not actually telling me what I'd done. :rolleyes: Oh well, best shot of it really!

The only other forums I'm interested in are this one (which seems a better alternative to Digital ****e lol) and the BBUK forums (http://bbuksite.net/forum.php) for Big Brother. :) I also like the Channel 4 Big Brother forums, and occasionally the ITV Soap Boards, though last time I checked they were governed by opening hours, which is a bit silly. Can't ITV get the staff? lol

Are there any other big TV forums on the net?

03-06-2006, 22:58
I'm planning on having a look at Digital Spy lol.. seeing what the fuss is about :p

This forum is ok.. I loveeeee Deb's Big Brother Mad forum.. which you can find on Deb's site.. it's the forum I'm on most the time nowadays!! Love BB so I'm addicted :p

Shall get back to you.. mum's here :p

03-06-2006, 23:13
I'm a member on a couple of others but I don't go on them much. Don't really like the look of DS.

Chloe O'brien
03-06-2006, 23:17
I am a member of ems talkabout anything and csicrazy forums also bry's & debs big brother. I thought about joining DS last year but I heard all bad stuff about is so I never bothered.

04-06-2006, 00:49
im a member of ds but i never post! cant stand it i just go and read!

i mostly on here, ems one, a one for familys and parents that i love, and of course mine! which you can find at the link below ( shameless advertising!!!)

04-06-2006, 09:04
DS is great to read up on the lastest spoilers but the forums i dont like. I belong to a football forum which is really great as everyone ios really freindley like on here.

04-06-2006, 10:39
this is the only one im a member of and the only one i post on.
i used to read the bbc 606 football forums too but they have just messed them all up so i dont bother now.
soapboards is just great, covers so many subjects you hardly need to read any others really!

04-06-2006, 10:50
i used to post on 606 to, but the opening times and things with the new format makes it difficul to post on. So i gave up with them. There going the same was as the soap and drama boards went on the bbc.

04-06-2006, 12:58
I am a member on here (of course!) and a few others,mostly mae for cerating things/people (e.g Nigel Harman ). But this being one of the main ones i use.

04-06-2006, 16:15
I use this one mostly but I am a member of 2 other forums which are based on the same 2 people.

Jessie Wallace
04-06-2006, 17:31
I am a member of ems talkabout anything and csicrazy forums also bry's & debs big brother. I thought about joining DS last year but I heard all bad stuff about is so I never bothered.

Hey, your member on my forum too!!

04-06-2006, 17:32
im only a member of this lol
is digital spy that bad then?

Jessie Wallace
04-06-2006, 17:34
I'm a member on quite a few, but main post on here, my Eastenders one, Emz talk one. I belong to some others but only go on them occasionally, as i spend most my time on here and editing my website and forum.

04-06-2006, 17:34
Yes it's very bad now. I wouldn't recommend it. Stick to SoapBoards and tell your friends.

04-06-2006, 17:35
wots so bad about it
are the people there rude?

04-06-2006, 18:15
I'm not a member of Digital spy, I didn't think it was that bad. I was obviously wrong. I just remembered, I'm also a member of JW Eastenders one.

04-06-2006, 18:18
i did used to be a member of the eastenders 1 but it got shut down:crying: but this 1 is much better anyway :thumbsup:

04-06-2006, 18:22
Is that the BBC boards? I was never a member of that, I just read some of the articles.

04-06-2006, 19:23
im a member of digital spy and soap chat and also some harry potter ones. I dont find ds that bad - they are alot more bitchy than on here but other than that i find no problem

04-06-2006, 20:06
I'm a member of a few, mainly go on this one, dawns awesome ee one, both of ems great ones (tae and csi) and occasionly pop on lauras one. The others I just go on if I want to read something or something.

04-06-2006, 21:12
i am a member of quite a few, i am a member of ds but i have made about 3 posts!!!!!!

05-06-2006, 10:19
I am a member of Talk Walford (but I haven't posted there in ages), Digital Spy (I post there alot but only really on one thread - Hollyoaks: Justin thread) and here (obviously).

05-06-2006, 11:46
i'm only a member of soapboards, as i'm not really interested in the actual "soaps" as i don't watch them. i have my own foum but i don;t really use it

05-06-2006, 15:31
i am a member of the offical Big Brother site but don't use it that often prefer this one

07-06-2006, 17:01
Right well.. I'm joined on EEOnline, BBM, SB mainly.. NHO and TAO a bit..

Others as well which, I don't use. I really like BBM because it's really friendly and I can have a laugh there and just relax!! I'm on there most the time.. (you can find this forum on my profile as well as Deb's :p)

Forums are nice and you just get addicted to some quite easily once you know how the people and site are run!! In my case BBM and I used to be fully addicted to SB!

07-06-2006, 17:22
I spend most of my time on this forum, and I am ashamed to say I have joined Dawnie, Ems and Twinkles forums and have not been in to check for a coons age, shame on me, I am a bad friend :crying:
I agree Alan that DS is a bad forum, I did not care for the stuff I read on there, so basically I joined just to see what the whahoo was all about, haven't been back since..
But to be honest this forum is great, cos the mods CARE and Because of this forum ( SB's) I have met some terrific wonderful people ( you know who u are ) and I am truly blessed :angel: :love:

07-06-2006, 17:38
I am just on this forum but do look at DS every so often.. haven't joined.. some of the threads i would have closed ages ago on that site.. totally of topic and seems to be a general chat forum.. Haven't join other forums. didn't know em had one

07-06-2006, 20:49
Im on here, Soapchat, and a Sarah Dunn fansite forum. I have a browse on DS now and again but they just seem to bite each other's heads off all the time on there. :o lol

09-06-2006, 20:37
I'm banned from DS as well. and most recently a bill one. The thing about bill forums it always seems to be the same people on all of them and they don't get on. so it is all cliquy. If they all decided which forum their clique wanted to be on, then the other crowd could meet in another one. Does that make sense?

I'm also on the channel 4 one for big brother, and have promised to hang around there after the show ends this year.

Luna - could you tell me where the good harry potter forums are?

Cheers x

09-06-2006, 22:55
Hey there. :)

I was banned from Digital Spy (total nutters they are, there. Talk about ridiculous moderation!) for no reason. I got an email saying that they are an independent site or something, but not actually telling me what I'd done. :rolleyes: Oh well, best shot of it really!Snap!

I've just been banned from DS as well and despite numerous requests to the mods I still haven't been told why. I also had the same email that you had. I was told by another member that I was reported because they suspected me of being a previously banned member simply because I happened to criticise EastEnders quite a bit. Amazingly the mods seem to have believed it and banned me despite the fact that I joined BEFORE the person that I was supposed to have re-registered as.

My advice to all DS posters is don't slate EE because you'll be a target for the loonies on there.

09-06-2006, 23:47
Join the gang of the banned DS members. Most of us seemed to have been banned for annoying the EE fanatics. At least the EE fans on here are a decent bunch unlike the persons on DS who have mulitple accounts and relish reporting everyone who disagrees with them. O SB we can all talk about our favourite or hated soaps without it developing into a nonsensical argument

09-06-2006, 23:49
Join the gang of the banned DS members. Most of us seemed to have been banned for annoying the EE fanatics. At least the EE fans on here are a decent bunch unlike the persons on DS who have mulitple accounts and relish reporting everyone who disagrees with them. O SB we can all talk about our favourite or hated soaps without it developing into a nonsensical argument

think i might go on and say something just to see if i get banned

10-06-2006, 00:03
think i might go on and say something just to see if i get banned

I may aswell join and see how long it takes me to get banned, doesn't seem like a very nice place anyway. It's their problem that banned members re-register, from what i've heard they don't do anything to prevent it.

10-06-2006, 00:07
That sounds ridiculous. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

10-06-2006, 00:15
I was wondering how many folk on here belong to other forums such as Digital Spy and Talk Walford. I belong to both (yes I know I'm banned on DS but say nothing ) but compared with SB they are absolute rubbish totally over-run by mad EE fanatics. AZt least here on SB everyone gets an equal say. We have a great set of mods who listen to their members and nip trouble in the bud.

I hate the fact you can't even use a hotmail/yahoo address to register on there. Which is why I opted for Soapboards - which funnily enough I heard about on DS forums (through reading though as I don't know my ISP's address).

10-06-2006, 09:16
I want to join over summer.. get some entertainment out of it!! See how many account I can create and get banned on :rotfl: Glad nothing like this happens here!! + I for one know it won't because this forum isn't like that at ALL!! :D Well done Mods & Admins :D

10-06-2006, 09:35
I want to join over summer.. get some entertainment out of it!! See how many account I can create and get banned on :rotfl: Glad nothing like this happens here!! + I for one know it won't because this forum isn't like that at ALL!! :D Well done Mods & Admins :D

My guess is they're the complete opposite of here. They have mods with biased views and don't bother to check if the ISP addresses from accounts suspected of belonging to the same person match before banning the person.

10-06-2006, 16:03
But I love this forum, I had fogotten how much actually. I think i will not bother with my ever growing collection of banned sites and move over here.

I stop using here when the bill fans chat thread got closed, but Ive got more time now and am coming home, coming home, DIP is coming home!

30-06-2006, 09:16
I've recently registered on the "Keeping The British End Up" forum on www.mi6.co.uk

it's turned out to be a great site and im spending half my life on there now!

samantha nixon
06-11-2006, 19:16
I thought i had replied on here
i am a member of quite a few sites (well more than quite a few lol) which include an amanda mealing one, rosie marcel, stormy chat, x factor and some others but i mainly post on here and autographsuk
and i used to go on ds but they werent all fridnly and on the bill topics they would post like 10 pages a day and i couldnt keep up and i used to go on holby.tv alot but i got banned :(

06-11-2006, 21:17
Iam a member of the battlefield widows site.. If your partner is always on his/her pc and forgets the world around him ( you the kids ect) go on there and have a moan....

06-11-2006, 23:07
Ooh, I joined ages ago but haven't posted much. I used to be a member of Digital Spy - but was banned (several times :o) - awful site. The mods haven't got a clue.

07-11-2006, 13:00
Im only a member of SB, no other forums. I find it friendly enough and there are some cracking peeps on here to converse with.

I normally come on here whilst sat in front of lap top supposedly doing some work, I find SB is a welcome distraction (too much of a one sometimes!!!) :)

Dr. Tangliss
11-11-2006, 17:12
Apart from this forum and my own, I don't belong to any others, as I get what I need from the ones I am a member of ;)

Elsie Tanner
19-12-2006, 21:39
Sorry to drag up more old threads...I'm a bit of a fiend.

Just thought I'd add my experiences...

I am a now ex-member of Digital Spy, a site which I had enjoyed for many years.

I am now a member of SoapBoards and am looking forward to getting stuck-in as the resident Coronation Street know-it-all!

Dr. Tangliss
20-12-2006, 12:57
Im only a member of SB, no other forums. I find it friendly enough and there are some cracking peeps on here to converse with.

I normally come on here whilst sat in front of lap top supposedly doing some work, I find SB is a welcome distraction (too much of a one sometimes!!!) :)

Sometimes it's too much of a distraction, especially when I should be studying!:rotfl:

20-12-2006, 16:54
Sometimes it's too much of a distraction, especially when I should be studying!:rotfl: I know what you mean, but then Its my excuse to take a brake, In think Im a member of 2 forums, so its not too much of a distraction.

Dr. Tangliss
20-12-2006, 17:32
I know what you mean, but then Its my excuse to take a brake, In think Im a member of 2 forums, so its not too much of a distraction.

Well all need to do something on our study breaks don't we, although I have to admit I hardly did any today.

What other forum are you a member of?

22-12-2006, 16:58
What other forum are you a member of? Lost forum, what can i say Im just soooooo obsessed!

29-12-2006, 01:06
To join in the list of forums, I only belong to 3 now, the rest I never go on at all.
1)Soapboards- This was my first proper forum and I really need to get back to posting on here as I hardly seem to come on here much anymore.
2)Digital Spy - I seem to have different thing to everyone else as I love this forum and I spend lots of my time on it mainly in the 'Gorgeous Mark Ramprakash' thread and 'The Official Tom King Murder Mystery' thread. Completely different but hey
3) Lost Forum - Like Abbie I go on this a lot and adore it, even with most members being in a different time zone

Knowing me I've joined lots more, but I don't ever go on them.

29-12-2006, 01:09
3) Lost Forum - Like Abbie I go on this a lot and adore it, even with most members being in a different time zone

Knowing me I've joined lots more, but I don't ever go on them.
wow you belong to lost forum can i ask what your name on it is?

29-12-2006, 01:11
3) Lost Forum - Like Abbie I go on this a lot and adore it, even with most members being in a different time zone

Knowing me I've joined lots more, but I don't ever go on them.
wow you belong to lost forum can i ask what your name on it is?

Mutinta. Are you abblette?
I need to get posting again, but with no Lost my urge to post is not as strong :(

29-12-2006, 01:13
3) Lost Forum - Like Abbie I go on this a lot and adore it, even with most members being in a different time zone

Knowing me I've joined lots more, but I don't ever go on them.
wow you belong to lost forum can i ask what your name on it is?

Mutinta. Are you abblette?
I need to get posting again, but with no Lost my urge to post is not as strong :(
i think Ive seen you round, just one more vital question, skater or jater?
yes Im abblette

29-12-2006, 01:18
i think Ive seen you round, just one more vital question, skater or jater?
yes Im abblette
You're not going to like my answer I can bet you that: Skater :thumbsup:

Oh I know the other forum I belong to: Emmerdale Past and Present, great for reading teasers of future episodes and has a great crystal ball

29-12-2006, 03:11
I Onli Belong To This Forum. Ive Became Members Of Others But Only Go On This One Oh And Tracy - Ann Oberman Temple:p What can I Say Im A Fan Of Her:p But Yeah I Love It Here I Have Made So Many Good Friends On Here And EveryOne Is Great:D

18-03-2007, 20:17
I've recently joined www.skinsis.com - great forum for chatting about Skins and just general stuff with old teens. Also www.amywinehouseforum.co.uk - another great forum, where you can chat to people who actually appreciate her music instead of the idiots that can only ever say "she sounds like a man".

19-03-2007, 13:14
Ive recently joined watchlost and lostie. Basically so I can watch eppisodes

19-03-2007, 15:05
Ive recently joined watchlost and lostie. Basically so I can watch eppisodes

Hehe Im part of those two as well, I sometimes post about lost bit dont really like it there I prefer http://www.lost-forum.com

19-03-2007, 22:17
I have joined quite a few sites a number of them I don't go on very often but my main ones are Nigel Harman Online and Nigel Hrman Fansite. Also pop on It's all Letitia quite often. Used to be a member of the Eastenders website forum back in the day lol

23-03-2007, 21:30
I used to go on the BBC science boards but they got closed because of all the Trolls spamming and making stupid posts. To be honest, if they were moderated properly they wouldn't have had to close them.
I use the BBC health and One Life boards but their opening times are ridiculous and each board has different times which is so confusing. I haven't been on in ages. Some people seem OK but there are a lot of know-it-all's on there.