View Full Version : Tracing Family Trees

31-05-2006, 20:22
Has anyone tried tracing their family tree? Have you been successfull, and how did you go about it?

Do you plan on tracing it, or do you know what you need to know, and that's that?

I'd really appriciate any tips on how people have or plan on going about tracing thier family trees, because we feel like we've pretty much exhusted every option with my family. Any help is great :D

31-05-2006, 20:49
Ive tried. but havnt found anything new out as my mums cousin has got our family traced back to the 1500's

31-05-2006, 20:59
From what we know, my family basically stops at my Great-Grandparents. The parents of my grandparents all died when they were fairly young, so everything about generations before them, and even their lives themselves, were lost with it. We did some research using some old Census's about my Mum's grandad, and we only found out 3 things. His full name (we didn't even know that!), that he lived in Wales, and that we was part of starting a water buisness. We think that he might have been the founder of a soft drinks company "Idris". Its been taken over by Schwepps now, but you can still get Ginger Beer from them, if you look hard enough. But ever that isn't a certain fact.

We've been to family history offices, looked at countless censors, used the internet... everything we can think of basically. But we just find barely anything. Those 3 things is the only things that have come out of searching for all of my family. My familys just.... vanished! So any tips on what else to do to find out more about them would be greatly appriciated!

31-05-2006, 22:32
Have you tried summerset house in london,the main office of all deaths and marrages,a lot depends on how popular the surname is. if it is say smith or jones, then you could be searching for some time. you need to start with your parents, depending on which side of the family you wish to trace. it will have all the details of their parents,and you go for there.I tried to search my dads family,but my maiden name was Donald, do you know how many Donalds there are, so had to give up. But my mums family name was less common, and my uncle traced them back to the 1300. but really it is very hard to get much more than a list of dates, and names,and what they did for a living, unless you get a name and then search the local parish records. good luck

31-05-2006, 22:45
Well, we're more intereted in my Mums's side, mainly because we found out some stuff, but its so vague, that we hit a dead end. My Grandad's sister died when he was 7, then his dad died when he was 9, and his mum died when he was 14, so its all very unknown, because at that age, you dont really ask many questions about your family, do you? Her maiden name ws Idris. I'm not sure how common that name is, but Sommerset House sounds like a good bet! Thanks!

31-05-2006, 22:54
I haven't tried it but I have a relative who has. She's traced my Mum's side of the family back to 1835 so I'd like to do it when I am older to do the same for my Dad's side.

01-06-2006, 09:50
I haven't but my cousin traced it back on my dad's side.. apparently I am related to Buffalo Bill Coady in the old wild west

I also know that my daughters great great grandfather is William Burke the famous grave robber in the UK as the turn of the last century..

di marco
01-06-2006, 09:51
my dads doing our family tree on his dads side

01-06-2006, 09:59
I tried but lacked the motivation to do anything about it

i went to bromyard and castleton once to trace the family tree, visiting loads of my grandads cousins to find out a lot of information

however i soon got bored of it and left it as it was

my only tips of advice are to ask the oldest surving relatives in your family, go and visit them and have a big talk, they can clear up all the concerns you have so far with the tree and confirm certain facts aswell as giuve you information about the family above them

01-06-2006, 10:53
i have very knowlagable relatives so between the lot of us me and my ciousins managed to do my dads side of he family, It took up a whiole exercise book and got very complicated.

01-06-2006, 19:21
my only tips of advice are to ask the oldest surving relatives in your family, go and visit them and have a big talk, they can clear up all the concerns you have so far with the tree and confirm certain facts aswell as giuve you information about the family above them

Thats the problem with my family. Two of my grandparents are dead, and the other two have alzheimers, so dont remember anything like that. The oldest person on either side of my family to ask is about 56, which isn't exactly old enough. None of them know much about our family either.

Thats why we tried looking at old census's, but even on them, they just seem to disappear at my great-grandparents. Its strange... thats why i'm not intrigued to find out who they actually were.

I might try Sommerset house, as Hazey said, when i get the time. At least we might stand a chance of finding out names and dates from there, i guess.

02-06-2006, 12:51
i have been doing that for over a year now got far back but then come to a standstill

02-06-2006, 15:00
i registered my details on a family tree site but i have not had a chance to look up my family tree yet

samantha nixon
11-06-2006, 13:11
ive been doing mine on genes reunited and i have found a couple of people, but we aready have my mums side back further than 1800 so i didnt find much new and my dads side i didnt get far

11-06-2006, 19:54
I havent tired but i am planning too and ive been talking about it for months but have nevber got round to it

13-06-2006, 09:46
Abbey - have you looked here (http://www.ancestry.co.uk) Dont know if it would help though....

14-06-2006, 01:34
I tried to start doing a family tree but too be honest got a bit bored of it as was alot of hard work. Might try again when have more free time. Plus my uncle has been working on one for years so I have that one to look at (but would like to trace my mum's side of the family aswell).

Abi - have you tried using Genes Reunited? It's quite helpful as it provides an easy way to organise your tree and also provides you with the oppertunity to contact other people with the same surnames and also compare trees with others thagt might overlap

10-10-2006, 13:47
Im still doing mine at the moment and i am pleased with my progress

10-10-2006, 20:44
whoo! go you

ive only found out my dads side of the family till the potato famine in ireland cause they always lived in ireland till my dad came over to england when he was 17. it was kinda easy cause in the place my dad grew up everyone knew each other and passed everything down, my uncle put it all down on paper.

but it was confusing at times though cause most had the same names. im not motivated enough to do my mums side.

11-10-2006, 07:50
my unlce did a course on how to trace the family tree so he traced my dads side of the family back to the 1700's then made a book of it. it is really interesting to read and he has got everyone in it, right down to present day, with my dad and his siblings writing what family life was like for them.

14-10-2006, 21:37
my unlce did a course on how to trace the family tree so he traced my dads side of the family back to the 1700's then made a book of it. it is really interesting to read and he has got everyone in it, right down to present day, with my dad and his siblings writing what family life was like for them. wow thats amazing, at the moment im stuck with mine since my dads side orginally came form scotland and with me living where i am i cant access many records.