View Full Version : Buses- SamPhil- The Bill

30-05-2006, 15:18
This is my second fanfic on here. Its a oneshot about Sam and Phil. Hope you like it.


Following the departure of Neil Manson for ‘personal reasons’, the three Detective Sergeants of Sun Hill were sat in DCI Jack Meadows office. Jack entered the room, “sorry about that, things need sorting out around here and fast; which is why you’re all here.” Jack glanced around at this faces in his office. They all knew what was coming. “I need a replacement DI ASAP. I’ve decided this person should come from Sun Hill so you three are all in the running. I’ll make my decision in three days.” Jack looked at Sam, Stuart and Phil and watched for their reactions. Stuart had a look of smug determination on his face and Sam looked overjoyed, happy and hopeful, even ambitious. Jack had expected these reactions, but he had not expected Phil’s. Jack was sure Phil would be cocky, boastful and sarcastic about it, but he wasn’t. When Jack had said that it was between Stuart, Sam and Phil, Phil looked immediately at Sam with a huge encouraging grin plastered across his face and had given her a thumbs-up. He looked more pleased for her than himself.

Over the next three days, Sam, Phil and Stuart worked harder than usual, desperately trying to impress Jack. Sun Hill got great results for that time and Jack considered postponing his decision for the good of the station. On the decision day, Phil was on a case and while he was gone Jack informed Sam she had got the job. It was what everyone had expected. Sam was so happy her time had finally come and couldn’t stop smiling. She had waited ages for her chance and felt she deserved it after all the hard work she put in. Stuart was very angry as he was sure he was the best man for the job. He muttered a reluctant “congratulations” and sulked for the rest of the day.

Phil came back from his case and walked up to Sun Hill, wondering about the DI position. He was awoken from his thoughts by Smithy as he reached the front doors of the station. “Sorry mate” Smithy said sympathetically. Phil looked confused. Smithy realised he didn’t know yet. “Sorry to be the one to tell ya but Sam got the DI job” Smithy explained. He looked at Phil waiting for a smart remark but none came, instead Phil smiled from ear to ear and run towards the station. Just as he reached the doors, he had a brainwave. He turned on his heel, ran to his car and sped off towards the high street.

Meanwhile, back in Sun Hill, Sam was being congratulated by her colleagues. They were all really happy for her and glad that she was going to be their new boss. Everyone had champagne and there was a nice party atmosphere in CID. At that moment Phil burst through the doors of CID and ran towards Sam, with a bag in his hands. He pulled her into a big hug, lifted her and span her round. She laughed in between telling him to put her down. “Well done”, he said, “I’m so happy for you, you deserve it”. Sam smiled at him, “I’m sorry you didn’t get the job”, she said gently. “I never had a chance did I?” he laughed. “Hey, don’t put yourself down. You’d make a great DI”, Sam replied truthfully. “Listen Phil I can understand if you say no. I want you to be my deputy, so that if I’m off sick or something I know the departments in good hands. So what’d you say?” Sam asked. Phil found himself smiling again and stopped himself, putting on a face of mock seriousness. “It would be an honour DI Nixon”, he said, trying to keep a straight face. He could take it no longer and they both burst out laughing as Sam pulled Phil into another hug.

“Oh I nearly forgot”, Phil exclaimed. He leant down to pick up the plastic bag he had put on the nearest desk when he came in. He passed it to Sam and she took it curiously. She put her hand in the bag and pulled out a long, narrow box. She shot Phil a suspicious look and opened the box. Phil watched her face turn from suspicious to surprised to confused, he smiled to himself. She took out the contents of the box and turned it round for everyone to see; a door sign with block writing on it saying: ‘DI S. HUNTER’. Everyone around her looked as confused as Sam. She turned to Phil to see him in front of her, down on one knee, with a small velvet box in his hand. In the box was the most beautiful engagement ring Sam had ever seen. She gasped as she saw him. “Samantha Nixon, will you marry me?” Phil asked sincerely. Sam tried to get her head around what had happened, but as she looked into his big brown eyes, everything fitted into place. “Yes, yes I’ll marry you!” she said. He slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her into a long romantic kiss. “I love you Samantha Hunter”, he said. “I love you too” she whispered back.

As Sam and Phil were congratulated by their colleagues, Sam thought her good things were like buses; they come in twos.

Sorry about the corny title and ending! lol!
Please review.
Thanks again to Maz for her help.

30-05-2006, 17:24
i soooo lov this fic!! its great hun. keeep writing!! :thumbsup:

baby oranges
31-05-2006, 08:05
love this fic, very good writing, and i like the title - very smart!

hope to read more of your writing in the future