View Full Version : Peggy Gets Burnt

21-05-2006, 08:10
FROM Todays Sunday Mirror
EXCLUSIVE Peggy's fight for life as Vic is torched.. & grandson Ben did it

EASTENDERS landlady Peggy Mitchell will be left fighting for her life after a mystery arsonist torches the Queen Vic.

Fans will see Peggy, played by 69-year-old Barbara Windsor, trapped upstairs after the unknown attacker - actually her evil grandson Ben - sets fire to the Albert Square pub.

Ben, who is set to become the soap's answer to Devil's child Damien from the horror film The Omen, flees from the scene, leaving his grandmother and cousin Courtney struggling to breathe as the room fills with smoke.

But it's Peggy whose life hangs in the balance after she's taken to hospital. It will give Carry On star Barbara, who's been in the BBC1 soap since April 1991, one of her biggest storylines for years.

A show insider said: "Ben looks all sweet and innocent on the surface, but he's already caused a lot of fireworks since moving to Albert Square.

"Nevertheless, no one will suspect he is capable of setting fire to his own home. Viewers will see Peggy's life hang in the balance, with her boys Grant and Phil, as well as Ben, at her bedside."

In the shock storyline Ben, Phil's nine-year-old son, seeks revenge on his grandmother after she tells him off for playing with matches.

The minute her back is turned, the boy, played by Charlie Jones, carries out his dastardly deed before running off.

EastEnders bosses are keen to bring out troubled Ben's wicked side and, since arriving in Walford, he has already wreaked plenty of havoc.

Little Mo (Kacey Ainsworth) was left facing cruelty charges when she found her son Freddie unconscious in his cot.

She was convinced that Ben was behind her son's mystery injuries, but police were happy with his statement.

Ben finally admitted his involvement in the accident to his dad Phil (Steve McFadden).

Ben also upset his cousin Courtney (Megan Joseph) by blurting out that he overheard his mum saying Grant killed Tiffany.

The insider added: "Albert Square's bully, Phil Mitchell, becomes a warmer, more caring individual when his relationship with his son deepens.

But the irony is that Ben, a traumatised child after his mother Kathy's death, becomes more evil.

"He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. And he reacts very badly when he's told off."

It is not the first time the Queen Vic has gone up in flames.

Albert Square hard man Grant Mitchell set fire to the pub in an attempted insurance scam in 1992.

21-05-2006, 08:15
Oh deary deary me. Turning out to be a right bad un' our Ben isn't he. :nono: :eek:

21-05-2006, 08:24
Oh deary deary me. Turning out to be a right bad un' our Ben isn't he. :nono: :eek: Well Its all the parents fault I say. He should become a girlie wimp like his Uncle Gwant. I hope the poison dwarf doesnt tell the firemen to GERRROOOOUUUUTTTAAA MAH PAB. Then again if I was a fireman I would be tempted to let it burn:eek:

21-05-2006, 08:24
oh my god this will be good to see ben does look all sweet though lol

21-05-2006, 08:26
This sounds good but i wouldnt expect it of ben.

21-05-2006, 08:31
oh my god this will be good to see Oh yes to see Peggy getting burnt and nearly dying:rolleyes:

21-05-2006, 09:57
I'm really not surprised. Ever since his evil little "I know how your mother died," smile at Courtney, followed up by his innocent little "I didn't mean anything," *wipes away solitary tear with little fist* routine at Phil, he's creeped the hell out of me.

eastenders mad
21-05-2006, 10:27
it just shows you that it Ben is following his dad bad ways. He should get found out sometime.

21-05-2006, 10:29
Here we go again another B****y repetitive storyline.

O.K the storyline with Ben having an evilstreak sounds interesting, after all he does have Mitchell blood in him.

21-05-2006, 10:46
Always thought Ben was a bit....strange. :ninja:

21-05-2006, 10:49
this is a bit of an over the top reaction on ben's part...hes 10 and he's becoming a baby killer (attempted) and an arsonist! :eek:

This is fantastic news that Babs finally gets a storyline of her own! She deserves it after her dedication to the show, she hasnt had much going on herself since the breast cancer storyline.

As long as Peggy and Courtney (The Poison Dwarf In The Making) dont die then I will be happy to this storyline play out! :bow:

Johnny Allen
21-05-2006, 11:25
I like the sound of this, twisted yes but it has the makings to be an excellent storyline to run. Ben is sure evil just as I was beginning to think he was sweet. Hope Courtney will be alright, that kid is hilarious.

21-05-2006, 11:29
what a storyline! this is going to be good i cant wait

21-05-2006, 12:11
he gives me the creeps. He really should be called damien.

21-05-2006, 12:55
OMG. He's seriously screwed up if he thinks that is the answer. When is this happening?

21-05-2006, 13:28
This sounds like an excellent storyline....i knew Ben had Mitchell blood in him :cool:
Also Peggy gets her first big storyline in a long time which is great news! Ben does seem very sweet and innocent so i think everyone will not think it's him.....like they say though, like father, like son.

Dr. Tangliss
21-05-2006, 13:50
I hope that means that Ben is written out of EE!:cheer:

21-05-2006, 17:38
Wow this sounds good. As he has lost his mum and left in South Africa on his own, even with his fathers siblings, could have traumatized him enough to develop a troubled personality. This storyline could be a good one. Looking forward to this.

21-05-2006, 18:53
Ben, who is set to become the soap's answer to Devil's child Damien from the horror film The Omen
Oh good, that will mean he kills off all those around him, and those who try to stop him.

Bye bye Mitchells. :cool:

Peggy will burn easily. :cool:

21-05-2006, 18:58
Oh good, that will mean he kills off all those around him, and those who try to stop him.

Bye bye Mitchells. :cool:

Peggy will burn easily. :cool:
Her hair is easily flammable anyway. I wonder if Ben does it on june 6th. Probably later, but it would have been the perfect date!http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e400/Bhani17/Devil_emoticon.gif

21-05-2006, 19:07
Well that's a Tuesday so possibly.

She'll only fan the flames with her screeching voice. The thought of Peggy having her hair on fire is a good sign in my eyes. :cool:
Serves her right for overdoing it on the hairpray.

P.S. This storyline wreaks of Bet Lynch, 1986.

21-05-2006, 19:09
Well that's a Tuesday so possibly.

She'll only fan the flames with her screeching voice. The thought of Peggy having her hair on fire is a good sign in my eyes. :cool:
Serves her right for overdoing it on the hairpray.

P.S. This storyline wreaks of Bet Lynch, 1986.
ooh missed that one, we did not have cable t.v. at the time.

21-05-2006, 19:10
Surprisingly, most people didn't have cable either. I didn't. :cool:

Looks like the outcome is the same - the Landlady lives. :rolleyes:

21-05-2006, 19:58
Her hair is easily flammable anyway. I wonder if Ben does it on june 6th. Probably later, but it would have been the perfect date!http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e400/Bhani17/Devil_emoticon.gif

:ninja: :rotfl: There is no way they will ever kill off a Mitchell. They killed off Kathy and Tiffany but they weren't REAL Mitchells so they don't count. :ninja:

Edit: They did kill of Jamie but he was just a floppy haired idiot so he doesn't count as a REAL Mitchell!

21-05-2006, 20:03
Surprisingly, most people didn't have cable either. I didn't. :cool:

Looks like the outcome is the same - the Landlady lives. :rolleyes:

I wasnt even born then! Sounds like a realy good storyline, maybe they can give the vic a makeover afterwards.

EE have a lot of fires dont they...

Mr Humphries
21-05-2006, 20:03
This storyline will be extremely good and I cant wait ! At least it means we will get a newly re-decorated Queen Vic ! It is about time aint it everyone !!:thumbsup:

21-05-2006, 20:47
If they are redecking the Vic, can they redeck the current owners please. Plleeaaassszzzz??!! :cool:

21-05-2006, 20:58
Her hair is easily flammable anyway. I wonder if Ben does it on june 6th. Probably later, but it would have been the perfect date!http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e400/Bhani17/Devil_emoticon.gif

Why the sixth of June?:confused:

21-05-2006, 20:59
Some of the other cast members better take care the sparks dont ignite them as well

21-05-2006, 21:10
Ben, gosh! I'm sure Phil will stand by him through thick and thin though. It will take a lot for him to turn against his son.

I'm surprised at Ben. Kathy was a nice mum, maybe she smothered him too much. And that did strange things to him.

21-05-2006, 21:35
that storyline sounds good but i cant see ben doing that but it will be a good watch if he did do it and will show mums and dads etc not to leave things like lighters and that around

Chloe O'brien
21-05-2006, 21:58
You'd think with all money the writers get, wouldn't have to recycle stories I mean come on how many times has that bloody pub been set on fire. On the possitive side It looks a good story, peggy gets burnt I like my bacon crispy :cartman: ooops sorry wrong mitchell woman. Has anybody thought about checking the back of Ben's (Damien's) neck to see if he's got 666 tatooed on it :rotfl:

22-05-2006, 02:06
june sixth would be 6-6-06. 3 sixes=number of the *beast* in Omen movie.

what i think would be cool is if phil shaved bens head in his sleep..sees something like 666...but in the end turns out to be ringworm.=) ! LMAO!

22-05-2006, 08:22
Ben does creep you out a bit - great story line - of course Peggy will blame it all on Kathy and Ian as there is no way that it could be down to her familys influence............

22-05-2006, 09:16
Dear Dear what a change of events.... now when is this dastardly deed supposed to occur ????:searchme:

22-05-2006, 10:27
I think this is brilliant... Ben is evil!!!! that doesn't suprise me... He looks spoilt and if been told off has him doing bad stuff than he is a brat in lambs clothing!!!

22-05-2006, 10:55
According to Digital Spy, it's not true. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds33293.html

Hasn't the pub only been set on fire once, when Grant set fire to it?:confused:

22-05-2006, 18:08
Yes just the once, in 1992.

Sharon was upstairs at the time Grant set it alight, and had to be rescued.

22-05-2006, 18:26
According to Digital Spy, it's not true. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds33293.html

Hasn't the pub only been set on fire once, when Grant set fire to it?:confused:

Arr...that's a shame, i really want it to be true, i think it will be a good storyline for EE to do, and Peggy will be the centre of a storyline for once. :)

22-05-2006, 19:07
This will be a fantastic storyline!!! Cant wait to see it on telly!! I always thought Ben had an evil twinkle in his eye!

22-05-2006, 19:12
Yes just the once, in 1992.

Sharon was upstairs at the time Grant set it alight, and had to be rescued. Grr The Fire and Rescue service have a lot to answer for

22-05-2006, 21:13
Yes Miss Piggy was saved from the fire.

Why EE, why? :angry:

23-05-2006, 12:20
Just read digital spy, so glad this isn't happening. As it would be quite opposite to what they would want Ben to go through, setting something on fire would be quite good :D Maybe the chippy :D

23-05-2006, 12:21
Just read digital spy, so glad this isn't happening. As it would be quite opposite to what they would want Ben to go through, setting something on fire would be quite good :D Maybe the chippy :D

Or just peggy.. not the vic.. hahaha

23-05-2006, 12:28
Aww not peggy, I know she can have a closed mind at first. But once she is informed she doesn't hold a grudge, unless its about her boys. :D

23-05-2006, 13:45
omg ! how evil can such an innocent looking 9 year old get ! :eek: i really hate courtney tho !

23-05-2006, 14:49
Courtney is the one to watch rather than Ben, at least with Ben it's not vindictive. Unless it's retaliating against Courtney, which I don't blame him one jot :D who'd have Courtney as a cousin by choice. :D

23-05-2006, 15:11
Well you won't be watching Courtney for much longer (see the spoilers). :)

23-05-2006, 15:59
whether true or not Ben has a lot of Problems

23-05-2006, 16:17
whether true or not Ben has a lot of Problems Yes indeed!! His Granny, his Dad and his Uncle:rotfl: