View Full Version : Goodbye Mickey!

20-05-2006, 21:02
Well, it looks like Mickey is now offically gone from Doctor Who, after tonights episode!!

So what do we all think about that?

Did you love him? Hate him? Think he made the show better? Worse?

Discuss the wonderfull Mickey!

20-05-2006, 22:29
I thought he was really good in Doctor Who, made me laugh sometimes as well. I wasn't aware he was leaving in tonight's episode but overall i don't think i will miss him too much. :)

20-05-2006, 22:40
I knew he was leaving tonight, and i wasn't sure how it would actually work. I was hoping they wouldn't kill him off, because they'd probably have turned him into a Cyberman. And frankly, thats a bit of a waste of a main charcter in my opinion.

I wasn't a huge Mickey fan, but he did make it more humourous at times. But i think the character had run its course. Also, it means that when Rose leaves it, it wont be such a drastic thing- where 3 characters leave at the same time. Now at least it'll only be 2!

It was the right time for him to go, and they did it in a really good way. Big round of applause to the writer.

Chloe O'brien
20-05-2006, 23:35
what a fab episode the cybermen were just as scary as they were years ago

21-05-2006, 08:34
I didnt liie mickey in the first series but this series he has really grown on me. i didnt know that he was going to leave in yesterdays episode so it was quite a shock. i thought it was a good exit though, well done to the writers.

26-05-2006, 15:14
i cant believe he has gone!!!! i didnt realise that woud happen! :( x

26-05-2006, 16:17
Can't believe Mickey has gone i liked him

27-05-2006, 21:57
I think its a shame he has gone cos its like he can never ever go bcak which is quite sad, but you have to admire him for being brave.

29-05-2006, 19:08
I don't think the guy who played Mickey could act that well to be honest, so I'm glad he has gone, he annoyed me.

17-06-2006, 19:25
How did he leave? I missed the episode.

17-06-2006, 21:06
It was during the Cybermen two parter. They went to an Alternative earth, where his Gran was still alive (She raised him, but died tripping over some carpet he didn't fix). Also, there was some guy called Ricky, who was an alternative version of him. Ricky died, and after they stopped the Cybermen, he decided to stay and carry on the fight against the Cybermen, taking Ricky's place in their society, and still being able to see his Gran. Because your not meant to be able to get to Alternative versions of planets, the Doctor had to close the crack in the Time Vortex (Because that's his duty as a Time Lord). So they can't go back for Mickey, since he decided to stay there.

18-06-2006, 20:03
Yeah its a shame, he was a characters that grew on me over time, I always felt a little sorry for him!

02-07-2006, 10:37
Yea it is a shame hes gone! But he was in last nights episode so Im pleased to see him again!:)

02-07-2006, 11:39
awww it was good to see him last night too, and he will obviuosly be in the next one i just wonder how he will get back to the other world or will he stay.