View Full Version : favourite hosuemate

20-05-2006, 18:54
mine is sezer so far. but i like grace, imogen and mikey too

20-05-2006, 18:57
My favourite is Grace but I like Imogen, Lisa and Shahbaz too.

20-05-2006, 19:38
I clicked Sezer for some reason but I just remebered Pete!!

20-05-2006, 19:41
Pete is my favourite housemate so far, but Imogen is a joint favourite with Pete. :)

20-05-2006, 19:57
I don't like any of them particularly. If I was told to choose, it'd probably be Pete though, although I am not sure how someone with Tourettes will fare in there

20-05-2006, 20:55
pete is my favourite so far but its hard to tell theyve bnot been in there that long i like grace aswell and george

20-05-2006, 21:44
Pete is mine, although i like Sezer (i thought it was caesar anyway ..) and Imogen too

20-05-2006, 22:08
I actually really like Lisa as well, she speaks her mind. :)

20-05-2006, 22:13
I like pete and Imogen... he made my laugh just going in to the house and falling down the stairs :)

20-05-2006, 22:21
Lisa! Pete! Lea!

And Of Course The Only Brummie In The House: Dawn! :p

20-05-2006, 22:36
Pete is my favourite housemate but i like Sezer and george aswell

Chloe O'brien
20-05-2006, 23:40
pete is the best housemate. he is so sweet I hope he wins. shebaz would be okay if he stopped moaning like an old woman, he's given us scots a bad reputation. I don't like sezer, he's only chatting up the girls to stay in the house.

21-05-2006, 00:41
wasnrt keen on him at first but now i love him

21-05-2006, 08:30
i like sezer especailly his attitude and i like pete aswell.

Johnny Allen
21-05-2006, 11:31
I cant stand Sezer. My fav housemate? tie between Pete, Lisa and Richard.

x Amby x
21-05-2006, 12:05
My favourtites Grace, but i like Imogen and Sezer too

21-05-2006, 12:29
I love pete, but I also really like Sezer, Grace and Dawn. I really don't like Mikey though, he may be a nice guy I just don't like anyone that has his views. I love Pete and Dawn though, especially Pete.

22-05-2006, 15:26
I like imogen, cuz i think shes realli nice but i also love pete, and richard and lisa! i dont realli like nikki after the "bottled water v tap water" incident lol! and i dont lyk mikey because of his views