View Full Version : Lindsay and Paris fall out

18-05-2006, 17:35
They were never best of buddies, but news reaches us that Paris and Lindsay aren't even on speaking terms anymore.

Guests at Hollywood hotspot Hyde were shocked when a furious row erupted between the hotel heiress and the Mean Girls actress.

It seems Paris and her sis Nicky weren't impressed with being interrupted by Lindsay on their night out.

As Paris' rep explains: "Paris was having a conversation with a couple of friends.

"Lindsay approached her table and at that moment Paris felt she was being interrupted and didn't wish to speak to Lindsay.

"A couple of words were exchanged and Lindsay went back to her table.

"I can understand how other patrons in the club could have thought it had been a bigger deal than it actually was," he concluded, in a playing-it-down manner.

Perhaps Lindsay was trying to explain the platonic nature of her meeting up with Paris' ex, Stavros Niarchos, just days after Paris had dumped him...

18-05-2006, 18:30
Paris seems to be making a habbit of falling out with her so-called best mates