View Full Version : Doctors leaving!

17-05-2006, 19:30
Do you reckon we'll have a new doctor after Oliver goes?! I haven't heard anything, but I'd think we would.

Since Dr Legg left, doctors haven't stayed for more than 2 minutes. Dr. Leroy didn't engage with the community at all, and now Oliver is going after a few months.

Whose going to take over from Dr. Cousins?!

17-05-2006, 21:50
well he wasnt much of a doctor didnt see to many people apart from mo and freddie but im sure ee will cast a new doctor

17-05-2006, 21:56
well he wasnt much of a doctor didnt see to many people apart from mo and freddie but im sure ee will cast a new doctor

He didn't see any besides Mo and Freddie did he?! Complete waste of a character.

17-05-2006, 21:59
Do you reckon we'll have a new doctor after Oliver goes?! I haven't heard anything, but I'd think we would.

Since Dr Legg left, doctors haven't stayed for more than 2 minutes. Dr. Leroy didn't engage with the community at all, and now Oliver is going after a few months.

Whose going to take over from Dr. Cousins?!

Anthony was there for a while. And wasn't there that gay one...I think he was Asian. Fred something?

They don't seem to do well with doctors though. Oliver came in, got naked and then promptly disappeared until this storyline. I think Anthony did best out of all the doctors in terms of storylines etc, seeing as they brought in his family, and he had the triangle with Kat and Zoe. Kind of a boring character though.

17-05-2006, 22:12
Why is it always the Doctor's who leave so quickly?! :searchme: Why?!!

17-05-2006, 22:37
Couldnt stand him anyway,ole cousins so pleased he leaving!

17-05-2006, 22:49
He didn't see any besides Mo and Freddie did he?! Complete waste of a character.

He saw jane, dot, pat and honey when he first joined!

17-05-2006, 23:24
Anthony was there for a while. And wasn't there that gay one...I think he was Asian. Fred something?

he was asian, and quite sexy! his name was Dr Fonseca or something, i really couldn't spell it.
i say bring Antony back. he's got patrick and yolande to live with, they can all get over paul dying, he can get romantically entangled with someone etc etc

17-05-2006, 23:30
Anthony was o.k., but I wouldn't like to see him back full time. He was very boring! Someone new would be better, I think.

di marco
18-05-2006, 07:17
He saw jane, dot, pat and honey when he first joined!

yeh he did see other people other than mo and freddie, and the other day jim went to see him too

18-05-2006, 09:55
Anthony was the best doctor by far, i didnt like olivers character at all, so him leaving isnt really a big deal.

lisa cullumbine
18-05-2006, 12:35
:hmm: well from what i have been reading recently anthony wouldent mind comming back but i dont think its anytime soon

18-05-2006, 12:39
i would like anthony to return i thought he was good

18-05-2006, 17:00
He's leaving? woah. I didnt know that.

19-05-2006, 09:15
Anthony was gorgeous and I liked the way his "boringness" contrasted with the more outrageous characters - such as Kat.

Where has this actor gone? Why don't we see more of him on the telly?

19-05-2006, 13:03
dr. Leroy played in the Walford football team didn't he?

19-05-2006, 13:51
Where has this actor gone? Why don't we see more of him on the telly?

Nicolas Bailey is now in a tv show on BBC1 after Eastenders on a friday called home again, i watched it last week didnt think to much of it but that is where you will find him now.

What did Oliver really bring to the show other than a love interest for Mo i mean after the whole naked on the door step thing he dissapeared for a couple of weeks and suddenly showed up to kick off the Mo story, did anyone see a point to his character i didnt and terefore wont miss him.

19-05-2006, 20:41
Anthony was the best doctor in EE, he was actually central to some storylines instead of simmering in the background like the other doctors that have been in Eastenders.
Dr.Oliver has been central to the Little Mo/Freddie storyline and we have seen quite a bit of him but i felt he was only brought for a plot device and now i feel his character has been wasted. As for bringing a new doctor in, i hope that if they do then the character will be central to storylines and be used like the other characters and not brought in for a plot device.