View Full Version : Doherty sinks to a new low

16-05-2006, 13:51
Pete Doherty has sunk to a new low by squirting a syringe-full of his own blood at a MTV News camera.

MTV were interviewing the Babyshambles singer and his bandmates after a gig in Berlin.

Pete initially refused to join his bandmates, but midway through the interview he appeared in the room and sat down.

Nobody spotted the syringe reports The Sun.

He then took aim and unloaded his own blood on the camera lens from a few yards away.

He shouted: "That was a wicked shot. That's going to make a cracking link that is."

Pete's own bandmate Drew McConnell was so angry with the singer that he stormed off.

Drew apologised to MTV saying: "I think the interview is over my friend. I'm really sorry about that mate, that's ****ed up."

The crew were left to sterilise thousands of pounds worth of equipment.

16-05-2006, 13:58
that guy never fails to amaze me, why??? is all i can say.

Dr. Tangliss
16-05-2006, 14:06
That's Peter!:rolleyes: Guess the guy needs a break.

16-05-2006, 17:14
why would he do that! the guy is crAzy

Dr. Tangliss
16-05-2006, 17:15
Well he is a manic depressive, so I suppose he is in a way.

16-05-2006, 17:16
I think he needs to be isolated (if I got the right word) and everyone should leave him alone (like that will happen), only then he culd help himself somehow.. I see no other way because he seems to do everything for attention!!

17-05-2006, 10:35
He should be locked up with the key thrown away,waste of space if there ever was one.