View Full Version : Dpt

Dr. Tangliss
15-05-2006, 12:15
Anyone out there like, Dirty Pretty Things? I went to see them last week and the were fab!:cheer:

15-05-2006, 15:16
Ooh I was just about to make a thread about these, you beat me to it! :D How good is Bang Bang, you're dead! :cheer: What a tune! :cool:

15-05-2006, 15:20
yes i love this band, Bang Bang, you're dead is great i was just singing along to it on the radio.

15-05-2006, 16:07
oo i love dpt i think they're great some of their music is really good :)

Dr. Tangliss
15-05-2006, 16:53
Their album is brilliant, highly recommend it!

15-05-2006, 20:01
I love this band! I think Bang Bang you're Dead is amazing and I really want the album :D

Dr. Tangliss
15-05-2006, 20:03
Buy it!!!!!!! Last weeks gig was fab! They even played some Libertines songs!!! Carl Barat rocks!

16-05-2006, 13:38
they turned up on soccer AM last weekend and was drunk it was so funny.

Dr. Tangliss
16-05-2006, 14:09
I missed it!

Deadwood is their next single to be released.