View Full Version : Presenation tips?

14-05-2006, 17:26
Hi- I'm a uni student and i have a presentation tomorrow morning which i'm really dreading. Does anyone have any tips or advice that would help it to run smoothly and make me feel better?
thanks for your help,:)

14-05-2006, 17:29
go over your lines/notes so you remember them clearly enough to memorise them try not to become nervous and maybe do something that will take your mind off it for a bit good luck xxx

14-05-2006, 17:34
Just try and keep everything simple. If your speech has some complicated words of phrases, which might turn out to be a bit of a tougue twister, then try and change it. If you have a PowerPoint or something, dont use too many effects and keep it simple and sleek. Try and keep notes to a minimum, so you dont end up relying on them, and just reading.

Thats about it really. Just relax and you'll be alright :)

20-05-2006, 11:28
how did your presentation go then? did you do okay i hope you didnt get to nervous!

20-05-2006, 12:22
Hi- the presentations went brilliantly thanks for all your help! I was very nervous but everything went well! Zoe