View Full Version : Style

12-05-2006, 11:33
What skin have you got sb on now its all changed and we have a choice.I cant get used to all the others so im back to default style now but i keep chopping and changing.

12-05-2006, 11:35
Style ?? Do you mean the skin??:searchme: If that is what you are talking about, I have mine set on girl talk 3.. its really girly girly,, I think I will keep it , until I get bored with it.:lol: I love choices :D

12-05-2006, 11:41
oohh I like this change.. just gave it a go now and like Jodi I am using girltalk pink

12-05-2006, 13:53
i have got girl talk pink too! its really nice and girly!!!:D

12-05-2006, 13:56
I'v got the default one. Can't get used to the others at all. I did try Black and Gold for about an hour but nah.

12-05-2006, 13:57
I also tried the Black and Gold too,, it was too hard on my eyes.. I love the one I am using the girl talk pink,, its soooooooo cuteeeee :rotfl:

12-05-2006, 14:09
Ive settled on the pink now and im trying to get used to it,may have to pop back to the original.Dont ask me why but it seems to read different in a diff col lol :searchme:

12-05-2006, 14:14
Chance if people type every thing in BOLD it is so much easier to read..but of course every one has different tastes :)

12-05-2006, 14:45
ive got the blue one. Just like Man City (im a wee bit obsessed)

It does take a while to get used to.

12-05-2006, 14:55
i haven't got any style just got it on normal did not realise it could be changed

12-05-2006, 15:53
ive got girl talk pink. typical me that is and im still getting used to it.

12-05-2006, 16:30
i have the default as i find the others hard to read!

12-05-2006, 16:35
Chance if people type every thing in BOLD it is so much easier to read..but of course every one has different tastes :)

I'm not really understanding what your getting at....but ok :)

samantha nixon
12-05-2006, 16:49
i didnt realise you could change it i have only just done it and i have got girl talk green at the minute

12-05-2006, 17:19
i didnt realise you could change it i have only just done it and i have got girl talk green at the minute

Quick tell feelingyellow, that one looks like someone left peas loose on your screen :rotfl:

12-05-2006, 17:50
Defult... not used to much changes lol.

12-05-2006, 17:51
I cant get used to the others so I've stuck with the default but i've a feeling i'll make myself like girltalk pink, the black and gold one isnt very goos you cant see half the words on the screen

12-05-2006, 17:51
I've actually just changed it. To MNS.. gunna try that for a while haha

Quick tell feelingyellow, that one looks like someone left peas loose on your screen

:rotfl: lmao

12-05-2006, 18:09
Sorry Multiple post. im stupid!

12-05-2006, 18:30
IM using the girl talk three syle now. its really nice and Im getting used to it but i miss the logo. im not sure which one i prefer

12-05-2006, 18:34
Quick tell feelingyellow, that one looks like someone left peas loose on your screen :rotfl:

:eek: Ok, maybe I'm a bit obsessed with peas... but I do not go changing everything to peas... and no I did not have it on for an hour but then stop because the change was too different :rolleyes: :p

12-05-2006, 18:43
I have the pink girl talk one at the moment but i usally just have the default :p

12-05-2006, 19:18
Got the girl talk pink on at the moment, but its hard to get my head round, I like the default.

12-05-2006, 22:40
I'm flipping between I bulletin purple and girl talk pink at the moment.

12-05-2006, 22:45
I'm switching between the default one, and the iBullitin Purple one. Can't decide which one to settle on, but they're all fab. Not so sure about the black and gold one, but the rest are all nice.

12-05-2006, 23:53
i got the girl talk 3 one! havent bothered trying teh othesrs i liked this one instantly

12-05-2006, 23:56
I changed mine to girl talk3 now, its the only one besides the default where you can actually read the writing

13-05-2006, 03:26
i keep switching between girl tolk, I-Bulliten purple and default

di marco
13-05-2006, 08:50
im using the default one atm, having bothered changing it yet!

x Amby x
13-05-2006, 10:27
Im using Girl Talk Pink! I hadn't realised you could change the style until i saw this thread! lol

13-05-2006, 12:26
i am using the purple at the mo but keep changing it!!!