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11-05-2006, 14:41
Terror threat: Do you feel safer since july 7?

11-05-2006, 14:45
I don't feel any less safe or more safe so there was no option for that.. Sorry if anyone is scared but if terrorist want to attack they will find a way to do so and no amount of safety measure will stop them.. it might delay an attack but I don't think it will stop them

11-05-2006, 15:15
i think we all get fearful when an attack happens then as time goes on we all get complacent again.
we can all be sure that july 7th wont be the last terrorist attacks we see.

11-05-2006, 15:25
NOt really. Due to living in cornwall there is very little terror threat really...

11-05-2006, 17:18
not particularly any different. i mean i watch out for packages on the train but apart from that i feel no difference. when i was in paris, i was slightly worried, as it was the first time i had travelled underground on a metro since july the 7th. but apart from that... nothings changed. there are more BTP officers at Piccadilly, so you know its safe

di marco
11-05-2006, 17:22
when i get on a tube i look to see what the people look like on there lol! like i do when i get on a plane! but tbh im not that worried, if its going to happen its going to happen anyway whether i worry about it or not and i believe if youre meant to die then youre going to die, if not then youre not, simple as

11-05-2006, 19:02
I dont feel any safer at all, I work in security so I am always aware of my surrounding, but most people have dropped their gaurd, Only on Wednesday I was at the BBC studios,to see Paul Ogrady, when we left a european guy pulled up on a motorbike left the bike on a zig zag to the lights,and ran away to the under ground station, no one took any notice...it was right by the BBC which has been attacked in previous years, by the IRA bombings.

11-05-2006, 19:14
i cant say i feel any different, although i wont ever get on a tube now!

11-05-2006, 20:20
I dont feel any safer at all, I work in security so I am always aware of my surrounding, but most people have dropped their gaurd, Only on Wednesday I was at the BBC studios,to see Paul Ogrady, when we left a european guy pulled up on a motorbike left the bike on a zig zag to the lights,and ran away to the under ground station, no one took any notice...it was right by the BBC which has been attacked in previous years, by the IRA bombings. ya right it was only us that saw him.But at work everyday my drivers check there buses before and after work. But i will happen again because to many refugees getting in to Britian and no one cares anymore about it:thumbsdow :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

12-05-2006, 15:05
no cause the terriosts will find away of attacking and killing us again no matter what the govourment trys to do

12-05-2006, 19:17
The government is spineless and terrorists realise this so will continue to exploit their weaknesses and policies which appear to reward their evil. Times we live in now require firm leadership.

12-05-2006, 19:25
not at all if it happen it happens! terrorist have always been around no point being scared!