View Full Version : how celebs really look

06-05-2005, 13:23
mad isnt it!!http://img239.echo.cx/img239/7735/aguilera26ni.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us) christina!
http://img239.echo.cx/img239/102/anderson12se.th.jpg (http://img239.echo.cx/my.php?image=anderson12se.jpg)pammy!!http://img239.echo.cx/img239/4324/bspears29yc.th.jpg (http://img239.echo.cx/my.php?image=bspears29yc.jpg) britney!!
http://img239.echo.cx/img239/7265/jenlopez1r7ww.th.jpg (http://img239.echo.cx/my.php?image=jenlopez1r7ww.jpg) jennifer lopez!!

06-05-2005, 23:33
omg! That Christina one is so wierd! Not in a bad way, but i guess she puts soooo much effort into her looks normally that its wierd seeing a picture of her without any slap on

07-05-2005, 08:49
Pammy looks so much better au naturel!

07-05-2005, 13:13
Yeah, and Jennifer doesn't look that bad

07-05-2005, 13:41
It's easy to compare yourself with celebrities and think how good they look, but it's hardly surprising really - they have hair and make up people to touch them up wherever they are, stylists to tell thwm what to wear to look good, plastic surgeons to "nip and tuck" them and airbrushes to touch up pistures. I love it when there are photos like that that show celebs aren't always so "Perfect" Lol :rolleyes: