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10-05-2006, 15:32
Just found this on the Supanet homepage. They've got to be kidding with this one though, seriously.

New Mitchell set for Square

Grant and Phil Mitchell are set for a shock when they discover they have a half-brother, in a gripping new 'EastEnders' storyline.

The two hardmen will be stunned when their unknown sibling comes out of the wood work looking to trace his roots.

It is soon revealed that the new addition to the Mitchell clan is the product of a secret affair Eric Mitchell, the father of Grant and Phil, had behind wife Peggy's back.

However, rather than be a happy family reunion, Phil, played by actor Steve McFadden, and his long lost sibling will soon be at loggerheads with each other.

Grant will not be in Albert Square to meet his brother as actor Ross Kemp who plays the tough guy is taking a break from the soap.

A show insider told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "He is a respectable highly intelligent university graduate who has decided to trace his roots.

"Phil and his new brother will take an instant dislike to each other."


I put it here cos it's got a source (Daily Star) but if it needs to be moved to rumours (because of the sheer WTF nature of the story) then go ahead mods. :)

Johnny Allen
10-05-2006, 15:36
sounds good, looks like the nice Phil won't be lasting to long then probably end up going back to his hard man ways, and losing his temper.

10-05-2006, 15:36
With EE these days anything is possible. It would mean that there would be another Mitchell in the square because it appears that TPTB are under the mistaken impression that EE is nothing without the Magnificent Mitchells:rolleyes:

10-05-2006, 15:36
thay have got to be Joking another Mitchell Brother?

10-05-2006, 15:37
This could make sense!!! The woman who Jane did say on another program that there will be another mitchell on the way and everyone assumed she was talking about her been pregnant for grant!!!

10-05-2006, 15:39
this will be a good storyline and ut be good to watch wounder if he be like phil and grant or like little ben

10-05-2006, 15:40
Grant taking another break.....god he'll be catching Sharon up soon! Hope this is true and if it is I wish Eric was alive, it'd be a second firework night!

10-05-2006, 19:06
Grant taking another break.....god he'll be catching Sharon up soon! Hope this is true and if it is I wish Eric was alive, it'd be a second firework night!

I'm glad it's only a break though! I didn't know that he was coming back.

Surprising storyline. It's quite similar to when Dennis turned up out of the blue.

I assume the woman Eric had an affair with was of better class than Peggy. I know it doesn't necesairily follow going to Univeristy, but she did at least care that her son was getting a good education.

10-05-2006, 19:13
This could make sense!!! The woman who Jane did say on another program that there will be another mitchell on the way and everyone assumed she was talking about her been pregnant for grant!!!

What programme was that?

I'm a bit confused. In Inside Soap it hinted strongly (a while ago) that Jane was having a baby with Grant. Do you think Inside Soap got it wrong, and the source actually said another Mitchell was arriving, which they assumed mean't that Jane was having a baby?!

If that makes sense?! lol.

10-05-2006, 19:17
Sounds good. I wonder if peggy will dislike him too.

10-05-2006, 19:22
Sounds good. I wonder if peggy will dislike him too.

I think so. He wouldn't be a real 'Mitchell' in her eyes. They are supposed to be tough. A university graduate whose clever and puts the other Mitchells to shame would upset her.

10-05-2006, 19:35
cant wait for this storyline to happen :) sounds like it will be good, wonder if he will be like Phill and Grant or totally different, more like ben!! for instance lol :rotfl:

10-05-2006, 19:36
Well it would also upset Peggy because he would be the "blood" Mitchell's family (ie, Phil & Grant, plus their kids, as well as Sam) but he wouldn't be hers. So if he eventually did bond with Phil and the others, she may feel pushed out. She is big on what it is to be a "Mitchell," but she's actually only one by marriage.

10-05-2006, 19:52
Well it would also upset Peggy because he would be the "blood" Mitchell's family (ie, Phil & Grant, plus their kids, as well as Sam) but he wouldn't be hers. So if he eventually did bond with Phil and the others, she may feel pushed out. She is big on what it is to be a "Mitchell," but she's actually only one by marriage.

Yeah she is only a 'Mitchell' by marriage but she takes being one very seriously. Phil, Grant and Sam have been brought up in the way of the 'Mitchell family'. I don't thing this 'brother' has. Going to university isn't something Phil or Grant would ever comprehend. I think this man takes after his mother.

10-05-2006, 19:59
Eastenders would be nothing without the Mitchells. There really would be no stories if they werent there.

10-05-2006, 20:03
I don't like the Mitchells at the best of times (except grant) Definately don't think they need another one. It's about time the Mitchells get phased out anyway, give other familys a chance to shine, I think the Mitchells have run thier course (In my opinion)

10-05-2006, 20:09
why do i get the feeling that its going to be ian's bank manager? :searchme:

10-05-2006, 20:25
Yeah she is only a 'Mitchell' by marriage but she takes being one very seriously. Phil, Grant and Sam have been brought up in the way of the 'Mitchell family'. I don't thing this 'brother' has. Going to university isn't something Phil or Grant would ever comprehend. I think this man takes after his mother.

I just think if they are going to do this ridiculous story, they should dig a little deeper into Peggy's reaction. I mean, her husband had an affair, this guy turns up out of the blue wanting to get to know his "family," which doesn't actually include her. That'd be a better reaction than hours of "He's not a real Mitchell," which is what she does most episodes anyway.

10-05-2006, 21:39
I think this would be an interesting storyline!! cant wait

10-05-2006, 21:56
sounds alright it depends on how goo dthe actro is cant judge until we've seen it personally i think it could go either way i think they're only bringing in more mitchells to build up the family now that sams gona and billy is only shown with oney and with grant takinga break to

10-05-2006, 22:10
I am sort of curious to see who they get to play this brother, did they say he would be younger or older,, how interesting, this man will be intelligent and cultured,, I like that..totally the opposite of Phil and Grant and Sam... and of course Peggy.. :rolleyes:

10-05-2006, 22:35
I assume the woman Eric had an affair with was of better class than Peggy. I

Even WELLARD had a better class than Peggy ' Poison Dwarf' Mitchell

10-05-2006, 23:12
Even WELLARD had a better class than Peggy ' Poison Dwarf' Mitchell

Yeah! lol.

Do you think his bit on the side was equivalent to Den's Jan?!

Chloe O'brien
10-05-2006, 23:20
its not going to be that new guy that Ian meets is it :hmm:

10-05-2006, 23:27
its not going to be that new guy that Ian meets is it :hmm:

I didn't think of that! You could be right there!

I did read in his interview that he was going to be part of a major storyline this summer! And he is going to be introduced to Ian first. Could he be involved in this somehow. Is there some way he could get back at Grant with this information?! (I think Ian's bound to find out about Ian and Jane's affair sooner or later).

lisa cullumbine
11-05-2006, 12:42
:cheer: how cool would that be another mitchell i do think it would be good if he fitted in though even though he is totally different he could have a secret viloent streak just like phil and grant oh yes bring it on greatstuff hope it is true

11-05-2006, 13:22
I really cannot understand this total obsession with the 'Magnificent Mitchells':rolleyes:

They are useless stereotype characters well past their sell-by dates. Why the BBC spends enormous amounts of our licence fee luring them back is beyond me.

They are average actors no more.

11-05-2006, 13:46
You're right alan. They've completely had their day. They're just plain boring now..

90's Mitchells = Yes

00's Mitchells = NO :nono:

Dr. Tangliss
11-05-2006, 14:00
Oh dear, sounds like EE are running out of ideas in order to have thought of that. Plus, the fact that Grant is not staying in it for the long term , they had to pull this rabbit out of the hat.

di marco
11-05-2006, 16:41
why do i get the feeling that its going to be ian's bank manager? :searchme:

i didnt think of that, but youre probably right

11-05-2006, 16:50
oooo this should be good when exactly does grant come off ourscreens????

11-05-2006, 22:39
I think this story could work and i think it would be great if they add a new dimension to the Mitchell clan, we will just have to wait and see what happens!:)
And as far as i know, Grant will be off our screens next week or the week after:)

12-05-2006, 00:28
originally when i first read this thread i thought it was a rediculous idea but after thinking about it i think itcould work as it did when they intriduced Dennis as a long lost sibling (he was an extremely successful addition to the Watts clan)

12-05-2006, 11:04
Grant leaving??? I thought he was going to be on a bit longer,, or is this just for a little bit,, then come back?? I love the idea of a new Mitchell sibling..some one totally the opposite of the present Mitchell boys..Would be verrrrrrrrry interesting, does any one know for sure it this IS GOING TO HAPPEN,, or is this just some ones wishful thinking :searchme:

12-05-2006, 18:15
Grant leaving??? I thought he was going to be on a bit longer,, or is this just for a little bit,, then come back?? I love the idea of a new Mitchell sibling..some one totally the opposite of the present Mitchell boys..Would be verrrrrrrrry interesting, does any one know for sure it this IS GOING TO HAPPEN,, or is this just some ones wishful thinking :searchme:

Well i think nothing has been confirmed yet but on an interview with Laurie Brett who plays Jane, she said there will be another Mitchell on the way soon but some people are speculating that Jane will be pregnant with Grant's child and others are saying that a new Mitchell sibling will arrive but as far as i know, nothing has been confirmed yet. :)
Also, Grant is leaving next week and will return in a few weeks when Carla arrives. :)

eastenders mad
12-05-2006, 19:16
not another the Mitchells seriously i don't know why they brought them back they are so boring.

12-05-2006, 22:40
However, rather than be a happy family reunion, Phil, played by actor Steve McFadden, and his long lost sibling will soon be at loggerheads with each other.like phil and grant then:rotfl:

12-05-2006, 23:05
oooooo another Mitchell i cant wait

12-05-2006, 23:13
oooooo another Mitchell i cant waitI can. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y178/Birks_2k4/yawn.gif

13-05-2006, 13:31
Ah someone with Mitchell genes:rotfl: who is an University Graduate, they make it sound unbeleivable, but hey anything goes in Eastendersland, hope he's good looking though!

16-05-2006, 20:17
Ah someone with Mitchell genes:rotfl: who is an University Graduate, they make it sound unbeleivable, but hey anything goes in Eastendersland, hope he's good looking though!

i hope the actor is robert kazinsky, (as i loved the character he played in dream team) and he is not bad looking either :cool:

17-05-2006, 10:39
sounds interesting !!! ... i wonder if he's a hardnut like phil and grant !!

17-05-2006, 11:10
I am hoping this new guy is nothing like Phil or Grant.. even tho he may have Mitchell blood flowing in his veins, but his upbrining will be different, mature, and more sauve..Maybe he is more talented "fighting" with words rather than brute force ( like his half brothers) But who ever they bring in, I hope he is totally the opposite .. which should make things a bit more interesting :D

lisa cullumbine
17-05-2006, 12:35
:rolleyes: well from what i have read and heard phil and his new brother do not hit it off he also arrives whilst grant is away for a while!

17-05-2006, 13:20
i hope hes different to phil and noddy to, should be interesting to see how he is bought into the show.

17-05-2006, 17:50
I am hoping this new guy is nothing like Phil or Grant.. even tho he may have Mitchell blood flowing in his veins, but his upbrining will be different, mature, and more sauve..Maybe he is more talented "fighting" with words rather than brute force ( like his half brothers) But who ever they bring in, I hope he is totally the opposite .. which should make things a bit more interesting :D

Yeah i have to agree with what you just said, if Grant and Phil's brother is brought in and he's just like them, i would feel like there was no point in bringing him into the show in the first place because he will just be the same as Phil and Grant, i hope he is the more mature and intelligent one of the bunch. :)

18-05-2006, 11:08
sharon marshall has just said on this morning that it is not true! it is something to do with coronation street not eastenders

18-05-2006, 13:08
sharon marshall has just said on this morning that it is not true! it is something to do with coronation street not eastenders

Yeah I saw that too. Brothers moving into the street, who are going to be a bit like the Mitchells.

18-05-2006, 14:02
Yeah I saw that too. Brothers moving into the street, who are going to be a bit like the Mitchells. yeah thats right! nothing wa mentioned about eastenders today :thumbsdow

18-05-2006, 14:30
awww well what a shame, well anyway both mitchell brothers ahve ahd storylines so if another brother was to come in they would be kinda hogging the lime light if you know what i mean

18-05-2006, 18:26
awww well what a shame, well anyway both mitchell brothers ahve ahd storylines so if another brother was to come in they would be kinda hogging the lime light if you know what i mean yeah they would so i guess it is best to leave it has it is but still it would of been a good storyline

18-05-2006, 18:33
Not very bad news....i think two Mitchell Brothers is enough!