View Full Version : Deal Or No Deal!

10-05-2006, 01:31

10-05-2006, 09:05
Thanks very much for posting this link, unfortunately, I am addicted to this and will now probably loose my job. I also don't seem to be very good at it!!:o

10-05-2006, 11:48
How addictive is that. I won £10 could have won £9500. Oh well that was fun :)

10-05-2006, 11:50
I found this game last week and have been playing for ages... I always seem to lucky out.. stupid game :-) (smilies don't work for me)

10-05-2006, 12:26
omg im at work and i cant access this

i so want to play this!!!!!!!

10-05-2006, 13:00

I wish I could have the money!!!!! Work in our office has now stopped! Whoops all my fault for finding this link

10-05-2006, 13:35
OOOOHHH, I have just won £50,000, now why oh why could that not be real money!!

samantha nixon
10-05-2006, 18:22
i won a massive 10p how good is that lol

10-05-2006, 18:22
ok im going on this show - got 8 boxes left and just been offered £59,000

Jessie Wallace
11-05-2006, 17:40
The link doesn't work .

11-05-2006, 18:12
the link doesnt work for me either :(

x Amby x
11-05-2006, 21:12
Yeah same for me, i love this show!

11-05-2006, 21:45
I carnt get the link to work either..

big bro fan
11-05-2006, 21:55
No link it does not work. If you want go to www.channel4.co.uk click on games then i think it comes under strategy you can play the american version where you can win a fantastic 1 million dollars.

11-05-2006, 22:47
it did work hummmm strange! :S