View Full Version : what now?

09-05-2006, 20:54
me and my mum had an argument about 6 weeks and she told me to move out, so i did. I thought that if i gave her space then she would calm down but she still wont talk to me. On sunday i went to my cousins christening and she was there, along with my brother and sister and step-dad, none of them would talk to me and it really hurt. My mum thinks i blame her for things whicj have happend in the past and I dont know wether i should make the first step to try and talk to her - im scared that she'll reject me. what do you think i should do?

09-05-2006, 21:11
i think you should make the first move, afterall she is your mum and overall it doesn't matter who is at fault or why, if anything happened to either of you the other would feel so guilty for not putting your differences aside, good luck:)

09-05-2006, 21:15
you sjouldnt worry shes your mum she should listen to whatever you have to say go round and talk things through with her whatever you've done it must have been pretty bad for her to throw you out but take her round some flowers or something lol and then just talk to her im sure she'll at least listen to you

09-05-2006, 21:39
Well i tried to talk to her on sunday but she totally blanked me! i dont know how much more time she needs. i had to sit and watch her playing happy familys with my brother and sister!

09-05-2006, 21:42
surely someone in your family agrees/likes you at the moment maybe you could get them just to persuade your mum to see you other than taht im not sure at the mo ill have to have a think lol

09-05-2006, 21:46
Well i think that most of my family have seen her true colours after sunday - but i dont want to cause any arguements with them all , after all its my mums and mines problem. i think they have tried im not sure. thanks for everyones help.

10-05-2006, 17:00
aww all you can do is try, good luck :)

02-06-2006, 13:25
Can you write a letter to your Mum. Explain that you don't blame her for things that have happened (even if you do, but want to make peace). Tell her that you're sorry if anything you have said has upset her, and you want to sort things out with her. Tell her you love her.

I had some humdingers with my Mum when I was at home, but I knew I only had to say sorry, and that was enough for her to forget it all. We get on tons better now, especially as she has been diagnosed with breast cancer in the last year and I've held her hand all the way through.

You only get one Mum, but if this doesn't work, you'll just have to give her time, but at least you'll know you did your best.

I wish you luck.

Edit:- Gosh, I've just realised this is from a couple of weeks ago. Silly me. I do hope you've been able to sort things out. Best wishes.