View Full Version : Anyone think i'll have a job by the end of the day???

09-05-2006, 08:23
The future of hundreds of Scottish call centre jobs will become clearer on Tuesday when cable firm NTL publishes its first quarter financial results.
The company is expected to cut up to 6,000 jobs across the UK as it attempts to make £250m of cost savings.

Some jobs at its call centres could be moved to India and South Africa. NTL employs about 900 people in Bellshill, Lanarkshire and more elsewhere.

The prospect of job losses follows a £3.4bn merger with Telewest.

The combined British workforce of Telewest and NTL is about 17,000.

We are lobbying hard for the retention of customer contact centre jobs in the UK

Communication Workers Union

About a third of the workforce is said to be facing redundancy. The final figure will be announced by NTL's chief executive Stephen Burch.

The centre in Bellshill and another facility in Glenrothes could be among those hardest hit. NTL is a major employer in both areas.

Union leaders attacked the cable company and said they would press for no compulsory redundancies.

Unions' anger

The Communication Workers Union said it was "surprised and dismayed" at the reported cuts.

Assistant secretary Brian Healy said: "We have raised concerns with the company and are seeking assurance that there will be no compulsory redundancies.

"We are also lobbying hard for the retention of customer contact centre jobs in the UK.

An announcement is expected on Tuesday morning

"There has been talk of outsourcing these jobs and if this is the case the CWU wants reassurances that outsourcing will be limited to within the UK."

Bectu official Sharon Elliott said: "Once again British workers have first heard about job cuts through the media and this from a company which insists that communication with its workforce is a priority.

"NTL's call centre staff, many of whom have a strong commitment to the company, are being told they are likely to be passed over for cheaper options.

"This is a monumental slap in the face for staff who have remained with the company through several turbulent and difficult years."

NTL was unavailable for comment.

09-05-2006, 09:16
Thats terrible. One our our call centres over here is closing soon and the jobs being transferred to India. Without wanting to sound racist I think its a disgrace. I find it very difficult to understand these people when they ring up and try to sell you stuff. In the end once I hear the voice I just hang up.:angry:

I hope you do not get bad news today

09-05-2006, 09:21
Thats terrible. One our our call centres over here is closing soon and the jobs being transferred to India. Without wanting to sound racist I think its a disgrace. I find it very difficult to understand these people when they ring up and try to sell you stuff. In the end once I hear the voice I just hang up.:angry:

I hope you do not get bad news today

unfortunatly the chance are that our whole centre will be closing with 90% of our customers down south and in ireland we are the only scottish call centre.

I also think its a disgrace that we found out about this in the press!!! they did apologies but that all. Apparently we'll all find out early today but i have a feeling you will all know before we do.

Another thing - they started 30 new people yesterday!!! Thats 30 people who have left their jobs only to be told no thanks we're closing!! Disgrace :angry:

09-05-2006, 09:22
I find it very difficult to understand these people when they ring up and try to sell you stuff. In the end once I hear the voice I just hang up.:angry:

We already lose a large amount of customers because our tech support call centre is in india - whats it going to be like when everythings over there :mad:

09-05-2006, 10:01
People should vote with their feet. If NTLs customers in the UK decided to switch to someone with UK based call centres then they would get the message Goodbye Delhi hello Derry:nono:

09-05-2006, 10:35
I work on a helpdesk, not going to say which company and all our english line were sent to India 2 years ago and currently our language lines are moved to south Africa.. fair play to the company, anyone who didn't jump ship at this news was reassigned elsewhere in the company and they are now employing more people on commerical helpdesks so none of us who stayed are out of work and even better we are getting promoted quicker as we are the most senior agents here too

09-05-2006, 11:45
Lee- Hopefully you are safe. NTL have said that no job loses in Scotland this time.

Good luck!

09-05-2006, 11:50
Hope your job remains safe...

Good luck

09-05-2006, 14:41
Hope your job is safe Luna.

The problem with outsourcing is that initially it appears to be a good deal for the company as they are making use of cheap labour.

Fast forward a few years and all of a sudden things look less rosy. The once cheap labour is now demanding pay rises; with the increased wealth they have become accustomed to having the better things in life etc.

The real ironic thing is that the money is going out of our economy. Think of it this way:

NTL sells its products in the UK
UK workers need jobs to buy NTL products
NTL oursources to India
UK workers lose jobs
NTL suffers losses as UK unemployment grows, less people to buy products
Uk economy goes downhill

That to me is the net effect of outsourcing. A few people at the top get extremely rich whilst the rest of the economy suffers.

09-05-2006, 22:14
The future of about 1,700 Scottish call centre posts is secure despite 6,000 job cuts by NTL.
The cable company employs about 925 people at its call centre in Bellshill, Lanarkshire and another 125 in Glenrothes, Fife.

Staff at both centres will escape the cuts. A spokeswoman for NTL said there would be no "immediate" changes to the Scottish workforce.

NTL is to make £250m of cost savings after a £3.4bn merger with Telewest.

The combined British workforce of Telewest and NTL is about 17,000.

About a third of the workforce is now facing redundancy by the end of March 2007.

I'm very relieved that we are not talking about redundancies

Michael McMahon

NTL said a number of jobs would be transferred under outsourcing agreements, including 1,500 to IBM.

NTL employs nearly 1,700 people in Scotland, according to the Scottish Executive.

These include 925 call centre staff at Bellshill and 275 staff spread between the west of Scotland and Livingston.

A further 348 staff who formerly worked for Telewest are employed in Edinburgh and 125 in Glenrothes, Fife.

Income up

Michael McMahon, Labour MSP for Hamilton and Bellshill, said: "I was hopeful that we could get some good news and obviously I'm very relieved that we are not talking about redundancies.

"There was good news last week with Sky TV creating new jobs in the constituency and it would have been very disheartening if that had been followed by jobs moving away."

The company said revenues for the three months to 31 March were £611m, up £127m from the fourth quarter.

It added 25,800 customers during the quarter.

09-05-2006, 22:16
we;ll ive still got a job at the moment - they have gone from saying we are completely safe to safe at the moment at the end of the day - unfortunatly its not such good news for the people down south with them being transfered to IBM or being offered to re train in customer service was talking to some of them today and they didnt sound happy about it at all