View Full Version : Big Brother baby news..

07-05-2006, 20:36
Chantelle Houghton has revealed she's desperate to have kids.

The Celebrity Big Brother winner says she feels ready to get pregnant by Ordinary Boys fiance Preston.

The pair are planning to get married later this year reports OK! magazine.

Chantelle said: "Babies are something I would've definitely said no to six months ago, but my mind has been changed so it's yes now!

"Ours will probably come out with blonde hair extensions and covered in tattoos!"

She added: "There was a photo of me looking a bit pregnant (in a magazine recently) but I'm so not. I'd probably just eaten a big lunch!

"Even my mum called me up going: 'You're not are you?' so I had to convince her I wasn't, but we laugh about it now. But I've read it so many times that I'm beginning to believe it myself!"

Speaking about her wedding plans she said: "We're thinking about a big country manor house at the end of August or start of September because neither of us are religious."

Chantelle says she'll be picky about her guests, she added: "I just want people there who I've spoken to in the last five years at least and who are a big part of my life. I absolutely hate weddings where you have to ask people what they've been up to - I should already know!

"Since Big Brother I've had people saying they're my best mates, but I think why haven't they said that to me instead of telling a magazine?"

07-05-2006, 22:34
Oh bore on Chantelle! Nobody cares!!!!

07-05-2006, 22:51
OMG a baby already.just another way to stay in the papers me thinks

07-05-2006, 22:52
Every idiot who voted for Chantelle to win "CELEBRITY" Big Brother... its your fault we have this overload

if you had showed your resentment for this idiot as oppose to encorugaing her existance then we wouldnt have her dominating every newspaper,magazine and tv show!


Jessie Wallace
07-05-2006, 23:16
What ever, it's up to them, if they wanna go for the publisty stunt let them, someone obvisuly likes them or they wouldn't make the news everyday.

Chloe O'brien
08-05-2006, 11:41
Bless her little heart all this fame has gone to her head. Don't worry she'll be yesterday's news come next week when BB7 starts if I was her I'd get married this week while the media is still interested in her

08-05-2006, 11:45
you know Chloe you are so right they should have bagged the lime light when they had the chance - she will be so yesterday when BB7 starts

08-05-2006, 15:48
she has only been with preston less than six months and she wants a baby.as soon as BB7 starts she will no longer get much Attention but it will make jade even more determend to stay in the limelight

09-05-2006, 22:39
so what happens when BB starts...we have another sad wannabee in the headlines instead! sad!