View Full Version : Repeats

06-05-2006, 20:07
Can someone please tell me when the repeats are on and what channel,as my son really likes it now and he missed it tonight and was gutted.Thanks :)

big bro fan
06-05-2006, 20:10
Should be repeated tommorw on bbc3 at i think 7o clock. For the time your probably better off asking Abi.

Chloe O'brien
06-05-2006, 21:02
Chance it get's repeated tomorrow (sunday) at 7.15pm and again of Friday at 9pm both on bbc3

06-05-2006, 21:56
wicked,thanks guys :) :) :)

08-05-2006, 16:03
it's always repeated on BBC3 throughout the week