View Full Version : Week 21

05-05-2006, 15:49
Monday 22 May

Phil tries to reassure Ben that they are doing the right thing by
keeping quiet about baby Freddie, but Ben isn’t convinced and
decides to speak out...

Meanwhile, Billy is shocked when Honey reveals the new theme
for their wedding.

Elsewhere, Deano has a run-in with Squiggle and accidentally
breaks her window. He is shocked when he realises that she is
Chelsea’s sister.

Tuesday 23 May

Little Mo agonises about whether or not to go to the police
following Ben’s confession.

Meanwhile, Billy is worried when he sees his new wedding outfit
but decides he’ll do whatever it takes to make Honey happy.

Elsewhere, Deano tries to make amends in the Fox household by
doing some DIY. However, it doesn’t quite go according to plan.

Thursday 25 May

Little Mo is thrilled with Oliver’s proposal but it’s not long before
things begin to go wrong.

Elsewhere, Grant contacts Jane and asks her to meet him. She
arrives at the motel and tries to convince him to return with her
to the Square, but he isn’t too sure.

Meanwhile, Billy and Honey can’t agree on what their first dance
should be – until the decision is unexpectedly taken out of their hands.

Friday 26 May

Grant’s life is thrown into turmoil when he finds an unexpected
visitor in the Vic.

Meanwhile, Little Mo bids farewell to the Square and makes a firm
decision about her relationship with Oliver.

05-05-2006, 15:53
Coincidence =p

Ok, who is Chelsea and Squiggle :searchme:

05-05-2006, 15:54
i think they are part of a new family in the square

05-05-2006, 15:54
Thanks for posting.

Good on Ben for confessing to Little Mo. It looks like Grant's wife Carla shows up now. Should be interesting when she finds out about Grant's affair with Jane and Chelesa.

05-05-2006, 16:03
Thanks fro posting!

Looking forward to seeing honeys wedding theme!! its bound to be over the top

05-05-2006, 16:03
im thinking pink or something for the wedding theme.

05-05-2006, 16:07
so we see the exit of little mo and the arrival of carla whats the wedding theme i wonder

05-05-2006, 16:09
Pink is a bit too obvious, more like green :D Glad to see that Carla has come to lay claim to Grant :D keep him on his toes :D
EE has started picking up, hope they keep up with the kind of writing they've had over the last few epis :D

05-05-2006, 16:55
thanks for posting im so glad mo is finally going

05-05-2006, 17:06
Didn't realise Little Mo was leaving so soon.

05-05-2006, 20:38
thanks for posting im so glad mo is finally going

I think it's sad that Little Mo is leaving, the last one of the Slater sisters. I hope she returns in the future. A happier person.

05-05-2006, 20:41
cant wait for the friday episode just as one mitchell leaves another arrives

goobye mo! i will miss you! and welcome carla! cant wait for you to bitch slap jane! :cheer:

05-05-2006, 22:24
Sounds like a good week in the Square especially with the arrival of Carla and the departure of Little Mo. I feel that Carla will be the ultimate bitch :p I am sure it won't be long until a fight breaks out between her and Jane. Glad Ben was honest with Little Mo, good on him :) I wonder if Little Mo will leave with Dr Oliver after all???
Anyway, can't wait til these episodes air, it will be good to see the whole Fox family together for the first time as well :)

Johnny Allen
06-05-2006, 17:35
look forward to Carla entering Walford, I bet Grants face will be a picture.

06-05-2006, 17:39
With Little Mo leaving this is gonna be it for the Slaters. Lynne's gone, Zoe's gone, Kat's gone, and now Little Mo's gonna be gone. They've had their day unfortunately.

06-05-2006, 18:34
With Little Mo leaving this is gonna be it for the Slaters. Lynne's gone, Zoe's gone, Kat's gone, and now Little Mo's gonna be gone. They've had their day unfortunately.

Yeah it's sad isn't it?! I really like the Slater family as a whole. Stacey and Big Mo are great though! And we've still got them.

06-05-2006, 21:04
Yeah it's sad isn't it?! I really like the Slater family as a whole. Stacey and Big Mo are great though! And we've still got them.

Yeah they are both great, but it's just sad that this is the last slater sister to leave :(

06-05-2006, 22:19
theres still belinda and neville folks! :D

i give it 6 months before eastenders bosses bring them back into it!

07-05-2006, 00:20
With Little Mo leaving this is gonna be it for the Slaters. Lynne's gone, Zoe's gone, Kat's gone, and now Little Mo's gonna be gone. They've had their day unfortunately.

Uncle Charlie will have to come up with a new slogan, as he won't be able to say 'My girls' by the end of the month.

How about: 'My distant relatives'. :hmm:

"Don't lay a finger on my distant relatives sunshine". :rolleyes:

07-05-2006, 00:28
Uncle Charlie will have to come up with a new slogan, as he won't be able to say 'My girls' by the end of the month.

How about: 'My distant relatives'. :hmm:

"Don't lay a finger on my distant relatives sunshine". :rolleyes:

Yeah lol!

I think he'll just call them by their name.

07-05-2006, 00:33
Anyone know what the theme for Billy and Honey's wedding is going to be?

07-05-2006, 00:35
In Billy and Honey tradition, the theme will be...

...muppets. :rolleyes:

07-05-2006, 13:10
Anyone know what the theme for Billy and Honey's wedding is going to be?

No i don't actually, maybe Honey would want it to be a fairytale wedding??! :)

08-05-2006, 14:42
cant wait for carla to come grant is kinda annoying me though and little mo and oliver leaving already????

10-05-2006, 01:10
Monday 22 May

Meanwhile, Billy is shocked when Honey reveals the new theme
for their wedding.

cant wait to see what it is!

Little Mo is thrilled with Oliver’s proposal but it’s not long before
things begin to go wrong.

Whata suprise!!Things always go wrong for Little Mo