View Full Version : Blairs 9 years

01-05-2006, 22:12
Have Blairs 9 years been good or bad for Britain?
Completely (sp) ballsed up the the poll,the options are meant to say good or bad not yes or no.
So vote yes his 9 years have been bad or no for they havent been bad.
If anyone knows how to fix it then let me know and il change it to good or bad :)

Chloe O'brien
01-05-2006, 23:56
I voted no as I think blair has done a lot of good for the country over the last nine years, but may be I'm being biased against the tories as when they were in government they brought scotland and its working class to its knees. So I was glad to see the back of the tory government. However I thinks its about time that Blair did step aside and let Gordon Brown in to number 10

02-05-2006, 04:50
Bliar has been a complete disaster to Britain. He and his cronies had the cheek to call the tories sleazey. This last week has proven how bad Labour really is and how much was hidden by the economical truths of the spin doctor Alastair Campbell. Under Labour we have watched the health service meltdown along with the economy and thanks to Political Correctness the lunatics appear to be running the asylum.

02-05-2006, 15:24
i think it's time Tony Blair Quit

02-05-2006, 17:54
may be I'm being biased against the tories as when they were in government they brought scotland and its working class to its knees. So I was glad to see the back of the tory government.

In the defence of the Tories, and particularly under the Maggie days, they had to get rid of much of the manufacturing industry in Scotland and the North of England/Wales, because it was so heavily inefficient. It had for too long been propped up by high taxation and this showed no sign of ending in the near future, especially as India and China, along with SE Asia were processing goods far cheaper than they were made in the UK.
Something had to give, and as much as I felt for those who lost their jobs and their livelihoods in your part, I think it was the right thing to do for the health of the country in the long-term - you have to remember it was these policies (combined with the extreme Trade Union movements) which were the catalyst in bringing this country to the brink of bankruptcy under Labour in the 70s. That's why we needed to move to a service-based economy, rather than a dying manufacturing one. I use this analogy which sounds similar to a bad trip at the Doctors: If your arm has awful gangreen, it's best to chop it off now, rather than let the gangreen grow and spread beyond the arm.
If you needed a job, as Tebbit said, "On yer bike" if you wanted to find work. That's what I've done in the last few years, travelled all over the country for different jobs. It's a sacrifice yes - to the point where you may leave your family behind - but if one wants a job the best chance they had was to move south of the border.

I was in a way glad to see the Tories leave office, as every Government has a shelf life, and the Major years were very painful at times. That said, I knew from the off that TB (even his inititals are a disease) and his New Labour elk were a con. Apart from the War in Iraq, some of his anti-terrorism measures (exception of the awful ID cards), and his Chancellor handing over IR control to the Bank of England, he has been an absolute disaster for this country, and his ministers are even worse.

9 years of nothing from Tony Bliar. What a pity.

02-05-2006, 23:47
Lets not forget all the good labour has done Nhs started by labour, tories wanted all to pay private. Look at our pensioners they get free tv licences and £300 heating allowance Tories gave nothing.Ive seen what Mrs Thatcher done over the years she stared the channel tunnel so now we been invaded with imagants, poor labour still trying to clean up the mess. Look at poll tax i pay the same poll tax as Kensington palace and i got a flat, tories want working class to pay for the rich so rich get richer and the working class get poorer. If tories had there way the rich would be the only ones with cars. they want toles on motor way so the rich can drive in fast lanes only. so no to tory wages. Labour stats for working class so if you are then vote them.

02-05-2006, 23:58
I just think about Mag the, ermmm, anyway, selling off the council houses, yeah it was great for those at the time, but now there is a huge waiting list. In the Tory years, I was made to feel like an outcast, because I was a single parent, and not some upper class snob with a mansion and 2.4 children. I refused to be stereotyped and worked full time from the time my son was 3 months old, missing out on his first everything, just so people didn't look down at me because the Tories drove into everyone that it was a disgusting thing, to be a single parent. They introduced the poll tax, yet everyone slates Labour for the current council tax. Yes its very high, i'm band b, yet my tax amounts to roughly £1,500 per year living in a rural location. But the Toeies were the ones to introduce it initially through the poll tax (and i do remember all the strikes etc) In my mind, Tories are still for the upper class and that will never change - at least Labour have us normal people in mind - sometimes the buck constantly falls at their feet, yet how are they supposed to control how a cleaning contractor cleans a hospital etc.....

03-05-2006, 00:19
Dear Daisyduck,

The NHS is barely any better than it was in 1997. That from people I know inside the Health Service. That's not to deny the Tories made a mess of it, but Labour have not done much better, flooding it with bureaucracy and red tape. I personally wouldn't mind the NHS been partly privatised, as it's struggling to cope with the strains of a modern day world.

Pensioners had one of the best pension systems in the world, yet Brown has robbed all the pension funds, doh! Pensioners had more money in their pocket with the Tories as well, due to lower council tax, so they could afford heating if they wanted. People need to take self-responsibility though, e.g. put extra layers on, don't 'waste' heating etc. That's not to say the Tories couldn't have done more, but they did care about the elderly. A lot of these heating payments stay in the bank as well, unused.

The Channel Tunnel was proposed in the 60s, so it's not entirely Mrs Thatcher's fault. Besides, why do you think all these immigrants are suddenly trying to get into this country? Answer - strong free-market economy, created by Mrs Thatcher.

Poll Tax was actually much fairer than Council Tax. Yes it had its faults and needed some more work on the policy, but I think it's only fair that one pays for the services one uses. If the rich man uses more services he pays more, if he uses less, he pays less. Simple.

Conservatives want everyone to be better off. It's all about individualism and self-responsibility. Fact of the matter is if you work harder, you get more reward. If one sits on their jack and does nout, they deserve all they get. Remember the 'rich' as you call them often had to start from scratch - most actually started from poor working class roots and had no qualifications etc, yet had a touch of entrepreneurialism about them which gave them the idea to start a business and grow. The 'rich' have to take huge risks to succeed, and quite a few often fail and go under. If the rich didn't exist in this country, the UK would go to the dogs, as loads of investment into the country would go elsewhere. Funnily enough in the 70s when the top-rate of tax was 98% under Labour, that's what happened. It's the rich who provide jobs, pay for their business overheads, e.g. equipment, rent etc. I should also add that the working class did get richer under the Conservatives, as I have reliable stats to back up the fact that everyone's real incomes rose dramatically during the Thatcher years and beyond. The rich of course must pay their fair share as well, just like everyone else, but if we tax the rich to death like we did under Labour in the past, they will invest somewhere else, not the UK.

As for Tories wanting tolls on the motorway - erm isn't it Labour who are keen fans of tolls/congestion charging? Did I blink and miss Ken Livingstone???? Also you say the Tories would only want the rich having cars. Surely you must have noticed car ownership rocketing in the 80s. Why's that? Simple, people much better off than they were under Socialist Labour, hence why New Labour has adopted Thatcher's free-market reforms and not removed the Trade Union restrictions.

Hope that info is useful. :)

EDIT: I should add that I did agree with the 'Right to Buy' scheme, but I also agree that the Conservatives failed to build new ones to stem the waiting list. That said, Labour has not done much to solve this problem either.

03-05-2006, 00:30
Lets not forget all the good labour has done Nhs started by labour, They may have been responsible for starting the NHS in 1948 but they are equally responsible for its deterioration over the last few years. There are more managers in it now than ever before, you are liable to come out of hospital with more than you go in with, MRSA for example
Look at our pensioners they get free tv licences Only after they are 75 years of age
and £300 heating allowance Only if you are over 80 You get Pension Credit or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
Ive seen what Mrs Thatcher done over the years she stared the channel tunnel In 1973, Britain finally joined France in the Common Market AND both governments agreed to have another go at building a tunnel. But in 1975, construction was again abandoned because the British prime minister (Harold Wilson) had to look for economies in a financial crisis caused by dramatically rising world oil prices.

Finally in the 1980s the British and French governments commissioned more studies, and decided that a "traditional" rail tunnel would be least risky and best value for money - just as could have been built a century ago, or 20 years ago, for a fraction of the price! They gave the go-ahead to a private company using private money to build a rail tunnel.
Work stated on both sides in 1987, and the fixed link was opened in 1994

so now we been invaded with imagants,I dont think all the illegal immigrants use the Channel Tunnel
poor labour still trying to clean up the mess. The immigration mess has been caused by Labours policies making Britain such a welcome place for economic migrants and spngers. No-one wants to see GENUINE migrants coming to Britain, in fact our NHS would be an even bigger shambles if it were not for the thousands of immigrants.
Labour stats for working class so if you are then vote them And maintain Tony Bliar and his cronies in the style to which they have become accustomed and purchase a few more flats And dont even get me started about EDUCASHUN or his Foreign policy

03-05-2006, 10:04
Are we talking about what Tony Blair has done for us or what Labour has done???

03-05-2006, 12:14
I voted yes but does that mean yes its good or yes its bad. I ment yes its bad!

03-05-2006, 12:15
I actually should not even be posting here.. but after watching BBC1 news for 5 yrs,, I can just say that Tony Blair and George Bush have NO BUISNESS running a government:thumbsdow I am making darn sure my vote is counted next year , to make darn sure there is no one of Bush's ilk in office ever again. Neither of those idiots have done our countries any good ( btw for those reading this I am an American living in the Netherlands )

03-05-2006, 15:00
I actually should not even be posting here.. but after watching BBC1 news for 5 yrs,, I can just say that Tony Blair and George Bush have NO BUISNESS running a government:thumbsdow I am making darn sure my vote is counted next year , to make darn sure there is no one of Bush's ilk in office ever again. Neither of those idiots have done our countries any good ( btw for those reading this I am an American living in the Netherlands )

good point JustJodi they are both useless and we Brits and you Americans must Unite Against them

05-05-2006, 18:22
I want tony blair out because 3 months ago i had no home of my own and i couldnt get one because im not an immigrant or pregnant and honestly i mean how screwed up is that?

im not really into politics and that i dont really know too much about it but you know labour really is bad