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View Full Version : Tony & Mandy's Flat

05-05-2005, 15:27
Can anybody tell me why Tony & Mandy's flat suddenly has stairs? And i thought Max & OB were moving into Joe & Danni's flat but it's completely different. Have I missed something? Were we given an explanation? :searchme: Cheers.

05-05-2005, 15:42
tony n mandy have definitely changed flats but there was no explanation as to why :confused: I was a bit confused about this too :confused: I cant remember them saying they were moving or anything, and I hardly ever miss hollyoaks, so i dunno :confused: :searchme:

Soap Addict
05-05-2005, 17:11
They moved flats to the one above Nosh and Max & OB moved in next door so that they could all be near Tom. They have all just been renovated or something, although i still can't understand why Dani and whatshisname had to move into halls when Max & OB changed their mind about moving into their flat.

(Just read that back and don't think it makes much sense - hope someone understands it)

Tx :)

05-05-2005, 17:56
Oh right! Now I understand :cheer: