View Full Version : Big Brother in Oz swap

24-04-2006, 08:24
ONE lucky Big Brother housemate may get more than they bargained for this year . . . a 10,000 mile trip to Australia.

Our spies reckon one of the Oz contestants will be involved in an international swap — and the UK is hot favourite to take part.

Rumours are rife in Oz after the contestants entered the house in Dreamworld, Queensland, yesterday each with a valid passport.

Our man Down Under said: “We’ve known for a while there will be some kind of trick where an Aussie swaps places with a Big Brother housemate from somewhere else in the world.

“BB bosses have been in contact with other countries about this — but the hot favourite is the UK.

“They speak the same language, and have lots in common, so it’s the one that would work best.

“It’ll come as a shock to whoever goes — flying round the world after being cooped up for weeks.”

In Big Brother 3, winner Cameron Stout swapped places with a housemate from Africa.

Source the Sun

24-04-2006, 10:13
sounds interesting - I can't wait for BB to start now - wondering what twists and turns are instore

although - I do wonder if now it is leaked if they wont go with the UK housemate, as the contestants wont be in media black out yet and would know about the plan???

24-04-2006, 10:15
in last year's oz big brother, they put nadia (that won the english one ) in.

24-04-2006, 11:37
Oh I remeber that now as she was upset that they all guessed within minutes of meeting that she had a sex change

24-04-2006, 11:50
yes. i think vesna may have asked her straight up. i only seen bits of it. when i tuned in a few days later, she was gone. i think big bro had asked her to clean windows or something and she had refused.

24-04-2006, 14:19
anyone else wish that they would put good people in rather than having loads of gimmicks?

24-04-2006, 15:21
that sounds interesting hope they do it