View Full Version : Radio 1 - Colin and Edith - Gay Disco

22-04-2006, 23:31
Was listenting yesterday on Radio 1, with everyone demanding Colin and Edith play this song, becuase on the website Colin has done a camped up dance to the Inferno's "Paris to Berlin".


:rotfl: :lol:

22-04-2006, 23:38
Absolutely brilliant!!! Hilarious!! Love it!!


Jessie Wallace
23-04-2006, 01:25
I'd seen it already, i Love Colin and Edith. they are both great, and watching Colin do the dance crack's me up everytime. Chappers and Dave aren't happy tho, as they think that Colin has stolen the laso dance from them!! lol It's all very funny to listen to.
They all have people phoneing in now to say where they are doing the dance, the best one i' ve heard was a lady on a tractor topless in the middle of a field, doing the lasoo move, to the song!!