View Full Version : Strictly Dance Fever

22-04-2006, 18:16
heya i just relised we havent go a thread for this so ive just created it so we can talk about it lol

22-04-2006, 18:20
Oh i loves this show!
Last week i can't believe clive and Helga went :eek: I thought that Stacie & JP were going for sure!
I think Darrien and Holly were amazing and at the mo are deffo ma fav couple! Can't wait for tonights!

22-04-2006, 18:23
I know it was such a shock too! and i know they are my fav too, they were just amazing

22-04-2006, 18:24
cool! hehe, this will hopefully keep me going until the new series of strictly come dancing. the last series got really good towards the end and i was really happy Joseph and Sadie won
oh how i laughed last week when they told off that Paul guy for being such an **** and ruining it for his brilliant partener Pam! just looked on the BBC website and it's the Argentine Tango or the Hustle tonight, both could be very interesting!

22-04-2006, 18:27
I know it was such a shock too! and i know they are my fav too, they were just amazign

They were, such a good partnership aswell!
What dances are they doing tonight do you know i forgot?! :rolleyes:
Arlene was a bit harsh to some of the couples last week i think, Ben was giving good opinions and without being to harsh aswell!

EDIT: Just read above for the dances :p

22-04-2006, 18:27
oh how i laughed last week when they told off that Paul guy for being such an **** and ruining it for his brilliant partener Pam! just looked on the BBC website and it's the Argentine Tango or the Hustle tonight, both could be very interesting!
LOL i know but he really did deserve it

22-04-2006, 18:29
They were, such a good partnership aswell!
What dances are they doing tonight do you know i forgot?! :rolleyes:
Arlene was a bit harsh to some of the couples last week i think, Ben was giving good opinions and without being to harsh aswell!
I know ive never seen Arlene to be so harsh i guess she means buisness this time

22-04-2006, 20:56
What channel and what time guys? :D x

22-04-2006, 22:03
:love: i spent the whole of :heart: darrien's :heart: dance squeaking excitedly and bouncing about on the sofa :love:

22-04-2006, 22:26
cant believe they went tonight, the girl was crying at the end and the guy just held her i felt so sorry for them. The others were worse.

22-04-2006, 22:59
Who went tonight? Lost track of time and forgot to watch it!

22-04-2006, 23:05
Rob and Dawn went, the couple who looked as if they had become bf and gf and Rob's mum had been campaigning for him in their local town this week. i feel quite sorry for her now! and yeah, it is bad that 2 talented couples have gone so far over those who aren't doing nearly as well and are getting through on sympathy.
but ooh there were some good dances tonight. and omg, Paul and Pam came top! i though Pam was fab, but i still didn't that Paul was that great, next time they ask him to do an uptempo i reckon he'll be rubbish again. and Mark and Jennifer (the youngest pair) were really good imo; that tango to Portished was a fabulous idea, it was really sultry!

23-04-2006, 10:18
Rob and dawn in my opinion shouldn't of gone, i think that JP and Stacey should of, i am sorry but i am really not liking them!
I think that everyone was good last night, Jenny and Mark were very good last night an improvement on week 1!
Next week unless they improve alot Jp and Stacey need to go!

23-04-2006, 11:48
Next week unless they improve alot Jp and Stacey need to go!
i agree, JP really can't do anything other than breakdance, his arms were so awful during that Hussle! although they said it's that one of the dances next week is some sort of brazilian streetdance so maybe they'll get to do that and get through again.

23-04-2006, 12:14
rob and dawn. they were so sweet. he just held her in his arms, you can't really say much more !

23-04-2006, 14:03
awwww it was brilliant last night but another shock, well for me it wasnt as much as a shock as last week

24-04-2006, 16:34
at least it wasnt :love: darrien :love: thats all im saying. 1: he's the hottest thing EVER and 2: he looks so :heart: when he dances... :wub: :rotfl:

24-04-2006, 18:17
at least it wasnt :love: darrien :love: thats all im saying. 1: he's the hottest thing EVER and 2: he looks so :heart: when he dances... :wub: :rotfl:lol well i wonder who your favourite is then

25-04-2006, 23:08
uh oh, apparently Darrien's partner Hollie has hurt her back...

26-04-2006, 12:10
I have to admit I am surprised Aravon has come as far as she has, for some one her age she can still shake her booty, but I see she is tiring easily and can not keep her "frame"..I think she has a large fan following to keep her in as long as this,, I say MORE POWER TO HER,, and well done..

26-04-2006, 16:16
I have to admit I am surprised Aravon has come as far as she has, for some one her age she can still shake her booty, but I see she is tiring easily and can not keep her "frame"..I think she has a large fan following to keep her in as long as this,, I say MORE POWER TO HER,, and well done..I know but im really like her i think she has done so well and even though she should of went by now im sometimes glad that she is still in it

26-04-2006, 17:18
I have to admit I am surprised Aravon has come as far as she has, for some one her age she can still shake her booty, but I see she is tiring easily and can not keep her "frame"..I think she has a large fan following to keep her in as long as this,, I say MORE POWER TO HER,, and well done..

Oh i love Aravon, her and Paul know how to have a good time! And okay they may not e the best dances out there, but they are giving it there all and are improving week by week! x

26-04-2006, 17:23
I know they really are but i cant help feel sorry for those that have gone and were better

26-04-2006, 17:33
I know they really are but i cant help feel sorry for those that have gone and were better

Like Anne Robinson always says its the votes that counts GOOD BYE,, thats how these things work :searchme:

07-05-2006, 12:32
oooh wasn't last night's episode FAB? although that tango was totally random, but very entertaining :lol: and as much as i thought i was time for Paul and Aravon to go i say well done to her for saying right at the end that she didn't deserve to be humiliated every week on national television.

07-05-2006, 13:22
oooh wasn't last night's episode FAB? although that tango was totally random, but very entertaining :lol: and as much as i thought i was time for Paul and Aravon to go i say well done to her for saying right at the end that she didn't deserve to be humiliated every week on national television.

The tango :confused: they didn't do a tango ?!
Yeh good on Aravon, its a shame they left 'couz i liked them, but to be fair i don't think they were as talented as some of the others!
How fab are pam and Paul - god i love them! :cheer: And they are doing very well!
Urm next week for me JP and Stacey must go - i'm sorry but i really don't like them, and i kinda agree with what the judges said about her thinking she is better than she is

07-05-2006, 15:31
sorry, i said tango, i meant can-can! heavy night out after SDF must have killed off a few brain cells...
and with JP and Stacey, i thought they were quite good last night, but yeah they should be next to go. thing is Stacey is better than JP, but she knows that they have to work as a team and saying that obviously really hurt her.

07-05-2006, 20:23
Well i think last night it was Paul and aravon time to go

08-05-2006, 01:38
oooh wasn't last night's episode FAB? although that tango was totally random, but very entertaining :lol: and as much as i thought i was time for Paul and Aravon to go i say well done to her for saying right at the end that she didn't deserve to be humiliated every week on national television.

I think that it was time for them to go too, Arvon had put up with so much..it was hard seeing her little girl crying in the back ground,, I think that jp and stacy should go next,, I honestly do not enjoy watching them, as one of the judges said the dance they were doing was supposed to be light of foot, not stomping around like a break dancer :rolleyes: Just my 2 euro cents worth

08-05-2006, 16:17
I know i liked JP in stacy in the auditons but since the live shows it clear that they cant quite grasp the differnt stlyes

09-05-2006, 13:16
:angel: I am trying to be nice about JP and Stacy but I just can't .. she does not really make a graceful dancer..but what do I know:searchme:

09-05-2006, 19:58
I kinda know what you mean but i liked her in the auditions

10-05-2006, 00:25
I kinda know what you mean but i liked her in the auditions

i agree, i really liked her in the auditions but when i watched the show last week i just didn't seem to find myself enjoying her performance.

12-05-2006, 11:13
hey, i've just read on the SDF website that one of this week's group numbers is a Disco routine AND there will be two couples on roller skates!

12-05-2006, 11:31
Whoa, that should be realllllllly good, thanks for the heads up Voodoo.. I haven't visited the site in some time :rolleyes:

12-05-2006, 18:55
Roller Skates :rotfl: Now that will be amusing :p I am loving SDF! No one else i know watches it :rolleyes:

12-05-2006, 19:38
Roller Skates :rotfl: Now that will be amusing :p I am loving SDF! No one else i know watches it :rolleyes: awww somnetimes at my dance school we talk about it lol

13-05-2006, 19:55
omg, Darren and Lana's flamenco! how amazing was that?!
and that daft disco routine, it was all a bit silly wasn't it? :lol:

i was surprised at how good JP and Stacey were at the American Smooth, but i still don't think they're good enough to stay in. but i reckon there's a chance Mark and Jennier may go, even though i prefer them....

13-05-2006, 21:59
i really liked hollie and Darrien tonight. There dance was really nice to watch.

13-05-2006, 22:04
oh no did holly and darrien go tonight? i liked them

13-05-2006, 22:07
no it was Paul and Pam which is a shame because i liked them to. The competitions really hotting up.

13-05-2006, 23:12
no it was Paul and Pam which is a shame because i liked them to. The competitions really hotting up.

I can't believe they went tonight - after all the judges said about Stacey and JCB (oops sorry JP - lol). :wall:

P.S is it me or does Paul remind you of Dr Who actor David Tennant? Without his hair all slicked back obviously.

13-05-2006, 23:18
I can not believe they voted Paul and Pamela off... they were by far better than JP and Stacey. I really like Lana and Darren.. their Flamenco was HOT....
I thought the group dances were great... ok the roller skates were a bit different, but boy the RISK they took putting the dancers on skates,, I bet the libility insurance was sky high !!!!!!!!!

13-05-2006, 23:41
i can't believe pam and paul went. I wasn't a big fan of their personalities but they were still really good dancers!

14-05-2006, 11:20
argh, can't believe it was Paul and Pam!!!! i guess viewers just warmed to JP and Stacey a bit more, stupid sympathy vote, whereas Paul was so annoying at the start. although i bet Arlene or someone gives Pam a job somewhere down the line....

14-05-2006, 11:24
I can't believe Paul and Pam went :( I haven't watched all of last nights action yet, but i liked them in the dance off, they were really good, i think Paul and Pam have been fab throughout, and okay i think stacey and Jp were better last night then they have been in the past but in my eyes they still should of gone, Paul and Pam deserved to stay!
Can't wait for next weeks now :p x

14-05-2006, 11:25
i voted for paul and pam as well, maybe im cursed. who do you thinks going to win it.

14-05-2006, 11:57
and that daft disco routine, it was all a bit silly wasn't it? :lol:

I know it really was and it was a bit of a mess lol and it looked good in the rehersals.

Oh my god, another shock result last night they really didnt deserve to go!!

21-05-2006, 22:14
thought i'd bump this since we're drowning in BB threads ;)
who else thought the linedancing was surprisingly good?! i was mightily impressed...

21-05-2006, 22:54
My son came on line so I missed the program, who got booted out this time ???????:searchme:

Chloe O'brien
21-05-2006, 23:02
it was mark and jennifer who got booted off tonight

22-05-2006, 08:46
i had a feeling they would go, Ben and Stephanie were better though. They did really well to get that far.

22-05-2006, 20:27
Im so annoyed my dad taped it for me but used my recordable dvd player but he used the dvd already in and it only ended up taping 28 mins of it cos the dvd was full!!! Im so annoyed

27-05-2006, 18:28
Hehe is anyone watching it now i just think they are all amazing tonight.

28-05-2006, 00:39
Finally Stacy and JP were voted off......wonder who is going to make it next week and win the 50 thousand pound prize ????????:searchme:

Who do u guys think will take the prize ??????

28-05-2006, 02:32
Darren and Lana to win, they're bothing amazing! and i wanna see their flamenco again in the final....Ben and Steph are cute and have got better but they're not in the same league, although after tonight i can imagine Steph getting some sort of job out fo the show. Darrien and Holly are very good but i don't think they're as good at all the styles in the way that Darren and Lana are.
and does anyone else remember that totally awful and random POLKA they made them do in the final for a group dance last year? :lol: hope there's something as crazy as that to come

28-05-2006, 10:46
i like Darrien and Holly or Darren asn Lana as their dances are always really good whether its slow or fast. Where was that other Judge tonight.

28-05-2006, 11:35
I think Graham said stacy was too ill to judge. I think darren and lana should win too

28-05-2006, 13:01
Im glad that Jp and stacey have gone, they did very well to get as far as they did eventhough they shouldnt of really. I did like them but there time to go was a long time ago.
I think its between Darrien and holly or Darren and lana they are just so cool.
I think the judge stacey wasnt there because of something to do with her being pregant

28-05-2006, 14:46
Im glad that Jp and stacey have gone, they did very well to get as far as they did eventhough they shouldnt of really. I did like them but there time to go was a long time ago.
I think its between Darrien and holly or Darren and lana they are just so cool.
I think the judge stacey wasnt there because of something to do with her being pregant

Stacey is indeed pregnant, she was on the WEAKEST LINK last week, and mentioned something about morning sickness sticking with her,, I am sure she will be back to judge the final if she can :)

29-05-2006, 16:04
Oh yer now i remember where i saw that, cos they were making comments about her really big boobs since she became pregnant lol.