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View Full Version : Whats coming up in Neighbours

21-04-2006, 08:13
These are spoilers i got from another website don't know how true they are but the sourse is usually accurate.
* Janae and Boyd will reunite.

* Sky's shocked by the results of her pregnancy test.

* Connor's in more trouble than ever before.

* Carmella's change in career surprises the Ramsey Street residents.

* Is Paul really going back to his old ways?

* Janelle's left heartbroken.

* Dylan and Elle join forces.

* Susan is slowly cottoning on to Robert's dark deeds.

* The character of Lolly is being recast.

* Lou and Harold's friendship is put to the test after an old friend visits.

* Dylan has an interesting approach to single life.

* The grim reaper shows his face in Ramsay Street again in October.

* Izzy's back to her old tricks and things are getting seriously dangerous.

* Susan's got a problem with her teaching career.

* Stingray makes a new friend.

* Zeke and Bree's 'friendship' takes a turning point.

* It's well known around the set that Daniel's contract won't be renewed.

* Stingray's latest 'artistic project' gets him in trouble.

* Katya wises up.

* A tall male character, aged about 50 is to be cast next week - probably a love interest for Lyn, Susan or Janelle.

* The Neighbours crew have on location shoots on the 10th, 11th and 16th of May.

21-04-2006, 11:37
Are these for Aus, or UK?

Sky's shocked by the results of her pregnancy test
:eek: she pregnant then?

The character of Lolly is being recast
Is this Lolly as in Lous 'daughter'?

The grim reaper shows his face in Ramsay Street again in October.
I wonder who :eek:

21-04-2006, 13:02
Yes they are for Austrailia. Sounds like Sky is going to be the teenage pregnancy Lolly is Lous daughter and people are saying the death might be Izzy as she is set to leave around then

21-04-2006, 15:45
whos daniel?

i just knew sky would get pregnant

21-04-2006, 17:39
Daniel is the actor who plays Ned Parker.

21-04-2006, 19:18
Ooh that sounds good. I thought it would be Sky who would get pregnant. Wonder who the father is....
Not really too bothered about Daniel's contract not being renewed. He gets on my nerves sometimes

21-04-2006, 19:29
So has Stuart left yet?

Dylan and sky split up, so is it his baby?

Who is the the old friend that cause Lou and Harold to fight?

22-04-2006, 09:15
I dont thiink that many people like the character of Ned especially since Stu left he seems to have nothing to do.
Stuart left a few weeks ago in oz
Dylan and Sky do split up but i dont think sky will know if the baby is dylans or JP's (her art teacher)

Not sure who the old friend is yet untill it airs.

29-04-2006, 02:18
A tall male character, aged about 50 is to be cast next week - probably a love interest for Lyn, Susan or Janelle.

Talking of Lynne. Last time I saw she was romancing Joe Mangel. How did he end up leaving again. Did he go back to Melanie?

29-04-2006, 06:53
No he and Mel divorced years ago and he had had another few partners since, he left to help toby set up the new farm that he had brought. Funny you should mention Joe in yesterdays oz episode there was actualy a mention of him for the first time since he left.

02-05-2006, 14:14
If SKy sleeps with stingray, could the baby be his?

02-05-2006, 17:10
If SKy sleeps with stingray, could the baby be his?

Sky sleeps with stingray :eek:

02-05-2006, 17:24
Yes i think she won't know who the father is it could be JP Dylan or Stingray.

02-05-2006, 17:33
Who's JP!?! Gosh, she'es certainly getting around!! :eek:

03-05-2006, 07:10
Jp is Skys uni lecturer. She and him clash stright away but then they bond and she develops feeling for him.

Jessie Wallace
03-05-2006, 15:22
Robert concocts "proof" that Izzy is trying to seduce him. Lou tries his best to go Russian. Elle wickedly pranks Harold. Ned thinks he's discovered a child genius in Oscar.

Unforgiving Paul throws innocent Izzy onto the street. Izzy realises with shock that 'Cam' is her true enemy. Karl takes over more of the fathering with Zeke. Toadie comes back from holidays to discover Sister Carmella in residence.

Kim tries to protect Dylan from himself but his efforts fall on deaf ears. Susan attacks Karl for letting Zeke down. Connor and Carmella put themselves in temptation's way when they head out for a night on the town. Janelle turns into Bridezilla.

Max contrives a devious plot to break up Janae and Boyd. Kim's ill-gotten gains are stolen, but is the thief actually close to home? Stingray is concerned for Rachel's wellbeing when she accepts a date from a boy her own age.

Susan and Karl unite when a symbol of their old lives passes away. Paul turns to Lyn in his hour of need. An image change helps Sky find her true self. Boyd and Janae play nice to annoy Max. Rachel vows to move on from Stingray at any cost.

07-05-2006, 20:00
So how does Stuart actually leave? Does he have any love interests before then?

Whats this about Paul turning to Lyn ?!!!

Neighbours just gets better and better

08-05-2006, 08:13
Yes Stu does actually leave and he doesn't have any love interests before hand he leaves to reunite with Sindi.

15-05-2006, 18:14
But I thought him and elle sleep together, doesn't that come to anything. When does he leave on our screens? What is the actor doing now, anyone know cos I think he is lovely!!

16-05-2006, 07:51
He doesn't sleep with Elle they kiss and are found by Ned but that is everything he is still hung up on Sindi and leaves to get beack with her. It's not too long now till he leaves our screens. Don't know what the sctor is doing though sorry.