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20-04-2006, 23:09
i got a new tattoo about two weeks ago - ive got four others and they are all black so decided to get one in colour - but i think somethings gone wrong in the middle its supposed to be purple - but when it's scabbed over its brown and ssssoooo itchy - anyone had anything like this? is this what usually happens??

20-04-2006, 23:16
Wait till the scab has come off, see what colour is revealed then, but my scabs were the same colour as my tat, so it didn't happen with mine....

The itchiness could be where the scab is ready to come off

20-04-2006, 23:17
im sitting here typing so that i dont scratch it..holding myself back i actually think im going to have to cover it up tonight just incase.

20-04-2006, 23:21
Might be an idea - I was always told not to pull them off (like I normally do ewww lol ) as it can affect the resulting colour quality or something...:searchme: dunno if thats true or not, but i always made sure i didn't. Pop some vaseline on there cover it up - though not a lot you can do if you scratch it in your sleep

Chloe O'brien
20-04-2006, 23:26
have you been bathing it everyday with warm water and applying savlon that's what I did both my tats are coloured but the scabs were the same colour. if you are worried I would go back

20-04-2006, 23:27
yeah im doing all that using germoline though dont like the smell of savlon - it was a guy in work who done it so dont see him til tuesday

20-04-2006, 23:28
When i had mine done it scabbed over and was very itchy but it turns out brill just whatever you do don't pick the scab it'll come off on it's own all in good time

20-04-2006, 23:30
it was a cover up of an old tattoo maybe thats something to do with ti

21-04-2006, 09:20
It's fine. My dad just had one done and his scabs were different colours to the tattoo. Just keep on with the cream and you'll be fine

samantha nixon
21-04-2006, 16:25
have you got anti-biotic powder as if so put that on it then cover it up as it mgiht help as it helped my mums, but hers is still raised on the red after having it done nearly a year

24-04-2006, 10:42
Luna - hows it healing now? Is it lovely and purple in the middle now? What did you get done?

24-04-2006, 10:55
i got a new tattoo about two weeks ago - ive got four others and they are all black so decided to get one in colour - but i think somethings gone wrong in the middle its supposed to be purple - but when it's scabbed over its brown and ssssoooo itchy - anyone had anything like this? is this what usually happens??

Both of my tats were really itchy( healing pains ), I had to keep them covered at night,, i used triple anti botic cream on mine ( u can get that at the chemist) I didn't scab on the first one but on the other one it did, actually I think it depends on the tattoo artist and how deep he goes with his needle that makes the big difference,, the one on my back was of alot of colors,a sun, a palm tree, the ocean and a damn volcano ( which I didn't ask for but got sighhhhh) the needle went in alot deeper on that one .. not to scare you but I was put in hospital with the 2nd one with staph infection(was on some very STRONG anti botics and had an IV as well ) But after it was over it was gorgeous,,
The sign in the tattoo parlor was to the point ' HELL YES IT HURTS":p :eek:

24-04-2006, 10:57
Jodi - how on earth did you end up with a volcano that you didnt ask for?

24-04-2006, 11:02
it actually was supposed to be an island scene,, like Diamond Head in Hawaii, but this biker had other ideas,, was laying on the table with my g/f ( she was getting one done too) she was watching what he was doing to mine I was watchign hers,, she said hey I don't remember seeing a volcano on the transfer,, I said there wasnt one:eek: she said well you have one now,, :rotfl: It was ok it gave it a more exotic scene,, its cool :lol:

24-04-2006, 11:06
artistic licence I guess :) glad that you were happy with it :)

24-04-2006, 11:14
artistic licence I guess :) glad that you were happy with it :)

Yup I need to have both tats re colored, its been almost 15 yrs since I had them done, I remember showing the first one to my mom she said " Young lady I certainly hope that washes off " I said NO,, she was like OMG WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ?????????:rotfl:

24-04-2006, 11:27
I keep saying I should get mine re inked - although that would mean admitting that I have had it for so long!

My mother didnt know about mine for a long time afterwards........she would have gone mad!

27-04-2006, 19:39
i want to get another one done on inner side of my arm! i have 1 on my nuckles saying "punx" bit messed up tho cause i kept scratching it at first so have to get it redone lol