View Full Version : New Keane Material

20-04-2006, 21:15
Is anyone looking forward to hearing new material from keane. Their first album 'Hopes And Fears' was absolutely fantastic and i can't wait to hear their new album. Is anyone on this forum a fan of them, i'd love to hear from anyone who is and what they think about their music.

Under The Iron Sea (12/06/06) New Album
Is It Any Wonder (29/05/06) First Single

21-04-2006, 11:35
i have been waiting for this new album for so long!! was wondering when their first single would be released but now i know, wonder when we will start hearing it on the radio etc? i am desperate to hear some new stuff!!

22-04-2006, 20:39
there was an exclusive video of keanes shown last night on channel four. it was called atlantis and it available exclusively as a download before the proper single comes out. the video was a short film and a bit strange!
their official new single is to be aired on channel four next friday, 28th at 11.30pm :cheer:

26-05-2006, 16:33
just to remind you keane fans out there, their single is out on monday!
if you have heard it what do you all think of it? i hear it every day on the radio and i love it!:cheer:

12-06-2006, 20:16
just got the new keane album today and it is fantastic! really good quality music all through it.
any other keane fans have you bought it yet?
what do you think of it?