View Full Version : No plans for Sharon's return!

16-04-2006, 23:47
For a long time it was rumoured that Letitia Dean was to come back to EE in June, but now according to All About Soap there are no plans for her return at the moment. Ross Kemp exits in June, and she will play no part in his exit storyline.

16-04-2006, 23:56
The Eastenders site said she would be back, so im going on what they say...

17-04-2006, 00:00
The Eastenders site said she would be back, so im going on what they say...

You could be right. I don't think soap magazines always get things right. Maybe they are trying to tempt us away from the truth.

If you want to read it for yourself it's in All About Soap on page 5.

17-04-2006, 08:01
For a long time it was rumoured that Letitia Dean was to come back to EE in June, but now according to All About Soap there are no plans for her return at the moment. Ross Kemp exits in June, and she will play no part in his exit storyline.Thanks for that you have made my day. I only hope its true. :cheer:

17-04-2006, 09:58
I like Sharon, but maybe they should leave it for a while before they let her return

17-04-2006, 10:48
I think its ridiculous the number of times she has left and then come back - Miss Piggy, I mean Sharon, should stay in America now (sorry Sharon fans, but you must be able to see the resemblance :D :D ) - there is no reason for her to return to Walford, all reasons are in the States......:D

17-04-2006, 10:58
I think its ridiculous the number of times she has left and then come back - Miss Piggy, I mean Sharon, should stay in America now (sorry Sharon fans, but you must be able to see the resemblance :D :D ) - there is no reason for her to return to Walford, all reasons are in the States......:D

I agree. The number of times she has come and gone have been ridiculous and what's left for her in Walford now??? I think it would be more realistic if she stayed in the States with Michelle. After all she is family and there is nothing to draw Sharon back to the Square.

di marco
17-04-2006, 11:00
After all she is family and there is nothing to draw Sharon back to the Square.

am i missing something? i thought michelle was her friend not family?

di marco
17-04-2006, 11:00
am i missing something? i thought michelle was her friend not family?

oh dont worry, you possibly meant vicki, id forgot about her lol!

17-04-2006, 11:03
oh dont worry, you possibly meant vicki, id forgot about her lol!

Yeah sorry i got muddled lol. I meant Vicki and Michelle but for a moment, i thought Vicki was her friend and Michelle was her family. My mistake :D

17-04-2006, 12:04
Not that bothered either way. If I was Sharon there is no way I would come back to Walford but Sharon is obviously a masochist if she even thinks about wanting to go back to Walford. I mean sunny Florida (I assume she is in Florida) or Walford where your husband and dad were murdered?!? Tough choice. :rolleyes:

17-04-2006, 13:07
am i missing something? i thought michelle was her friend not family?

She is her friend, but she's her friend who slept with her dad and produced Vicki. So not technically family, but Vicki is, and I think Michelle is somebody she'd class as family as well. They've known each other all their lives. And Pauline is like a mother to Sharon.

17-04-2006, 13:19
im with the others when they say they cant see why Sharon would return - I mean not only was her hubby murdered - her ex Tom died there AND her dad was burried below her beloved Vic....................you wouldnt be able to pay me enough to go back if I were her

17-04-2006, 13:25
im with the others when they say they cant see why Sharon would return - I mean not only was her hubby murdered - her ex Tom died there AND her dad was burried below her beloved Vic....................you wouldnt be able to pay me enough to go back if I were her

Yeah. But she always has the same excuses doesn't she?! I was brought up there, the Vic is so important to me! All the memories! And probably now it's 'I'm not allowing anyone drive me out of Walford'. No matter what happens to her there she always come back fighting, to reclaim what is rightfully hers. And I think she'd want her baby being brought up in Walford rather than anywhere else.

Not a good idea though! It's bound to end up like another Den/Dennis clone. Good for drama, but not so good for her.

17-04-2006, 16:25
Stay in America Sharon. Take care of Michelle, so she doesn't get massacred by the EE bogeyman, who only recently claimed Kathy.

17-04-2006, 17:56
Oh well, I doubt i'll be shedding any tears over this. :o

17-04-2006, 18:32
Miss Piggy, I mean Sharon, Thats why she was happy acting with Nigel Harman he was a real MUPPET :rotfl:

Mr Humphries
17-04-2006, 20:31
[B] I really like Sharon, and really want her back, but what will her storyline be ! If grant was staying put then yes and maybe if the whole michelle and grant storyline came out then it could be good, but that is unlikely. With no family and no ex's what is the point!

17-04-2006, 20:39
well she does have a strog bond with pauline and dot,and personally i think she belongs in the vic

17-04-2006, 21:17
personally i think she belongs in the vic

I think Den being buried under it might have put her off. Also the Mitchells wouldn't give it up! Peggy and Phil are here to stay!

I think the only way she would get the Vic is if she got back with Phil or Grant. And that would be a long way off, Dennis was the love of her life. I think it's going to take a while for her to get back in the dating scene. She's got a baby to think about now.

17-04-2006, 22:05
personally i think she belongs in the vic

There's some space in the cellar once again. :moonie:

17-04-2006, 22:09
[B] I really like Sharon, and really want her back, but what will her storyline be ! If grant was staying put then yes and maybe if the whole michelle and grant storyline came out then it could be good, but that is unlikely. With no family and no ex's what is the point!

I cant believe the whole Grant and Michelle thing is still a secret aftre all these years" by now i would have thought Mark's parentage would have been found out

17-04-2006, 22:24
Personally I hopethe truth about that never comes out. I would like it to stay hidden for once.

17-04-2006, 22:26
I cant believe the whole Grant and Michelle thing is still a secret aftre all these years" by now i would have thought Mark's parentage would have been found out

Yeah! You would! Mark and Ruth knew the truth and neither of them said a word. That's loyalty for you isn't it?! If it had been Pauline I doubt she would have been able to keep it secret.

18-04-2006, 18:00
This probably is the first secret i know that has never came out in soap :)

18-04-2006, 20:34
This probably is the first secret i know that has never came out in soap :)

Maybe. I can't think of another one off the top of my head.

It's no fun when secrets aren't revealed.

19-04-2006, 16:16
hope sharon is coming back
she is a popular Character

21-04-2006, 22:30
I have had enough with Sharon's constant comebacks. Every time she comes back she leaves again six or seven months later usually after a funeral. The Walford cemetry must be her second home by now with the amount of dead relatives she has there.

21-04-2006, 22:35
I have had enough with Sharon's constant comebacks. Every time she comes back she leaves again six or seven months later usually after a funeral. The Walford cemetry must be her second home by now with the amount of dead relatives she has there.What a fantastic first post. :clap:

21-04-2006, 22:37
Im pretty sure when we went shopping the other day my hubby showed me a pic of a pregnant sharon next to Grant,unless th mag just made these images up? I only glanced at it so im not sure... :searchme:

21-04-2006, 22:55
What a fantastic first post. :clap:

I second that. Took the words right out my mouth. :o :)

21-04-2006, 22:57
I second that. Took the words right out my mouth. :o :)I'll third that. La Bella Dean is overated

22-04-2006, 00:51
Im pretty sure when we went shopping the other day my hubby showed me a pic of a pregnant sharon next to Grant,unless th mag just made these images up? I only glanced at it so im not sure... :searchme:

I think I'll pop up the shop tomorrow to have a snoop at the magazine rack. I wish they'd just tell us once and for all, rather than all this speculation.

22-04-2006, 01:17
Im pretty sure when we went shopping the other day my hubby showed me a pic of a pregnant sharon next to Grant,unless th mag just made these images up? I only glanced at it so im not sure... :searchme:Are you sure it wasnt an advert for the return of the Muppet Show

22-04-2006, 03:10
Miss Piggy can't return to EE until she gets a work Kermit.

22-04-2006, 08:51
I have had enough with Sharon's constant comebacks. Every time she comes back she leaves again six or seven months later usually after a funeral. The Walford cemetry must be her second home by now with the amount of dead relatives she has there.

Well said :cheer: I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way about ORANGE SHARON...

22-04-2006, 08:52
Miss Piggy can't return to EE until she gets a work Kermit.

A work Kermit?? Since when did she become an Alien :ninja: :rotfl:

eastenders mad
22-04-2006, 09:57
that is a funny joke really good

22-04-2006, 15:45
let's be honest do we really need Sharon back again and again with the same old storylines where she gets nothing but heartache and grief everytime. The scriptwriters have not been kind to her by killing off most of her family. Her mum Angie died in 2002, her father Den returned from the dead in 2003 and then died again in 2005 and now Sharon's love of her life Dennis died at the end ofr 2005. How much more can sharon take? It's a wonder why she keeps coming back to Walford after all these deaths. If she comes back again I hope the next funeral will be HERS! :D

22-04-2006, 18:31
let's be honest do we really need Sharon back again and again with the same old storylines . If she comes back again I hope the next funeral will be HERS! :D

Well said on both points. The only thing is if they do kill her off she could always do a Den.

22-04-2006, 18:37
I hope not.

"Ello Kermit".


08-05-2006, 17:48
let's be honest do we really need Sharon back again and again with the same old storylines where she gets nothing but heartache and grief everytime. The scriptwriters have not been kind to her by killing off most of her family. Her mum Angie died in 2002, her father Den returned from the dead in 2003 and then died again in 2005 and now Sharon's love of her life Dennis died at the end ofr 2005. How much more can sharon take? It's a wonder why she keeps coming back to Walford after all these deaths. If she comes back again I hope the next funeral will be HERS! :D

and she also had to endure though toms funeral as well, but i dont mind if she comes back i think she is brilliant, but i do agree with you, the fact that they killed mostly everyone who she loved most, theres no point, unless they bring dennis back from the dead lol!