View Full Version : Jane pregnant with Grant's child!

16-04-2006, 23:40
A little hint in Soaplife magazine, but I'm not sure if it's a spoiler because I don't think it's been confirmed0. If we hear anymore we can transmit it to the spoiler section. The exact words in Soaplife were 'Laurie's giving nothing away. But just how careful has Jane been with Grant and just how explosive would it be if Ian was to discover yet another of his loves is pregnant with yet another man's baby?!'

I don't know where they've got it from. If it's insider information? I assume it is!

It would be really exciting! I think Jane would be likely to leave Ian if she was to get pregnant. It would be pointless to try and pass it off as Ian's because he's had a vasectomy, and Jane knows it. But I don't think she'd consider having an abortion either, because having a baby is obviously something she's wanted for a long time.

I wonder what Grant would have to say about it, and his wife?! I reckon Ross Kemp will come back to do another stint on EE. I think he enjoys it, and he has got a good deal with the BBC at the moment. It'd be nice to see some sort of reaction from Grant!

17-04-2006, 11:07
I hope it's true. It would be brilliant. I think Jane would keep the baby and it would be excellent to see Ian, Carla and Grant's reactions....also Phil,Peggy and Courtney's reactions. I hope it is true as there will be lots of drama, it may have been done in the past, but i think it will be brilliant again :)

17-04-2006, 12:12
Ohhh!Hope she is this would be a great storyline for Grant and Jane,and maybe she would leave Ian.

Plus another Mitchell baby!

17-04-2006, 12:25
I don't think it would be that exciting, it would be repeating the Cindy and the Laura storylines (although in the Laura instance, the baby did eventually turn out to be Ian's). Can't EE think of something abit more original than repeating plots with the same character over and over again?

17-04-2006, 12:26
A good twist isnt it?

It would give more ties for Jane to Walford and unconnect her from the Beales... as the longer shes with Ian and doesnt integrate characters, the more dangerous it is for her character to suceed outside of beale related storylines

I could see Peggy and Grant standing by Jane and accpeting her into the family and hopefully a good old bitch fight between Jane and Carla

finally some explosive storylines in walford!

17-04-2006, 12:56
Grant seems to be a little unlucky when it comes to his flings getting pregnant - I wonder how many other kids he has out there - or is it only the square that seems to have some magic?

17-04-2006, 13:30
Grant seems to be a little unlucky when it comes to his flings getting pregnant - I wonder how many other kids he has out there - or is it only the square that seems to have some magic?

Who knows?! He has 3 that we know of but there could be more.

I think Jane being pregnant with Grant's baby, would be great!

17-04-2006, 19:00
i dont no about this because ian deserves some one good and he has been good to jan and then there is grant who has just come along and just kissed but i dont see jane with grant

17-04-2006, 19:06
love the idea of jane getting pregnant to grant! id ahte to see ian actually happy so if this happens ill love to watch it"!!! and i may even get to see ian cry again!

17-04-2006, 19:27
I think this could be really good Jane would probably keep it and it would be interseting to see what everyones reactions were.

17-04-2006, 20:23
So Gwant becomes a daddy again. At last we have an original storyline. Well done to all the scriptwriters. Oh yes and its concieved on the office desk in the night club

17-04-2006, 20:47
thats a suprise init,not on the vic floor under the statue,ee are having a change of venue for the conception,

17-04-2006, 21:26
thats a suprise init,not on the vic floor under the statue,ee are having a change of venue for the conception,

Yeah! Maybe Scarletts is going to be the new venue for conceptions. We've had loads in the Vic! Or maybe they are going to alternate between the two?!

Courteney and Mark were both conceived in the Vic! Both in the bar I think?!

17-04-2006, 22:21
So Gwant becomes a daddy again. At last we have an original storyline. Well done to all the scriptwriters. Oh yes and its concieved on the office desk in the night club

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?


18-04-2006, 08:10
Gwarrrrnt has so many illegitimate children dotted around the place he'd do well to buy sheres in Toys R Us!!!!!!

I agree with a post further up about it not being very original, as it does echo the Cindy/Laura storylines. Mind you, if I were married to Ian "Ratweasel" Beale, I think I'd want to have an affair too :)

18-04-2006, 09:34
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?


Sarcastic?? Who Moi!!! The only original part about this storyline is the place of conception. I just hope GWANT remembers to switch off all of Johnny 'Pink Jumper' Allens hi-tech video equipment or we could be treated to a rival to Dirty Den's webcam show. :sick: :sick: :sick:

18-04-2006, 10:08
:hmm: Lets see, some years ago, there was the storyline with Grant getting Michelle pregnant and then her disappearing without him having any knowledge of the pregnancy. Then, rumours are that Jane is now going to fall pregnant with Grants child, possibly at the point that he is disappearing again....purrllease EE, do not do this or a lot of viewers that have stayed through thick and thin, will disappear - at least I will anyway - did Ian have a reversal in the end btw anyone - would Jane be able to pass off the baby as Ians if this was the case?? These guys that come up with these ridiculous ideas need their heads bashing together...

18-04-2006, 11:41
:hmm: Lets see, some years ago, there was the storyline with Grant getting Michelle pregnant and then her disappearing without him having any knowledge of the pregnancy. Then, rumours are that Jane is now going to fall pregnant with Grants child, possibly at the point that he is disappearing again....purrllease EE, do not do this or a lot of viewers that have stayed through thick and thin, will disappear - at least I will anyway - did Ian have a reversal in the end btw anyone - would Jane be able to pass off the baby as Ians if this was the case?? These guys that come up with these ridiculous ideas need their heads bashing together...

I don't think Ian got the reversal.. he was going to go for it but it was Jane that said she didn't want kids...

18-04-2006, 13:56
I hope this happens it would be a great storyline.

18-04-2006, 15:04
I don't think Ian got the reversal.. he was going to go for it but it was Jane that said she didn't want kids...

No Ian didn't get the reversal. Jane said she didn't need to have babies now, but that she might bring it up again at some point. I think she wanted children with David.

There won't be all that fuss they had with Ian and Laura. Ian will know instantly he's not the father. Jane will probably admit the truth about Grant, and everything will break apart. At least Jane won't get all the grief that Laura had. Not if Grant's around! Or just the Mitchells in general! Garry just doesn't compare to them does he?!

18-04-2006, 16:58
The whole thing would be harsh on Ian though. I mean I know it is Ian Beale after all but it is a pretty harsh thing to do to the guy.

18-04-2006, 21:22
I don't think Ian got the reversal.. he was going to go for it but it was Jane that said she didn't want kids...

She didn't say that, it was something to do with Ian being scared of having the reversal so she said she didn't mind not having kids for the time being.

09-05-2006, 16:33
Sounds like it could be a good storyline

09-05-2006, 18:45
ooooo la la that would be totally awesome and very interesting!!!

lisa cullumbine
10-05-2006, 12:51
i posted this the other day i saw jane on a show the other saturday and she more or less admitted that there will be another mitchell on its way!

10-05-2006, 13:21
Hey can any of you post a link to where you all saw this article or story in about Jane carrying Grants baby ??? Thanks oodles :D

10-05-2006, 13:26
Gwarrrrnt has so many illegitimate children dotted around the place he'd do well to buy sheres in Toys R Us!!!!!!

I agree with a post further up about it not being very original, as it does echo the Cindy/Laura storylines. Mind you, if I were married to Ian "Ratweasel" Beale, I think I'd want to have an affair too :)

Actually Jane is a free agent, shes not hitched to Beale the Squeal.He was married to the others wasn't he except for Laura ?????????

10-05-2006, 13:39
Actually Jane is a free agent, shes not hitched to Beale the Squeal.He was married to the others wasn't he except for Laura ????????? no he was married to laura too when she got pregnant by someone else. Maybe there should be a corrie cross over, Sally can get with Ian as she is always having affairs too

10-05-2006, 17:28
She's had an affair with Ian before actually.....

....Ian Davenport that is. :eek:

10-05-2006, 17:42
Don't be silly Richie, that was Sally Webster. :cool:

10-05-2006, 17:44
That's what I meant Christopher.

10-05-2006, 17:51
That's what I meant Christopher.Lmao oops. Just read Siobhan's post. :eek: :o

10-05-2006, 18:14
Yeah! Maybe Scarletts is going to be the new venue for conceptions. We've had loads in the Vic! Or maybe they are going to alternate between the two?!

Courteney and Mark were both conceived in the Vic! Both in the bar I think?!

that is such a good point, lol! i cant believe shes guna get pregnant, with grants kid!! thats gonna be a great storyline....NOT like everyone has said its not very original! to be honest, the whole jane and grant thing i find quite boring! :thumbsdow

10-05-2006, 18:41
This would be interesting if she was pregnant , because i love this storyline.

10-05-2006, 19:44
i recon that if she gets pregnant she will have an abortion i dont think jane would keep the baby unless it was ian's

10-05-2006, 19:48
i recon that if she gets pregnant she will have an abortion i dont think jane would keep the baby unless it was ian's

I'm not so sure. It would be a difficult situation but I think she'd like a baby.

10-05-2006, 19:58
I think if jane was pregnant she would keep it. shes made it clear she wants children of her own. but ian doesnt. When she wants kids that much she wont abort it.

10-05-2006, 20:46
I think Jane will keep the baby as well, as i don't think she would want to go through an abortion. She mentioned before that she wanted children as well:)

Dr. Tangliss
11-05-2006, 14:03
Wow, I did not see this coming.......not! How predictable.:thumbsdow

11-05-2006, 14:08
This was the orginal post: But just how careful has Jane been with Grant and just how explosive would it be if Ian was to discover yet another of his loves is pregnant with yet another man's baby?!

This doesn't mean it is true and although the woman who played Jane said there is another mitchell on the way, there is rumours now of a Brother to phil and grant, could this be who she was refering too????

Dr. Tangliss
11-05-2006, 14:11
I hope the baby is not Grant's, as this has happened to Ian too many times now, and is repetitive. Maybe she was referring too the Michelle brother?

16-05-2006, 16:20
:angry: :cool: :eek: :confused: :mad: :rolleyes: :thumbsdow :o :
This was the orginal post: But just how careful has Jane been with Grant and just how explosive would it be if Ian was to discover yet another of his loves is pregnant with yet another man's baby?!

This doesn't mean it is true and although the woman who played Jane said there is another mitchell on the way, there is rumours now of a Brother to phil and grant, could this be who she was refering too????
ahhhh i dont believe it!!! this is going to be an amazing storyline!!!! how dare people say eastenders shouldnt have won a bafta when they think up things like this1

16-05-2006, 16:22
If anything, this sort of storyline would LOSE them a BAFTA. :rolleyes:

16-05-2006, 16:44
If anything, this sort of storyline would LOSE them a BAFTA. :rolleyes:

I don't think so. Audiences want storylines full of drama (well the majority do anyway). This would provide that.

16-05-2006, 16:45
Well this sort of storyline is the one I love to hate.

16-05-2006, 16:53
I don't think so. Audiences want storylines full of drama (well the majority do anyway). This would provide that.

but we already have been here with ian and laura!!! it doesn't have the same drama if it has been done before :lweek:

16-05-2006, 17:22
but we already have been here with ian and laura!!! it doesn't have the same drama if it has been done before :lweek:

It's not exactly the same storyline though. Bobby is Ian's child. And Ian would know automatically Jane wasn't carrying Ian's baby.

Also it involves the Mitchells. And it would be another thing for the families to feud about.

16-05-2006, 17:28
no it is not exactly the same storyline but hello!!! Cindy, had baby for Simon Wicks, Laura, got pregnant thought was gary's, now Jane pregnant for grant.. all very similar storyline. exciting with we found out about Cindy.. Oh and the mitchells!!! another fight with Ian.. how original!!! not

16-05-2006, 18:14
Well i will personally enjoy the storyline, i think it will be full of great drama, and that's what i want, drama!!

17-05-2006, 13:46
how come noone can ever have an affair with ou getting pregnant.

Origional idea though...........not.

17-05-2006, 13:52
maybe this will finally push ian over the edge and leave, that guy is so annoying, the ongoing feud is so overused

17-05-2006, 16:30
i hope it is not going to be true! jane would make a wonderful mum but i would like to see her have a baby in a happy relationship rather than a fling