View Full Version : Prison Break Finale Spoilers

15-04-2006, 08:57
"It Will Blow Your F--king Mind": A word of caution to you Prison Break fans. If you are planning to watch the remaining episodes this season, you might want to stock up on the following items: a paper bag, adult diapers, upholstery cleaner and, oh yeah, a new heart.

By all accounts, the final two episodes (airing May 8 and 15) just might be the most shocking of anything, anywhere this season. "So much happens, it's insane!" says one unbiased (read: not on the payroll) friend who just saw the final episodes. "Oh my god, I was dying. And the last twist with ****, it will blow your f--king mind."

We'll get to those asterisk-worthy twists in just a second. But first, for you wondering how the show will continue after the boys break out, executive producer Matt Olmstead tells me the writers have developed a new tagline for season two: "Prison Break: Manhunt." They're currently searching for their own Tommy Lee Jones. "We're establishing a new season-long character," Olmstead explains, "who is kind of the mirror image of Michael Scofield, which is a very shrewd, very intelligent, very focused FBI agent who is in pursuit of whichever cons make it to the outside. So, next season is just this dogged pursuit of the escaped convicts, and it's this relentless pursuit."

Sarah Wayne CalliesAs for the couple I contend to be the steamiest on television, Michael and Sara, you may have seen this week's TV Guide, which reveals there will be a little action coming up soon. But from there, it won't exactly be easy.

"What started out as simply him needing to manipulate her to advance the plan," Wentworth tells me, "has been complicated by the fact that he does actually have feelings for her, and those feelings are returned. Michael faces that dilemma of 'How do I keep manipulating this person that I actually care for deeply?' "

Big boss Olmstead also has some great (honestly!) scoop for me on the future of Michael and Sara, which I'll share for you in--drum roll, please!--my spanking-new broadband video show that will launch this Tuesday on the Vine (look for it when you come to check out the chat transcripts, will ya?).

In the meantime, we need to tackle a few of those aforementioned shockers that are so F-bomb worthy.

Olmstead says the final two episodes are all about "plan B--the escape that Scofield never wanted to ever fall back on, and it is incredibly risky, the worst-case scenario. Some people make it, and some people don't."

Some of you may have heard the rumor that one or two people might be dying. Well, whip out your abacus, 'cause I'm going to give you a few real numbers that will make your head spin:

1. Two inmates do not make it out of prison.

Dominic Purcell2. One main character (whose name is in the opening credits) dies.

3. Four characters (not in opening credits) die.

4. One mole is found.

5. One limb is lost.

6. There are millions of reasons for the whole gang to get back together next season.

Told ya. It's gonna blow your f--king mind.

Chloe O'brien
15-04-2006, 15:09
NOOOOOOOO please don't let lincoln die kill that little weasel T-bag instead. As for stocking up on the following items: a paper bag, adult diapers, upholstery cleaner and, oh yeah, a new heart. I already have plenty supplies as I need them for 24 :D

15-04-2006, 21:07
Ha ive needed them all through this bl**dy series! i actually think i prefer it to lost.

i agree t bag should die -if its linc or micheal i will stop watching. I eben quite like abruzzi and the one with the cat.

17-04-2006, 13:34
OH MY GOD i love this series already pre ordered series one part one I would be really gutted if Michael or Lincoln died as it would mean the story would become meaningless I hope T-Bag dies after what he did to Abruzzi he deserves it

As for Michael and Sara TOTALLY jealous I don't liek her anymore

18-04-2006, 11:50
Ive heard that Michael definately doesnt die, but nothing has been said about lincoln!

Chloe O'brien
18-04-2006, 12:16
They cant kill lincoln man him and michael are amazing as brothers. last nights episode was so sad i assume the excution will take place next week. I don't know if i can watch it.

18-04-2006, 21:37
I have read all the way up to epsiode 118 on the fox.com website and it's gonna be amazing I can't wait and if they kill lincoln I would be completely gutted Michael would be devastated if anything happened to his brother because the escape has been what all it's all about getting Lincoln out and saving him from death

21-04-2006, 21:16
to be honest I dont think it will be lincoln or michael, without them it doesnt make sense!

26-04-2006, 01:51
Prison Break is one of the best programmes on television at the moment it is fantastic as for Lincoin dying there is no way he will be killed off as he is one of the main characters alongside Michael

Chloe O'brien
26-04-2006, 10:56
How fab was monday nights episode. I was crying when lincoln was talking on the phone to his son and to michael just before he was due to be exacuted. They have to prove that Lincoln is innocent

26-04-2006, 17:58
Oh my god I bawled my eyes out when he was speaking to LJ and when he had a final moment with both Veronica and Michael can't wait till next weeks read the write up it's gonna be amazing

29-04-2006, 00:58
yep - this is a pretty big spoiler so dont read unless you are sure you want to!!
are you sure u want to know???
westmoreland is the main character that dies (the old guy). i think the reason being that he has loads of money etc. so it would be really easy for him to "disappear" after escaping. however, the producers want the second series to be all about the fugitives and really exciting etc. I guess thats why they're killing him off?
shame tho...i think he really deserves to see his daughter!

Chloe O'brien
29-04-2006, 01:03
I dont care who dies as long as it aint michael or lincoln he's innocent free him

29-04-2006, 11:09
do you not have any empathy for westmoreland - his daughter is dying of cancer! maybe if you havent seen the later american episodes, you wont have as much sympathy for the guy.

29-04-2006, 11:11
I agree I feel really sorry for him he doesn't deserve to die I am glad Lincoln and Michael aren't gonna die but I think other characters deserve to die more than Westmoreland it's a shame but I guess that's what makes Prison Break so good always expect the unexpected

Chloe O'brien
29-04-2006, 19:00
do you not have any empathy for westmoreland - his daughter is dying of cancer! maybe if you havent seen the later american episodes, you wont have as much sympathy for the guy.

I do feel sorry for westmoreland its a tragedy that he was not allowed out to see his sick daughter, but the story is about michael and lincoln and niether of them deserve to die. If I had to choose it would between t-bag and that prison guard can't remember his name but he hates michael

30-04-2006, 00:55
Bellick god he's a sh**e I was hoping he dies but from what I've read he's only making things worse

01-05-2006, 12:20
From what ive heard it is Bellick that dies!

01-05-2006, 12:25
ohhhhhh really where did you here that best news I've heard in ages

01-05-2006, 12:33
ohhhhhh really where did you here that best news I've heard in ages

My friend told me, she has seen nearly all the series! im dead cert thats who she said got killed

01-05-2006, 12:39
ohhhh I've been reading the reviews on fox.com and from what I've read it wouldn't surprise me cos he discovers the hole in that PI's have been digging opps

01-05-2006, 16:10
there are rumours that bellick dies. your friend wouldnt know yet though. i have seen all of the series so far - episode 20 comes out tonight and thats when the escape starts.
i know that they definitely get out!!
im so excited!!

01-05-2006, 17:38
your so lucky I keep reading on fox.com just to keep up but I've only watched up 2 episode 'The Rat' and 'By The Skin &The Teeth' airs to night

07-05-2006, 10:49
If anyone needs any info on upcoming episodes just look on here http://www.fox.com/prisonbreak/recaps/

09-05-2006, 20:10
Just read the review for episode 21 in the US if you wanna know who doesn't escape and who does keep reading if not shut your eyes
Manche and Westmoreland didn't make it (westmoreland died)

Michael just made it over along with Lincoln, T bag, Abruzzi, Sucre, C-Note, Haywire (The creep from the early episodes loved Michael's tattoos) and Tweener all make it

Only one episode left to air in the US

Chloe O'brien
10-05-2006, 11:25
Is manche the one who's telling his family he's in Iraq and how does tweener get himself included sorry I missed this weeks episode

10-05-2006, 13:31
Manche is Sucre's cousin who helps Michael and Sucre get hold of a guard's uniform

C-Note id telling his family he's in Iraq he makes it over safely

Tweener somehow manages to get involved after Michael takes pity on him it's a long story have a look on Fox.com if you get a chance that will get you up to date

Chloe O'brien
10-05-2006, 22:52
cheers darling I am trying to stay away from the spoilers on fox as I have managed to watch the whole series without reading the spoilers on fox. Glad to know that both michael and lincoln make it over the wall

11-05-2006, 21:15
I tried that and as you can see babes I failed miserably there is only one episode left in the US of Series One and we're only five left :crying:

Chloe O'brien
11-05-2006, 23:02
I will be gutted when it ends as it has been a brilliant programme. I am tempted to DL the final episode on Tuesday just to see what happens but I think i'll just try and watch them on CH5. Both actors who play Lincoln and michael are brilliant in the show they are so convincing

12-05-2006, 20:57
I agree the performances are amazing by both the actors and I will be gutted when it ends what on earth will I watch on Mondays

Chloe O'brien
12-05-2006, 21:08
when it was first advertised I was unsure about watching it as it is on the same time as ER and I was a huge ER fan but after 1 episode I was addicted to PB. It will be a long summer until it series 2 begins I think it starts in the USA in September

12-05-2006, 21:15
Yeah I think it is September unlucky for them the first series was split in two I'm not sure this time round

I agree when I first saw it advertised I was really wasn't sure but I gave it a go and was totally hooked I'm glad I did

16-05-2006, 17:25
JUst read the write up for the finale and OH MY GOD what an episode bring it on

Chloe O'brien
16-05-2006, 23:39
just tell me michael and lincoln have made it over the wall safetly. No don't don't ignore me, I can wait another four weeks as I only have enough medication to see me through one cliff-hanger and I need to reserve it for the 2-hour season finale of 24, which is aired next monday in the USA :cartman: If I go AWOL over the next few weeks I will be in the looney house beside haywire :lol:

17-05-2006, 07:38
ok so to summarise the last episode, they all get over the wall except for the fat guy and westmoreland (who is dying in the infirmary from the stab wound bellick gave him).

they start to run but the dogs spot them so they run a bit more. eventually they get to the van that abruzzi planned. they tell haywire to go and get the keys out of a dustbin but they are infact in the van so they drive off without him.
then tbag handcuffs himself to michael so that abruzzi wont kill him. tbag then swallows the key (not quite sure what the relevance of the key is tho..)

then they drive to a police road block so they get out and start to run again. at this point michael tells the guy who was telling bellick the secrets (sorry dont know his name!) to get lost cos that was the agreement. so he runs off (eventually getting into a horsebox and making it through the police block).

more running etc. and they get to a derelict barn. abruzzi chops off tbags hand with an axe so michael is free from being handcuffed to him. they all leave tbag in the barn.

meanwhile the plane at the airfield is looking suspicious and the police are onto the plane.

the prisoners eventually make it to the airfield, but as they get there, the plane is taking off and flies over their heads.

at this point, they are surrounded by police cars and have no choice but to start running through a field.

the last shot is them running away with police searchlights on them etc...

18-05-2006, 13:17
sara is hovering near death as well.

Chloe O'brien
18-05-2006, 15:46
Doh I new i shouldn't have read the spoiler :angry: how is sara near death does she go with them (don't answer, me ignore me, tell me to go away) and what about t-bag getting his hand chopped of :sick: you know they did that in S3 of 24 (I'm gonna need a hacksaw :D ). Come on michael and lincoln run for it guys

18-05-2006, 19:05
oops forgot about sarah.
she left the door to the infirmary open for michael. the warden realises that she probably did it deliberately and sends police to her house. they find her dead on the sofa with a bottle of morphine which she has injected into herself and a near empty glass of whisky.

she is completely white and has been sick - not very nice!

Jessie Wallace
30-05-2006, 00:10
Omg just watch the last episode, omg omg omg. If sara actually dies or is dead, i could really tell, (i've people looking worse than that alive), i'll cry big time.
Roll on August when America start showing series 2

Chloe O'brien
05-06-2006, 20:39
Last two episodes are aired tonight on ch5 at 9pm. I can't wait to see michael and lincoln escape. Monday nights will not be the same. Roll on August when season 2 returns.:cheer: :cheer:

05-06-2006, 20:56
OMG i cant wait 10 minutes to go i cant wait to lincoln face when he see Michael isnt leaving him behind :wub:

Jessie Wallace
05-06-2006, 21:17
It's an excellent episode guy's, your going to love it.

Chloe O'brien
06-06-2006, 14:28
What a show. Brilliant I cringe when t-bag got his hand chopped off and cheered when Linclon pulled Michael over the wall. Run Guys Run :bow:

06-06-2006, 15:50
How great was the last 2 eps!!! im getting withdrawall symptoms already :crying: i really hope Sara is ok, they cant get rid of her shes one of my fav characters!! roll on the 2nd series

06-06-2006, 19:08
A brilliant two episodes from start to finish I was on the edge of my seat bring on next year I can't wait, Sara dead (??????), the five running, T-bag bleeding, Tweener escaping with a horse truck and Westmoreland dying, Terance being alive, Nick dying I could go on and on and on

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2006, 14:26
The emmey's and Screen Guild Actors awards will be interesting this year. If prison break don't win any awards there is no justice. This was a brilliant programme from start to finish, all credit to the actors for a thrilling nail-biting story, especially the actors who played Michael and Lincoln they were awesome. Roll on January for those who did not watch this programme you don't know what you missed.

07-06-2006, 15:18
Its been a brilliant series I never thought they'd get out, I reckon tweener will go & get the old guys money (sorry I can't remember his name).

It would be quite funny if the rest got caught and ended up back inside - that would make us all scream.

Can't believe we have to wait to next year that seems ages away - roll on 2007

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2006, 10:36
I heard a rumour not sure where it could have been on here. Series 2 will be about them being on the run kind of similiar to the fugitive. Then season 3 will be back to the prison but I don't know if there is any truth in that as I guess they are just beginging to film season 2 at the moment as it begins in September in america

Chloe O'brien
25-06-2006, 20:00
For all us PB fans series 2 is scheduled to begin in the USA on 21 August, which means we will be able to get spoilers or DL them from 22 August. Not long now until the return of Michael and Lincoln

25-06-2006, 20:02
Series two is gonna be them on the run trying to clear Lincoln's name and stay alive rumour has it that the characters are gonna start dropping like flies until there is only one standing

as for series three that hasn't even been scripted yet they are seeing how series two goes first

Chloe O'brien
25-06-2006, 20:07
I read on DS that there is a guy from invasion playing the part of a cop hunting down those who escaped from the prison. I avoided DL the episodes from the net and just watch them on ch5 but with us not being able to see the 2nd series until Jan I'm not sure I can wait that long. They have to clear Lincoln's name

25-06-2006, 20:37
Yeah they have cast him he's gonna be trying to catch them whilst Michael is gonna try and out wit him

I won't be able to wait that long either As soon as August hits us I will be on fox website reading those episode reviews

25-06-2006, 20:42
got this off the fox forums - I hope it's not Michael or Lincoln at the end

Warning: This article contains spoilers about the plotline for the second season of Prison Break that some readers may prefer to avoid.

Prison Break has been greenlit through the 2006-07 season, FOX confirmed today.

The news comes just a week after the cult drama's return from a lengthy hiatus to impressive ratings: figures for its Monday 8pm slot are up a solid 57% in 18-49.

Executive producer Matt Olmstead told Variety that the second season would focus on the newly-escaped prisoners as they attempt to elude capture. "Season two is basically 'Prison Break: Manhunt'," he said. "It's constant pursuit. No one's safe. No one retires to their home in the country."

The series will continue to shoot in Chicago for the first thirteen episodes but will relocate to New Mexico or somewhere in the South West for the final nine. Production will most likely begin in June for a premiere in late August or early September.

Olmstead also revealed that three characters will die in the final two episodes of the current season, including one of the core eight prisoners.

25-06-2006, 20:47
By Nellie Andreeva

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - The "Prison Break" gang will face a formidable nemesis next season, to be played by "Invasion" star William Fichtner.

The second season of Fox's "Prison Break" chronicles the manhunt for Michael (Wentworth Miller), Lincoln (Dominic Purcell) and the other inmates who successfully broke out of prison at the end of Season 1.

Fichtner will star as a federal agent assigned to track down and apprehend the escaped convicts.

The search for an actor to play the role went down to the wire. Production on the show, which was shooting on location in Dallas, was postponed by a day until the deal with Fichtner was completed.

Sources said the main issue was working around Fichtner's commitment to the DreamWorks Pictures comedy feature "Blades of Glory."

Fichtner most recently starred as Sheriff Tom Underlay on ABC's critically praised drama "Invasion" and appeared in the feature "Ultraviolet."

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.

BANFF, Alta. (CP) - Desperate and on the run, the fugitives from Prison Break face a bleak future in their break for freedom, says the creator of the popular Fox series.

"This show has a finite life span as do some of our characters," Paul Scheuring said at the Banff Television Festival, where industry insiders recently gathered to look for the next hot idea or concept.

"People are going to start paying the price here and they're going to start dropping like flies," he said. "In that sense it's like a dark American Idol: you start with eight people, then it's seven and six and five."

The drama with the implausible storyline is about to start shooting its second season in Dallas, Tex., - far from the Illinois State Prison where its far-fetched premise played out.

Scheuring says the guilt of releasing a pack of murderers and rapists begins to weigh on Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), who used an elaborate blueprint of the prison tattooed on his body to help break out his wrongfully convicted brother and the collection of creepy cohorts.

"He will begin to realize he's unleashed this Pandora's box on the world so that's not completely lost on the moral centre of the story," he said. "They're not completely completely blowing off what they've done."

Scofield is also wracked with guilt over the fate of prison doctor Sara Tancredi (Sarah Wayne Callies), who was last seen sprawled on the ground, the victim of an apparent drug overdose.

"If you think about the world of trouble Sara's going to be in - if she even survives - in large part it's because she did what he asked," said Scheuring. "So there's a lot of responsibility on his end and that weighs very heavily on him."

But audiences seemed to have connected with the dark allure of the characters, who each have differing shades of humanity and honour.

Among the nastiest is T-Bag (Robert Knepper), who was last seen stumbling into the bushes with his hand cut off.

"Everyone is quite concerned about T-Bag's fate," said Scheuring. "But they will be quite happy. We're going to have T-Bag to kick around for Season 2 - for at least the lion's share of it."

Scheuring, who had planned to be a novelist before venturing into writing screenplays a decade ago, had mapped a two-year storyline with the original premise. That's taken away some stress about the upcoming season; he has plotlines following each character across the United States.

"Preparation is the key to everything, in my opinion," he said. "You have to know what the end game of stories are for the stories to be worthy and make sense. We don't want someone to get to the end of Season 2 and say 'that's impossible - that completely doesn't jibe."'

His writing staff has already started to sketch out Season 3 if the public - and the network - want more.

"It will be a complete reinvention of Season 2. We never want to tell the same story again."

Scheuring promises a lot of loose ends from stories that began in the first season will be played out in the coming months.

25-06-2006, 20:48

"Next season is chaos, man."

This is what Paul Scheuring says when I ask about Season 2 of Prison Break, which begins shooting today in Dallas.

Chaos? How so?

"We scatter these guys to the four corners of the country," he says, leaning forward, eyes widening. "They are all free. We have let guys literally out of a cage to do what they want to do. And they all have their various end-games which we established in Season 1."

We're in an interview suite at the Banff World Television Festival, which concluded yesterday. Scheuring is wearing a blue shirt. He has short-cropped brown hair, a deep voice and intense gaze which makes him seem more like a military officer than a TV show runner.

This season concluded, recall, with Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) and the escaped cons sprinting through a field. Police sirens wailed. The cops were getting close. But, as Scheuring explains, breaking out of Fox River Penitentiary was the easy part.

"Comparatively, they were very safe in the prison," he says. "Now they are behind enemy lines."

Fans who were enthralled by the first season can expect to be shocked by what awaits. (Warning: if you want nothing spoiled, do not read after the jump.)

(Continued before the jump)

"The audience will be amazed," he says. "Our main characters are going to start falling by the wayside. We kind of say this in jest, but it's true. Season 2 is like our American Idol season.

"Because we start with eight guys on the run and slowly one guy gets popped, and one guy gets popped, and one guy gets popped. Pretty soon there's only one guy left standing."

He takes a deep breath.

"It's going to be strange for the audience. They're going to go, `My God, they're all gone! They killed that person!' And we're really excited about that because they'll know we're not pulling any punches. We're not doing anything for commercial reasons."

This year, he says, the biggest challenge was: "Would the audience swallow the whopper that we served, which was this guy had tattoos on his body to start a prison break."

The other problem, he says, was wondering if viewers (especially female) would watch a show set in "the milieu of prison." But when the pilot was shown to a test audience, women actually scored higher.

Scheuring attributes this to the show's web of mysteries, to the emotionally resonant relationships and, most important, to the casting of Miller: "manna from the heavens."

Miller, he says, is "like catnip to women." And he got the role only after producers had seen about 200 other actors in L.A.

"None of them were right," Scheuring says. "They were all tired, boring, `actor' guys, and not true ciphers and mysteries and enigmas that we needed for Scofield. I had never heard of Wentworth Miller. But he just walked into the room that day and I said, `We got him. We got the guy.'"

Given the show's gritty backdrop and, at times, the brutal situations, was there anything Scheuring could not do or show this season?

"We didn't get to say `Jesus Christ' ever because we were censored," he says. "We could cut off toes and cut off hands and we could do various things like that. But we could never take the Lord's name in vain because, I guess, Fox was very worried about angering the religious right."

In addition to Prison Break, Scheuring just completed a movie script about the Yucatan journals of the late actor Steve McQueen. He will also direct an indie film in March.

"If you have some success in Hollywood — if you have any kind of product that sells and connects with an audience — all of a sudden the networks and studios and everybody think, `They must have some magic.' That's debatable. But when people are throwing projects at you, you don't dive out of the way."

As for Prison Break, which will be renamed this summer, Scheuring says he's already mapping out the third season even though his initial concept was for two years.

"We have found a way, in principle, to have a reinvention in Season 3 with some of the same characters, but a very different milieu and very different tone.

"So it will go on."