View Full Version : Please can anyone help....

12-04-2006, 19:34
When I was younger I was assualted by a brother's friend, it took me a while to deal with it and even now nine years on I am still haunted by what happened

I have self harmed in the past and have attempted suicide about four years ago but now I use men and alcohol to forget my past

On nights out with mates I have tried it on with lads and drank far too much and ended up doing stupid things and I have ended up in bad situations of my own doing when a lad tried to rape me earlier this year and I wind up feeling more ashamed and dirty than I did before but I feel I can't tell anyone how I really feel as I don't want to be a burden

I have a constant fear of getting too close to someone and I am always afraid to let anyone in, incase they don't like what they find I've tried counselling but it hasn't worked for me not now anyway

If anyone can help me try and get over what happened I would be grateful I'm stuck in a cycle I can't get out of and I'm scared of what I might do next

12-04-2006, 19:40
well it sounds like youve had a bad time and your taking your anger and confusion first out on yourself (self harming) and now on others (drinking and over flirting) maybe you should focose on taking your anger/confusion out on something else like boxing or something and be close to your freinds this will help you become closer to people just dont rush into things and take it slowly but just e around your friends and family hopefully eventually you will feel more confident to let more people in xxx

12-04-2006, 19:44
Seek professional help as soon as possible. Contact the Samaritains and even consider reporting the Assault to Police. There are many groups out there who can help. Do it NOW before your self harming goes to far some time and you end up in a situation which you cannot control. Above all speak to someone you can trust.