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12-04-2006, 18:34
i thought this thread would be a good idea to decuss revision and preperation and all things gcses, as quite a few people on here are taking gcses this year. and we could help each other with revision and stuff.

even if the idea of revision is totally yucky.

12-04-2006, 18:43
Im in year 10 so i have another year yet, but good luck in yours

12-04-2006, 19:11
Oh gosh i have so much coursework to do by thursday. Techniqually i should be doing it now but ermm yeah motivation doesnt bide with me :p

12-04-2006, 19:16
I've done all my coursework, which is great because i got good grades in them all, so i can chill out a bit.

Revision wise, well i've done some of it, but generally i know it all still anyway, so its just refreshing my memory. I dont have to do that much now...

I have to do my German Speaking Prep though soon. My exam is about 3 weeks away, so i need to write my prepared topic... I'll probably do about the Enviroment, because then they wont ask me any questions on it later in the exam. I hate talking about the enviroment, but at least i'll get to prepare for it this way!

12-04-2006, 19:45
I have only done 2 full pieces of course work and have some boring english to do over the hoildays

12-04-2006, 20:05
i've done all my coursework, so thats a good thing. i'm concentrating on my languages for now becuase they matter most to me then i'm going to do english maths science and concentrate on those for now, becuase you gotta have those gcses. then all my other subjects will follow, becuase subject teachers have been making me revise those

x Amby x
12-04-2006, 20:38
Im only in year 10 at the moment, thank god! lol but i've done my pre-mocks and ive got my real English GCSE coming up in June! And ive done all my media coursework too! lol Im quite on top of things really for me, seeing as i always leave things to the last minute! lol

12-04-2006, 22:11
wow you are doing your english a year early

12-04-2006, 22:25
I did my ICT a year early... i got an A :D Still dont know why my computers permantly broken though!!

12-04-2006, 22:37
wow well then well done , your better at ICT than me

13-04-2006, 08:25
I did my ICT a year early... i got an A :D Still dont know why my computers permantly broken though!!
thats what they don't teach you. i can now do formulas and create databases and write HTML very well, but i can;t actually fix computers....

13-04-2006, 13:01
ive done all my coursework, im trying to prepare for my french speaking exam and its not going well at all, i cant take it in at al.

13-04-2006, 14:19
I'm only in Year 10, So I've got another year to go, but I've got end-of-year exams in a few weeks, so I'm really meant to be revising for those. I'm not looking forward to my Spanish or French Oral at all. At least I have no coursework at the minute. Had an english essay back last week on Far From the Madding Crowd and I got an A* so I am ecstatic with that,bearing in mind it was a rush. I should be revising for end-of-years, but I have no motivation. Only 1 year to my GCSE's and my I.C.T AS-Level. Oh! Good Luck to everyone doing GCSE's this year

13-04-2006, 21:09
I'm only in Year 10, but we have started a lot of coursework and done module tests. I have History, RE and Art mocks when I go back, I'm really nervois about them.

14-04-2006, 13:20
lol Ive done my mocks they arent that bad, nothing much to worry about at least

22-04-2006, 11:01
has anyone got any languages exams in the next few weeks?

ive got my french one in two and ill fail it cos we aint even finished writing the answers yet, let alone learnt them.

22-04-2006, 11:17
I have my German Speaking Exam in a couple of weeks time. I've just about sorted my prepared topic, so i've just got to go through and memorise it all (or at least most of it). The conversation questions are easy, so i'm not worried about those. The role plays are a bit harder, especially the A/A* ones, but you can't prepare for them, so i'm not worrying about it. If i know what to say, then great. If i dont, then i'll cope!

22-04-2006, 15:16
i have my german speaking on weds and i am not looking forward to it!!! i have learnt 3 of the 5 topic areas, but so much more needs doing.

i have my french in 3 weeks time and although i have only learnt one topic area i'm not worrying because i am stronger at french than german.

22-04-2006, 17:13
awww all i can say is good luck to all you guys

24-04-2006, 18:02
I started my art mock exam today, all day, and its going good so I'm happy :D I've got a history mock tomorrow though, which I'm a bit nervous about. Good luck to anyone doing exams :D

24-04-2006, 18:37
thanks clo :) i'm gonna need a lot of luck on weds for this german exam... not as much as the rest of my group but still a lot- when ever i sit down to go over it, i get panicky and now i'm scared that they take marks off for stuttering and stuff, so i think i'll have ti get all my probs sorted out tomorrow with my teacher

24-04-2006, 19:24
What exam board are you on, LMF? And what Tier are you doing?

24-04-2006, 19:32
LMF? well ive never heard of that ebfore ive only heard of AQA OCR and edexcel

24-04-2006, 19:35
LMF is my name lol! well actually its vikki but.... for german i'm higher tier AQA.. you abi?

24-04-2006, 19:38
Edexcel Higher, for German. You do role plays in the speaking exam though, right? If you do, are your C role plays (A/A* ones) basically impossible to do?! I'm gonna screw that bit up so badly...

24-04-2006, 19:39
oops lol sorry i though she was asking you if you were on that exma board lol sorry

24-04-2006, 19:41
yes we do have role plays and erm.. i'll just go and look at the C ones. we have been given a practise booklet with them all in. if they are like yours, i hate to think what the D ones would be like!!!

the C ones...
they look okay, but a bit hard. i don't like them, but i will practise them tomorrow night

25-04-2006, 16:22
ive got practice books for french and i can honistly say im really nervous about my french oral im gonna fail it i no it.

also all of the other teachers are giving us shed loads of revision to do and i cant cope with it all.

pressure pressure pressure. grr

good luck by the way to LMF and abi on your german oral.

25-04-2006, 16:31
thanks lollymay :) you can do it, do what i did- prioritise- do the stuff for real exams first and then worry about in class stuff. if they want to phone home, let them and get your parents to explain how stressed out you are and stuff... and about your oral- do 2 hours a day broken up and you will do fine :)

25-04-2006, 20:03
thanks for that, ill have to prioitise. talk about stress and im only 16.

feeling slightly calmer now, think it as the school day that got to me.

25-04-2006, 20:39
too many exams i say! the ministers are so old they can't remember back to their days at school, so they think we have as many exams as them

04-05-2006, 18:33
I fell like i'm about to die...

I had my PE GCSE moderation assesment today. I had to do 3 hours of Circuit training, followed by 3 hours of netball. The netball was outside, and it was bloody hot. And as if that wasn't bad enough, i was put in a team with all but one members of the year 11 netball team at my school :eek: Whenever i caught the ball, i nearly knocked myself out!! I guess it shows that they THOUGHT i'd do alright... but it was awfull. I broke the 3 foot rule so many times. Is obvious i failed, but them too things aren't even the sports i like, let alone i'm good at!!

Circuit training wasn't that bad, so it might have pulled my grade up a bit, but the moderator stood right in front of me when i was doing sit ups. Totally put me off, and i burst out laughing. I dont think she was so amused.

Should have done athletics... if only i didn't break me ankle last year, eh?

Ah well, its only short course, but now i'm shattered. So exhusted.

04-05-2006, 18:56
aww Abi. if its as hot as it has been here then you shouldn't have been out! people at my school weren't allowed to go outside for PE as it was too hot!

04-05-2006, 19:05
The moderator from EdExcel was there though, so we had to, because she needed to assess us and moderate the marks for our final grades.

And netball is an outdoors sport, so we needed to go outside. The sports hall was being used for Basketball anyway, and the Gym and Sports hall were being used for the year 9 SATs. So we didn't really have an alternative.

di marco
04-05-2006, 20:19
i remember when i did my pe practical assessment for gcse, i was so knackered afterwards! we had to do ours inside though cos it was pelting down with rain outside. i would rather have done it outside though cos we had to try and play rounders inside and obviously cos thats difficult the examiner just gave us the marks our teacher had given us, which was annoying cos we couldnt improve, and the same went with athletics, we couldnt do it outside, so couldnt do the sprint or long jump, so all we had to do were sprint starts and cos we couldnt be timed, our marks couldnt go up. but i wasnt as tired as i could have been cos in the easter holidays we had had a trial day so id been through it all day before and on that day we had done it outside in the boiling hot so when we did the real thing it didnt feel as bad

04-05-2006, 20:54
I fell like i'm about to die...

I had my PE GCSE moderation assesment today. I had to do 3 hours of Circuit training, followed by 3 hours of netball. The netball was outside, and it was bloody hot. And as if that wasn't bad enough, i was put in a team with all but one members of the year 11 netball team at my school :eek: Whenever i caught the ball, i nearly knocked myself out!! I guess it shows that they THOUGHT i'd do alright... but it was awfull. I broke the 3 foot rule so many times. Is obvious i failed, but them too things aren't even the sports i like, let alone i'm good at!!

Circuit training wasn't that bad, so it might have pulled my grade up a bit, but the moderator stood right in front of me when i was doing sit ups. Totally put me off, and i burst out laughing. I dont think she was so amused.

Should have done athletics... if only i didn't break me ankle last year, eh?

Ah well, its only short course, but now i'm shattered. So exhusted.

Do you have to do a PE exam even if you don't choose it as one of your options?

di marco
04-05-2006, 20:56
Do you have to do a PE exam even if you don't choose it as one of your options?

no you dont, you only do one if you choose to take gcse pe

04-05-2006, 21:02
Phew, I would clearly fail as I have cerebal palsy.

04-05-2006, 21:21
no you dont, you only do one if you choose to take gcse pe

Thats what everyones saying, but i didn't choose it as a full-course GCSE.

PE is compulsory around me, so i either had to do ELA (which is completly practical based, and mainly full of boys), JSLA (which is a sports leadership course, i've already done as part of me GB leadership training) or short-course PE. So i chose Short course GCSE PE. And now i regret it!!

di marco
05-05-2006, 06:24
Thats what everyones saying, but i didn't choose it as a full-course GCSE.

PE is compulsory around me, so i either had to do ELA (which is completly practical based, and mainly full of boys), JSLA (which is a sports leadership course, i've already done as part of me GB leadership training) or short-course PE. So i chose Short course GCSE PE. And now i regret it!!

oh well maybe every schools different, like we had to take re but some other schools near me didnt. but its not a subject which the government says is compulsory to take, so you probably wont have to do it

05-05-2006, 15:47
i did my french oral exam today and i really dont know what i was worried about, i think it went ok. fingers crossed.

05-05-2006, 15:51
Pe was compulsary in my old school, but we never had to do exams on it. Luckily!

05-05-2006, 16:01
i feel sorry for you guys sats was bad enough! when do they start?....the final exams that is

05-05-2006, 16:03
ive had a couple of exams already but they proply start for me on the 17th may.

05-05-2006, 16:03
Mine start on June the 5th I think

05-05-2006, 16:40
we had to do RE... our school makes the top groups do it, just to push up scores and stuff

05-05-2006, 16:55
ive had a couple of exams already but they proply start for me on the 17th may.

The proper exams at my school start on the 17th, but my first one is on the 18th i think. I *think* thats when my English Literature paper is, but i'm not 100% sure. I know i only have 3 proper exams before the half term, so i'm just concentrating on that fact more then anything.

05-05-2006, 17:00
my first is english lit on the 23rd... then i have exams for the next month :rolleyes:

08-05-2006, 17:55
Well done everyone! Hope you all do well! I am sure you all will!

09-05-2006, 10:59
Good Luck to everyone who has exams coming up! I remember how nervous I was around exam time but I'm sure you'll all do great.

09-05-2006, 12:00
Good luck to all of you with GCSE exams comming up

09-05-2006, 16:29
i had my french oral today. when i got the i was really nervous, and my german teacher was in the car park and i was all i'm gonna fail because last night i had looked through some practise roleplays and i realised i didn;t know much roleplay vocabulary. but when i got to the roleplay. it was fine and based on an oral question, but i was so nervous i started crying and i felt dead stupid, then just before she started the tape i spilt water all down me

09-05-2006, 18:28
i thought the role play in my french was ok even if i did go off in english at one point!!!!!!!!!

i think i did ok on mine though. fingers crossed.

09-05-2006, 18:38
I have some science modular's coming up next week and i am dreading them as i doin't know anything about the module's and plus i ain't that fab at science anyway :rolleyes: Oh and i also got my french listening and reading papers! I need to start revising!

09-05-2006, 19:53
Hi, i am in year 10 at the moment but good luck to all of you who are sitting your GCSES this year. I have sat one gcse so far which was the modular science exam and i got a C which i was very happy about and next month i will have to do two more science modular exams:)

10-05-2006, 15:55
i remember sitting my science moduals in year 10, and they are seriously are a god send!!! now i dont have to worry as much as i do if there was only one exam.

10-05-2006, 16:10
We haven't done modular exams in my school, so everything is pretty much riding on these exams, which start in 2 weeks. I've done coursework and everything, but that only adds up to about 30% at most, so i've got a lot of exams to come over the next month. Oh the joy. :rolleyes:

di marco
10-05-2006, 16:15
We haven't done modular exams in my school, so everything is pretty much riding on these exams, which start in 2 weeks. I've done coursework and everything, but that only adds up to about 30% at most, so i've got a lot of exams to come over the next month. Oh the joy. :rolleyes:

we didnt do the module exams either, but my sis is doing them

10-05-2006, 16:52
we do modulars, and i'm glad. not enough to learn, but i wish every subject did them!!

10-05-2006, 16:54
I think only science has modulars in my school, shame, as I don't do very well in tests.

10-05-2006, 16:55
We only do the modulars in science, because its the exam board, but my maths teacher says its better just to do one exam at the end of it, but i think i prefer the mods!
Got given our Maths coursework today and we have like 2 weeks to do it, it doesn't look that bad though!

15-05-2006, 19:13
I got my final mark for ICT today. I did the exam last summer, so now he's finally got round to marking my coursework i re-did after he lost it, i know what i've got.

Its a double award GCSE that i do, and i got an AA.

So happy, seeing as only 2 other people passed (they got BB's) in my class, and the rest failed :lol: They spent the lesson today ranting about it, while me and my mates who passed were secretly dead happy.

15-05-2006, 19:21
well done abi! was it the vocational one?

di marco
15-05-2006, 19:26
well done abi! :) we never got the chance to do double award when i did it, i managed an A though (dont know how!)

15-05-2006, 19:30
well done abi! was it the vocational one?

Thanks LMF and di M :)

Yeah, it was Applied ICT, through Edexcel.

15-05-2006, 19:32
Good Luck to all you guys doing GCSE's.

Got my maths coursework back a few days ago and I got an A so I'm so happy! Loads of people have to redo it though as our year did badly! Plus I've got biology courseowrk on Thursday and Friday, Osmosis in Potatoes! Can you see the excitement on my face?
Anyway good luck you guys, I've still got a year to go

di marco
15-05-2006, 19:35
Good Luck to all you guys doing GCSE's.

Got my maths coursework back a few days ago and I got an A so I'm so happy! Loads of people have to redo it though as our year did badly! Plus I've got biology courseowrk on Thursday and Friday, Osmosis in Potatoes! Can you see the excitement on my face?
Anyway good luck you guys, I've still got a year to go

well done tamzi! :) we did that biology cw too

15-05-2006, 19:40
we did that coursework aswell and it was so awful! we did the experiment wrong and then couldn;t do it right, so the question wasn't really answered!

di marco
15-05-2006, 19:41
we did that coursework aswell and it was so awful! we did the experiment wrong and then couldn;t do it right, so the question wasn't really answered!

we did it in year 9 then did another biology cw in year 10 or 11 involving pondweed and light or something

15-05-2006, 19:43
I got my final mark for ICT today. I did the exam last summer, so now he's finally got round to marking my coursework i re-did after he lost it, i know what i've got.

Its a double award GCSE that i do, and i got an AA.

So happy, seeing as only 2 other people passed (they got BB's) in my class, and the rest failed :lol: They spent the lesson today ranting about it, while me and my mates who passed were secretly dead happy.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: well done abster!! thats an excellent result!!

15-05-2006, 19:59
:cheer: Well done abi they are fab results! I dropped ICT after 2 weeks ... i didn't like it :p

15-05-2006, 20:11
Well done Abi, they are brilliant results :D

I've got loads of exams next month, more Science and Maths modeules (which I don't get, so I don't think I'll do very well), a Geography mock and a RE one which is worth 50% of my final grade. I'm so nervous, I'm gonig to have to revise so much :(

di marco
15-05-2006, 20:12
:cheer: Well done abi they are fab results! I dropped ICT after 2 weeks ... i didn't like it :p

IT was compulsory at my school

di marco
15-05-2006, 20:12
Well done Abi, they are brilliant results :D

I've got loads of exams next month, more Science and Maths modeules (which I don't get, so I don't think I'll do very well), a Geography mock and a RE one which is worth 50% of my final grade. I'm so nervous, I'm gonig to have to revise so much :(

good luck, im sure youll do fine :)

15-05-2006, 20:26
I've got English Lit, Religious Studies, PE and German Reading & Listening to look forward to next week. Then half term to start revising for the rest of them :rolleyes:

Tell you what, can't wait untill they're over and done with. These exams are doing my exams in already, and they haven't even strated yet!!

15-05-2006, 20:30
i know what you mean abbey. i'm sick of revising. i have english lit, ict re and german something next week. i think its listening. i've had enough... i don;t want to revise and i have no motivation, though i would have thought a possible trip to london would d the trick :(

15-05-2006, 21:28
I got my final mark for ICT today. I did the exam last summer, so now he's finally got round to marking my coursework i re-did after he lost it, i know what i've got.

Its a double award GCSE that i do, and i got an AA.

So happy, seeing as only 2 other people passed (they got BB's) in my class, and the rest failed :lol: They spent the lesson today ranting about it, while me and my mates who passed were secretly dead happy.

Congratulations Abi! :) Well done. :) i am not doing the double award for ICT at GCSE but hopefully i will do well when it comes to the final mark. :)

16-05-2006, 15:51
congratulatinos abi!!

ive got stupid re next week and english lit aswell, and um so sick of revising now - i needf a break!!!!!!!

16-05-2006, 17:44
Oh i have 2 Science Modules and my french reading (or is it writing )and listening tomorrow, and i am dead nervous, i don't know anything about the science ones we are doing, i hate science and tend not to concentrate in the lessons (i do try i swear) And my french, well my french teacher missed all of our lessons last week so none of us have any clue what we shoud be revising and i am doing the higher paper aswell and the bands for the grades have gone up so they are really hard!
so yeh anyways .. gulp, tomorrow :ninja:

16-05-2006, 17:55
have you all finished school now...the gcse people at my school ahve finished now but are still coming in for revision classes

16-05-2006, 18:08
have you all finished school now...the gcse people at my school ahve finished now but are still coming in for revision classes

I am in year 10 but the year 11s at my school have left now to revise for their GCSEs. :)

16-05-2006, 18:41
we are leaving on friday, so still a bit to go.

i am bored of revising aswell- i have done so much and not really stopped since october last year so now i don't feel like it! its not a good thing....

16-05-2006, 19:00
we dont finish at all we have to go to all our lessons untill the 30th june even if we have been tested in them.

16-05-2006, 19:24
i couldn;t do that. i suppose we are lucky getting a little bit of leave then

di marco
16-05-2006, 19:59
have you all finished school now...the gcse people at my school ahve finished now but are still coming in for revision classes

my sis finishes tomorrow, although some of the people at her school left on friday and some dont leave til next week, the year 11s at my school left today

di marco
16-05-2006, 20:00
we dont finish at all we have to go to all our lessons untill the 30th june even if we have been tested in them.

:eek: omg i could never have done that! i wouldnt have bothered going to them lol!

17-05-2006, 20:48
we dont finish at all we have to go to all our lessons untill the 30th june even if we have been tested in them.

I would insist upon playing truant.....

The year 11's at my school left on Friday, and most of them have between 2 and 4 exams before half term, the GCSE language orals being this week.

17-05-2006, 21:37
I had my parents evening today, i have done really well, my teachers are really pleased apart from my maths teacher, she's not been very happy because i have been getting E's in tests, but i have done well in my other subjects. :)

18-05-2006, 07:05
The Y11 left yesterday for study leave, it was so sad. Considering I remember them leaving Y6 it was quite emotional.

18-05-2006, 07:37
hey does anyone know any good revision websites apart from bitesize ???
what gcse's is everyone taking ?

18-05-2006, 13:33
s - cool is quite good, i think i used that for gcse and as level.

bitesize is the best though.

di marco
18-05-2006, 15:45
s - cool is quite good, i think i used that for gcse and as level.

bitesize is the best though.

yeh i was going to suggest s-cool, but i used bitesize mostly for gcse

18-05-2006, 16:02
hey does anyone know any good revision websites apart from bitesize ???
what gcse's is everyone taking ?

I found sam learning quite good and used it for my SATs. It's a subscription service though, your school may have payed for you to have access.

18-05-2006, 16:39
yeah, sam learning is a good one, but your school needs to be signed up to it. i use mathsangel sometimes for maths

18-05-2006, 17:10
There's also mymaths but that is also a subscription. If your teachers use it in lessons they should give you the password if you ask for it.

18-05-2006, 18:08
aww coool ! thanks guys ! im going to try some out now :). big help thank youuuuuuuuu :cheer:

18-05-2006, 18:29
hey does anyone know any good revision websites apart from bitesize ???
what gcse's is everyone taking ?

Like some people said, s-cool is another good site to use, i have took drama, french, ICT, business studies and geography for GCSE. :)

19-05-2006, 16:40
5 options? We picked ours in February and had to pick 4.

19-05-2006, 19:28
Oh right, well we had to pick 5 options, it must be different for you. :)

di marco
19-05-2006, 20:36
we had to pick 4 as well, but then we also had to do IT and RE on top of those

19-05-2006, 22:03
we had to pick 4 as well, but then we also had to do IT and RE on top of those

We have to do RE on top but not IT.

20-05-2006, 00:32
I'm doing...

English Language
English Literature
Double Award Science
Vocational ICT (double award)
PE (short course)
RE (short course)

So overall, if i pass them all, i'll have 11 GCSE's, which aint bad! I've already got AA in ICT, so i have two passes already :D

20-05-2006, 08:50
im doing

english literature
english language

20-05-2006, 10:34
I'm doing:

English Language
English Literature
Dual Award Science
PE(short course)
IT(short course).

20-05-2006, 10:49
i'm doing:
english lit
english lang
science double award
Re short course

23-05-2006, 16:38
i did my english lit exam today and i didnt find it too difficult.

ive only got exams in
re, geography, history, maths, graphics, physics, biology, english language and french.

great, not.

23-05-2006, 18:27
i had my english lit and ict today. i think they went well but i guess i shall see in august. still got some this week then its the hols so woo!

24-05-2006, 09:32
Hope everyone did well yesterday, all the Year 11's at my school were so nervous! I've got loads of exams next month, better get revising soon :(

24-05-2006, 18:42
heya i juts thought I'd come on here to check how everyones exams are going at the moment, I bet you are all doing really well.

24-05-2006, 19:04
they seem to be going fine, thanks :) i;ve had 2 written and i've finished them in time so thats good :D but well... not sure about success! :S

25-05-2006, 16:00
RE exam tomorrow great not, ill definitally fail this as i havent had a teacher for the past year.

26-05-2006, 09:29
Does anyone knows what happens if you get caught talking in an exam?

di marco
26-05-2006, 09:36
Does anyone knows what happens if you get caught talking in an exam?

yeh you get disqualified from that exam. the exam board could also disqualify for you from the whole subject, not just that paper, and in serious cases, they can disqualify you from all the subjects you take with them. why?

26-05-2006, 11:05
My cousin got caught talking in an examand he doesn't know what will happen until august so thought I would try and find out.
Thanks for your help. I thought it was something like that but wasn't sure

26-05-2006, 16:28
today i had RE and German listening. RE was okay but we hadn't been taught the stuff on the paper, and then German was apparently the hardest they'd seen. so i hope i've done well....

26-05-2006, 16:55
Re completly went wrong for me today, got muddled up and said that christian aid was an organsation to fight rascim.

o well never mind more important exams to take anyway.

26-05-2006, 21:44
today i had RE and German listening. RE was okay but we hadn't been taught the stuff on the paper, and then German was apparently the hardest they'd seen. so i hope i've done well....

Who said that the German was the hardest they had seen?

26-05-2006, 21:52
Who said that the German was the hardest they had seen?

the german teacher supervising us. i wish my german teacher had been there :( although she wishes she was with us aswell...

29-05-2006, 18:34
I got my next science module GCSE next week, so i will be revising quite a lot over this week. :) I am quite confident though because i know what to revise and i am confident that i know most of it. :)

29-05-2006, 20:27
good luck ! :) you'll be fine... i've just realised how much my french teacher has killed my ability at french :angry: at the start of year 10 i was getting full marks and now i'm on a B

29-05-2006, 21:34
good luck ! :) you'll be fine... i've just realised how much my french teacher has killed my ability at french :angry: at the start of year 10 i was getting full marks and now i'm on a B

My RE teacher is killing my ability too. If I have her for GCSE I'll definitely fail. I was on a level 7+ in April of year 8 and last October I got a 5 :angry:

29-05-2006, 21:51
mind you, it does depend on how harsh a marker the teacher is

06-06-2006, 16:04
ive had 4 exams already this week so unfair

geography - really easy
maths - really hard
english - quite hard
graphics - really easy.

06-06-2006, 16:10
i had english language this morning and all i can say is i hope i do better on the poetry and writing to describe on thursday! i have science tomorrow and don;t have a clue! maybe i should do some... i have 7 this week and i'm already tired!

06-06-2006, 18:03
I have got my gcse science module exam tomorrow, i have revised and am just looking over notes, i really hope i do well!!

07-06-2006, 15:54
I have got my gcse science module exam tomorrow, i have revised and am just looking over notes, i really hope i do well!!

You should have done fine, after all, you have revised properly. If it's gone seriously wrong can't you retake it at a later date?

07-06-2006, 17:50
You should have done fine, after all, you have revised properly. If it's gone seriously wrong can't you retake it at a later date?

Yeah i think i can but it costs money apparently like £5 or something like that!! But the exam went really well, but nothing i revised really came up!!

07-06-2006, 17:53
Yeah i think i can but it costs money apparently like £5 or something like that!! But the exam went really well, but nothing i revised really came up!!

i dosent cost any money for us to resit any moduals at my school.

07-06-2006, 18:03
i dosent cost any money for us to resit any moduals at my school.

Oh i am probably wrong then, but i am quite confident i did well so hopefully i won't need to resit the exam.

07-06-2006, 18:34
I thought retakes cost a little money? Or is that just to resit a final exam?

07-06-2006, 18:44
for modules at ourschool resits cost £1.90 per module but for final exams its like £35 an exam

07-06-2006, 18:48
You don't have to pay for the module retake, unless you retake it twice (if that makes sense) The other one I think you have to pay anyway though.

07-06-2006, 18:53
So it is possible to take any exam that you do throughout your GCSE courses?

di marco
07-06-2006, 20:19
im not sure about module exams cos i never did them and i never retook any of my gcses, but to retake an alevel unit it costs me £13!

08-06-2006, 08:59
i did my biology exam yesterday and im not too sure how it went, it could have gone either way if that makes sense.

09-06-2006, 17:52
I have my mocks in less than 3 weeks :eek: Ahhhhhh !

09-06-2006, 19:08
i did french listening today, didnt think i did too bad and history, didnt think i did too bad in that either.

09-06-2006, 19:27
all my exams have been so hard i havent had clue what to write in any of them ahhh there goes my future im so buggerd! how is everyone else doing in theirs?!

10-06-2006, 13:18
Has anyone ever seen a revision guide for GCSE Media Studies? I'm taking it next year and have no idea where to look.

di marco
10-06-2006, 13:34
Has anyone ever seen a revision guide for GCSE Media Studies? I'm taking it next year and have no idea where to look.

you could ask in whsmiths cos even if they dont have one there they can order it in for you, though your school might order them in and then theyll be cheaper so id check first

13-06-2006, 20:13
Havnet been on here in a while and I dont know about you guys but ive only got two exams left! Science Tomorrow morning and French readin friday afternoon! So far ive found them ok... well i hope ive done ok! :o I cant wait till friday when there over and have an extra long Summer!

When are all your last exams? How have you found them? Oh and Good Luck guys! (Though it may be a little late!lol) :thumbsup:

13-06-2006, 20:21
Havnet been on here in a while and I dont know about you guys but ive only got two exams left! Science Tomorrow morning and French readin friday afternoon! So far ive found them ok... well i hope ive done ok! :o I cant wait till friday when there over and have an extra long Summer!

When are all your last exams? How have you found them? Oh and Good Luck guys! (Though it may be a little late!lol) :thumbsup:

I am in year 10 and i have done two science modules this year. I did one in January and i got a C and that was the highest i could get on the exam so i was happy with that :thumbsup:

I did my 2nd science module last week and that wasn't too bad, just hope i get a C again and i got my final science module gcse next week halfway through my work experience which wasn't very convenient. :rolleyes: so hopefully i will do ok in that too. :)

14-06-2006, 15:03
I've got my History Paper 2 (on 2 in depth studies, Nazi germany and Stalinist Russia) tomorrow morning. Then Physics on Friday morning, and Maths Paper 3 on Monday morning, and i'm done! :cheer:

14-06-2006, 15:37
I've got my History Paper 2 (on 2 in depth studies, Nazi germany and Stalinist Russia) tomorrow morning. Then Physics on Friday morning, and Maths Paper 3 on Monday morning, and i'm done! :cheer:

Does the history syllabus alternate every year or something? My KS4 information booklet says that we will study the american west in year 10 and the history of medicine in year 11.

14-06-2006, 15:59
Does the history syllabus alternate every year or something? My KS4 information booklet says that we will study the american west in year 10 and the history of medicine in year 11.

kim, i think it depends on the history you do... theres modern world and medicine history

14-06-2006, 16:20
kim, i think it depends on the history you do... theres modern world and medicine history

We've been doing about Nazi Germany this year though, so I'm slightly puzzled.

14-06-2006, 16:26
are you doing the other one then?

di marco
14-06-2006, 16:57
kim it will depend on which examboard the school uses cos different examboards have different syllabuses

14-06-2006, 17:09
My school uses edexcel for history.

14-06-2006, 17:43
Does the history syllabus alternate every year or something? My KS4 information booklet says that we will study the american west in year 10 and the history of medicine in year 11.

I've done the American West and I'm starting Medicine Through Time now, they are both quite interesting. :)

I had my RE exam yesterday, was quite nervous but I think it went ok :D I've got a geograhpy mock and maths and science modules coming up though so I've got loads of revision to do :(

14-06-2006, 18:10
I have sociology and french reading left... i can't believe it's nearly over because for months its been GCSEs GCSEs GCSEs!!!

14-06-2006, 20:17
ive still got loads to do ive got

thursday - history
friday- physics and french
monday - re
friday - graphics
monday - french
tuesday - science

so many to do, so unfair.

14-06-2006, 20:33
eek.... sounds like loads! i took hefty subjects but thats bad!!

17-06-2006, 23:13
only for more exams to go, i cant wait for them to finish now.

21-06-2006, 18:47
I got my science gcse module tomorrow afternoon, and that's it then, that's all my exams over until Year 11.

21-06-2006, 19:19
I got my science gcse module tomorrow afternoon, and that's it then, that's all my exams over until Year 11.

I've got a maths and science module next week, what module are you doing?

21-06-2006, 19:29
good luck dave!

all my exams are over now, so thats good!

21-06-2006, 20:39
I got my science gcse module tomorrow afternoon, and that's it then, that's all my exams over until Year 11.

Good luck, sure you will do fine.

I think all the year 11's in my school have finished their exams now, the year 10 ones are next week.

21-06-2006, 22:03
I've got a maths and science module next week, what module are you doing?

I am doing a 21st century science module exam, core 4-6 which is properties of materials, radiation and life and food matters.

Thanks for wishing me luck guys. :)

Good luck to you all who have modules next week. :)

22-06-2006, 08:56
good luck everyone who is doing modulals

if still got graphics this week

and french and science resits next week, so unfair.

22-06-2006, 21:03
What make(s) of GCSE revision guides would you recommend?

di marco
22-06-2006, 21:04
What make(s) of GCSE revision guides would you recommend?

not cgp, theyre so stupid its unbelievable!

22-06-2006, 21:07
My gcse module science exam went ok today which was good but i thought all my exams would be over for this year but i realised after my exam that i got a french oral in July. Nooooooo!

22-06-2006, 21:51
i would recommend the ones your school sends and i also like CGP for some but they can be confusing. they explain it simply. but ones that are layed out well in the sense that its clear and not too cluttered :)

23-06-2006, 09:31
i quite like cgp books for some info but they do cram it all in quite a bit.

23-06-2006, 13:41
What make(s) of GCSE revision guides would you recommend?

I wouldn't bother with any of them, really. Just go onto their websites and print the course Specification. Tells you everything you need to know, and nothing more! Works for me, at least.

23-06-2006, 16:11
im in year 10 and i just had a maths paper to do, which was hard.

23-06-2006, 18:33
I am doing a 21st century science module exam, core 4-6 which is properties of materials, radiation and life and food matters.

Thanks for wishing me luck guys. :)

Good luck to you all who have modules next week. :)

I'm doing Maintenance of Life and Electricity :) Good luck to you and everyone else :D

I use CGP books but they are bit confusing,I go on revision websites mainly.

24-06-2006, 19:13
I'm doing Maintenance of Life and Electricity :) Good luck to you and everyone else :D

I use CGP books but they are bit confusing,I go on revision websites mainly.

i only used CGP for maths as they do it really clearly. for science i use lonsdale ones and they work really well, so try and get your hands on tose ones!

di marco
25-06-2006, 08:30
i only used CGP for maths as they do it really clearly. for science i use lonsdale ones and they work really well, so try and get your hands on tose ones!

i used cgp books for science and business studies (mainly cos the school provided them for us and im a cheapskate lol!) but tbh yeh they might lay things out clearly and simply, but the stupid jokes get annoying very quickly and when its too simple, it doesnt always help you that much

25-06-2006, 12:04
i used cgp books for science and business studies (mainly cos the school provided them for us and im a cheapskate lol!) but tbh yeh they might lay things out clearly and simply, but the stupid jokes get annoying very quickly and when its too simple, it doesnt always help you that much

Yeah, they do. Like in the KS3 one where it said about some method being 10 out of 10 for fun when 1 is having so many teeth pulled and 10 is having a certain number of teeth pulled or something. I went shopping yesterday and got a CGP History one as I know the school uses it and I couldn't find one in another range that did the correct course. I also got a letts one for Geography and the shop didn't have any other ranges.

25-06-2006, 12:36
How do you order the CGP free catalogue from their website?

di marco
25-06-2006, 13:43
i dont know how to order the catalogue, sorry, my school normally does that, but id advise you to wait a bit before buying anymore revision guides cos your school might be able to order them for you and then you get them loads cheaper

25-06-2006, 16:27
i dont know how to order the catalogue, sorry, my school normally does that, but id advise you to wait a bit before buying anymore revision guides cos your school might be able to order them for you and then you get them loads cheaper

I would, the only problem with my school is that they only give you the chance to get them like 1 month prior to the exam, which is what annoyedc me before the SATs.

26-06-2006, 19:29
Had my first day of mocks today!Went alright! Wooo hooo another week of them now :rolleyes:

26-06-2006, 20:01
I got a mock oral exam in french in 2 weeks and i got to learn two role plays and three conversation topics. My teacher will choose one of the conversation topics on the day of the oral exam and then i will have to talk to the examiner on the topic i have learnt. Also i got french coursework to do as well and i will have to learn that so i am quite busy considering it's nearly the end of the school year.

27-06-2006, 16:37
ive finished my exams - finally. just got wait till the end of august untill i can get my results now - so unfair.

27-06-2006, 16:40
ive finished my exams - finally. just got wait till the end of august untill i can get my results now - so unfair.

i know, so unfair. everyone keeps saying how did you do and it's like i haven't a clue until i get my reults!

27-06-2006, 16:59
that the same with me - and its two months away aswell - they drag it out way to much.

27-06-2006, 21:45
I'm now reading through some revision guides to get ahead before I start my GCSEs. I can hardly remember anything - I'll fail them at this rate:angry:

27-06-2006, 21:58
Dont worry about it kim, its amazing how much stuff you remember in the exams, and i didnt do hardly any revision either.

di marco
28-06-2006, 08:20
I'm now reading through some revision guides to get ahead before I start my GCSEs. I can hardly remember anything - I'll fail them at this rate:angry:

dont worry kim, you probably havent even seen most of the stuff before so you wont fail them once youve learnt it! :)

di marco
28-06-2006, 08:21
Dont worry about it kim, its amazing how much stuff you remember in the exams, and i didnt do hardly any revision either.

yeh exactly, you panic so much cos theres so much to remember, but when you get in the exam you seem to remember a lot more than you realise, for gcse, i only started revision about 2 days before each exam and it seemed to work ok for me!

28-06-2006, 09:01
yeh exactly, you panic so much cos theres so much to remember, but when you get in the exam you seem to remember a lot more than you realise, for gcse, i only started revision about 2 days before each exam and it seemed to work ok for me!

same here... the teachers go on starting ages ahead and you really don't need to... if you want it to stick then maybe but cramming works so much better!

di marco
28-06-2006, 09:04
same here... the teachers go on starting ages ahead and you really don't need to... if you want it to stick then maybe but cramming works so much better!

cramming works for me cos otherwise i forget it before the exam lol!

28-06-2006, 15:45
I haven't started them yet, but is it natural to remember literally nothing out of a revision guide?

di marco
28-06-2006, 15:56
I haven't started them yet, but is it natural to remember literally nothing out of a revision guide?

erm i dont really understand what you mean? :confused:

28-06-2006, 15:58
erm i dont really understand what you mean? :confused:

Well I'm still in year 9, but started reading some stuff out of a revision guide, and I can't remember much. Is that normal?

di marco
28-06-2006, 16:02
Well I'm still in year 9, but started reading some stuff out of a revision guide, and I can't remember much. Is that normal?

erm was it a gcse revision guide?

28-06-2006, 16:06
Yeah it was a gcse revision guide.

di marco
28-06-2006, 16:09
Yeah it was a gcse revision guide.

yeh cos you havent actually learnt it yet and the revision guides dont teach it to you properly, its more of a step-by-step thing to help you remember once youve learnt it, but if you havent learnt it yet then theres no way youre going to remember it just from a revision guide

28-06-2006, 17:30
I am in Year 11 next year so will be sitting my gcses, i just want some advice from members who have sat their gcses. Should you start revising early or do you think it's ok to revise just before the exam so you have it fresh in your mind? What revision methods do you use?

Thanks, i just want to know some advice so i know what i am doing next year when it comes to revising for my gcses. :)

di marco
28-06-2006, 19:58
I am in Year 11 next year so will be sitting my gcses, i just want some advice from members who have sat their gcses. Should you start revising early or do you think it's ok to revise just before the exam so you have it fresh in your mind? What revision methods do you use?

well it really depends what works for you. apart from the revision we did in lessons, i didnt do any revision til a few days before each exam, basically once one exam was over i started revising for the next one and so on. i find cramming helps me a lot personally cos then i dont have to remember for long periods of time and it seemed to work well for my gcses. what i did was not revise for my mocks which i did and when i found out how much i didnt know i decided that cramming would be ok, but if i had done really badly in the mocks and hadnt known anything then i might have revised earlier. but really its different for everyone, so just cos i personally found cramming worked well for me it might not necessarily do for you

28-06-2006, 21:19
well for me id just read all the stuff the day before the exam cos id remember it that way - i cannot revise ove a long period of time- it doesnt work for me

but everyone is different and you will find your own way of revising.

28-06-2006, 21:28
Ok thanks. :) Yeah your right everyone is different and i will probably find my own way of revising. I will probably revise over a long period of time to be honest that's what i did with SATs last year so hopefully it will work for my gcses.

I just wanted to know how everyone else revised. :)

11-07-2006, 13:33
Heya im going to be away when all of you get your results i think so i just want to say well done to everyone i bet you all did really well, oh yer and congrats lol.

23-08-2006, 09:54
only 1 day away till results! how is everyone feeling? im so nervous at the moment!

di marco
23-08-2006, 10:19
only 1 day away till results! how is everyone feeling? im so nervous at the moment!

awwww im sure youll do fine, good luck to everyone! :)

23-08-2006, 10:37
I'm pretty nervous and trying not to think about it, even though everyone keeps asking! I'm only really worried about French, but still I think I'll be losing sleep over it! Good luck to all :)

23-08-2006, 16:00
Good luck everyone im suer you will be fine. Im goinjg to pick my mates up with him he wont go on his own the big baby.

23-08-2006, 16:03
Good luck to everyone who are recieving their GCSE results tomorrow, i am sure you have all done well..you can only do your best! :)

23-08-2006, 20:51
Omg is it tomorrow?! Good luck everyone.. I'm sure you all done brill.!! I can't wait to hear what you all got!! xxx

di marco
23-08-2006, 21:12
Im goinjg to pick my mates up with him he wont go on his own the big baby.

lol! yeh my sis is going with like 3 or 4 of her friends (one of her friends doesnt even live anywhere near us!), i dunno why they feel they cant go to school by themselves, theyve managed it for the past 5 years! i just met my mates up there when i got mine! anyway good luck everyone, im sure youve all done great! :D

Dr. Tangliss
24-08-2006, 08:26
Good luck everyone, I hope you all do well :)

24-08-2006, 10:45
YAY! Good luck everyone! :cheer:

i got 2 A's, 3 B's and 6C's. I was really suprised. :eek: Hope everyone else gets the grades they wanted! :thumbsup:

di marco
24-08-2006, 10:55
YAY! Good luck everyone! :cheer:

i got 2 A's, 3 B's and 6C's. I was really suprised. :eek: Hope everyone else gets the grades they wanted! :thumbsup:

well done jess, those are really good! :D

24-08-2006, 10:55
I got:
Science (double)- AA
English Lit- C
English Lang- A
French- A*
German- A
Sociology- A
RE Short Course- B
Maths- B


di marco
24-08-2006, 11:00
I got:
Science (double)- AA
English Lit- C
English Lang- A
French- A*
German- A
Sociology- A
RE Short Course- B
Maths- B


well done vikki, theyre really good! :D and see you did get an A* for french, all that worrying for nothing lol!

24-08-2006, 11:06
I got:
Science (double)- AA
English Lit- C
English Lang- A
French- A*
German- A
Sociology- A
RE Short Course- B
Maths- B


:eek: wow! Those are excellent! Well done! :thumbsup: You must be well happy! :D

24-08-2006, 11:12
Thanks! I am! I'm so happy because i really thought i was gonna get an A in french!

24-08-2006, 11:42
Well done Vikki there ace grades, and yours are brill to Jess, WEll done everyone.

My mate got 5 As 4 Bs and a C, he was really chuffed told him there was no need to worry.

24-08-2006, 11:49
well doen to everyone who got their GCSE results today

24-08-2006, 13:17
Well done everyone! :D They are brilliant results :D

24-08-2006, 13:22
Yeah congratulations everyone, these results are great!!

samantha nixon
24-08-2006, 13:32
well done eveyone you got really good results

24-08-2006, 13:49
Omg those are excellent!! Well done guys!! :cheer: x

24-08-2006, 15:40
I'm only in yr 10 but i did a gcse early and got a B in my resistant materials, cant wait t do my other exams next year. Everyone did really well

24-08-2006, 16:02
Well here goes with mine....

English: A
English Literature: A
Maths: A
PE (Short Course) : B
RE (Short Course): B
Science: BB
ICT: BB (They marked my coursework down.... :( )
Geography: A
History: A
German: A

So i'm really chuffed!

One of my mates got 12 A*'s, and was 5th in the country (out of 50,000 students) in History, so she's going to be in one of the national newspapers because of it. She really works hard though, so she deserves it 100%.

Well done to everyone else who got their results back- you've all done really well!

24-08-2006, 16:11
wow, well done Abi! they're brilliant!

24-08-2006, 17:12
Wowwww I'm well impressed with you both!! (Vikki and Abbey) not sure if i saw others :S haha anyway you make mine look crap :p
Bear in mind i did foundation on everything but Sociology :p
English, Maths, Sci, Psychology - C (last time i got D's in Maths and Sci :D)
Sociology - A :D:D:D:D My first ever!!! :D :P

24-08-2006, 17:18
well done lea, you really deserve it!!

24-08-2006, 18:05
One of my mates got 12 A*'s, and was 5th in the country (out of 50,000 students) in History, so she's going to be in one of the national newspapers because of it. She really works hard though, so she deserves it 100%.

Wow! That is really impressive!!! :eek:

Well done everybody :cheer:

24-08-2006, 19:27
wow well done everyone looks like you got great results

x Amby x
24-08-2006, 20:58
Well done to everyone who got there results today! You all did really well! Ive got mine next year eeek! I know i wont do well in Geography im not very good at that! lol Well Done everyone again!

di marco
24-08-2006, 21:24
Well here goes with mine....

English: A
English Literature: A
Maths: A
PE (Short Course) : B
RE (Short Course): B
Science: BB
ICT: BB (They marked my coursework down.... :( )
Geography: A
History: A
German: A

So i'm really chuffed!

One of my mates got 12 A*'s, and was 5th in the country (out of 50,000 students) in History, so she's going to be in one of the national newspapers because of it. She really works hard though, so she deserves it 100%.

Well done to everyone else who got their results back- you've all done really well!

well done abi, theyre really good! :D and well done to your mate too, i remember someone in my year got 11 A*s and an A, and wow 5th in the country

di marco
24-08-2006, 21:25
Wowwww I'm well impressed with you both!! (Vikki and Abbey) not sure if i saw others :S haha anyway you make mine look crap :p
Bear in mind i did foundation on everything but Sociology :p
English, Maths, Sci, Psychology - C (last time i got D's in Maths and Sci :D)
Sociology - A :D:D:D My first ever!!! :D :P

awwwww theyre not crap lea, theyre really good, well done! :D

di marco
24-08-2006, 21:30
I'm only in yr 10 but i did a gcse early and got a B in my resistant materials, cant wait t do my other exams next year. Everyone did really well

well done, thats really good, i bet youre pleased, having done it a year early as well! :D plus thats one less to do next year lol!

24-08-2006, 21:54
omg i didnt rubbish compared to everyone else

1 A
4 C'S
3 D'S
1 E

24-08-2006, 22:07
omg i didnt rubbish compared to everyone else

1 A
4 C'S
3 D'S
1 E

Aww that's really good lollymay, i know someone who did worse!

24-08-2006, 22:54
Congrats to everyonew who got their results today!

And if your not happy with your results, (which i wasnt when i got mine last year!) think of it this way , this is something my old physics teacher told me. Later on in life, people wont ask about your GCSEs, most people cant even remember theirs, its A Levels and degrees and stuff people focus on.

25-08-2006, 08:37
Very good point there Emma - plus the other thing to remember, its what you do with them that matters. My hubby has no qualifications as such, but now we are running our own very healthy business. So if you aren't pleased with your results, you can either re take them if you want, or go for it in your working life. I can remember how many GCSE's I got, but not my actual grades (can remember partially) but to be honest, I haven't used any of them for what I originally thought I would, especially when I went into Engineering to do my degree.

But you've all done great by the looks of it, so none of you need to worry. :D

di marco
25-08-2006, 09:28
omg i didnt rubbish compared to everyone else

1 A
4 C'S
3 D'S
1 E

awwww theyre not rubbish lolly, theyre really good! :D

25-08-2006, 09:47
well done everybody (again) we had a party down the sailing club for our exam resuilts it was really good. My other mate got 7 A*s and 4 As. I Couldnt believe it the little brainbox.

di marco
25-08-2006, 10:09
My mate got 5 As 4 Bs and a C, he was really chuffed told him there was no need to worry.

My other mate got 7 A*s and 4 As. I Couldnt believe it the little brainbox.

well done to both your mates cornetgal! :)

25-08-2006, 20:49
Wowwww I'm well impressed with you both!! (Vikki and Abbey) not sure if i saw others :S haha anyway you make mine look crap :p
Bear in mind i did foundation on everything but Sociology :p
English, Maths, Sci, Psychology - C (last time i got D's in Maths and Sci :D)
Sociology - A :D:D:D:D My first ever!!! :D :P

well done leapea!! A in sociology how very clever of ya! xx

well done to everyone, you all did brilliant xx

26-08-2006, 18:05
Well done to everyone who got results you have done soooo well
my mates sister got her gcse's an she did really well she got 9A*'s an an A in history an a B in art

di marco
27-08-2006, 07:25
Well done to everyone who got results you have done soooo well
my mates sister got her gcse's an she did really well she got 9A*'s an an A in history an a B in art

well done to your mates sis! :)

my sis got hers too, she got an A in food tech, 7 Bs and 3 Cs

27-08-2006, 22:04
im just guuted cos i cant do biology now cos i got a d!!

di marco
27-08-2006, 22:11
im just guuted cos i cant do biology now cos i got a d!!

awwwww :( have you spoke to your school about it cos sometimes they let you anyway (they did with one person at my school)

28-08-2006, 21:17
Awww well done everyone. I'm dreading starting my GCSE's now. The English teacher I had last year is expecting me to get A*'s in English lang and lit and I exceeded my predictions in my Science and Maths SAT's, so I will probably be expected to exceed them again at GCSE, my computer is a nightmare at the moment and I'm quite a slow writer.

29-08-2006, 15:21
Well i am going in to year 11 now, to do my GCSE's but when i was in year 9, i got level 7 in my SAT's, which is the best you can get and my teacher told me i was capable of getting an A*, and a few pieces of work i did was marked and i got an A* for it, got into year 10, wrote a stry as part of the coursework, and not to be big headed but i thought it was a pretty good story and i only got a B for it, and my new teacher told me that i would be capable of getting a B. So i have no clue as to what i will get now, i think personally it depends on your teacher.

Well done everyone by the way :p x

29-08-2006, 17:19
I'm dreading starting my GCSE's now. . I know same here, i dont wnat to go back to school, i mean i have trouble concentrating on my homework as it is, i dont know how i'll be able to concentrate on all the work i'll get this year.

29-08-2006, 18:01
I am going into Year 11 next year, Kim and Abbelette i wouldn't worry about starting your GCSES, just do your best, that's all you can do.

I predicted Bs and Cs in my GCSEs when i sit them next year. :)

29-08-2006, 19:39
I'm going into yr 11 too this year but I'm looking forward to my gcse's especially now I've done one already. Cos of the b i got i only need 4 more A* to C grades to get in the college i want. I'm predicted A's and B's but going on how bad this year has been at school I'm not hopeful lol

01-09-2006, 11:13
I know same here, i dont wnat to go back to school, i mean i have trouble concentrating on my homework as it is, i dont know how i'll be able to concentrate on all the work i'll get this year.

I'm better with assessments in stuff if I can do them at home. For business, we have to complete all our coursework pieces by computer, so, because I can't really concentrate on assessments in the lesson, partially due to being rushed, I was going to bring it home and do it, but now I can't really do that given the current state of my computer, which is looking as if it is going to get progressively worse, I can't, so I'm kind of stuffed. It doesn't help that after an A4 page of work, my handwriting depreciates, and I'd end up stopping, starting, losing "the flow".

Roughly when is the first coursework task issued?

di marco
01-09-2006, 11:35
I'm better with assessments in stuff if I can do them at home. For business, we have to complete all our coursework pieces by computer, so, because I can't really concentrate on assessments in the lesson, partially due to being rushed, I was going to bring it home and do it, but now I can't really do that given the current state of my computer, which is looking as if it is going to get progressively worse, I can't, so I'm kind of stuffed. It doesn't help that after an A4 page of work, my handwriting depreciates, and I'd end up stopping, starting, losing "the flow".

Roughly when is the first coursework task issued?

cant you write it up at home so you know what youre doing and wont be distracted then just copy it onto the computer at school? it depends what subjects and exam boards to when the first bit of cw is set, could be as early as september, but it depends

03-09-2006, 10:31
I'm doing AQA business, anyone doing that? If it's september then I need a miracle. I don't know if I'd be able to do it that quick, so I'd probably have to do it at school during my PE lessons as I don't do PE, but it just depends on how long I have to do the coursework.

03-09-2006, 11:50
I'm so nervous about all the new subjects I choose!!

I choose ICT, Buisness, Media and Drama.. The last 3 sound good and I never done before!! Just hope I made the right choice..

I really do hope I get a good teacher for Science..

03-09-2006, 11:52
I'm so nervous about all the new subjects I choose!!

I choose ICT, Buisness, Media and Drama.. The last 3 sound good and I never done before!! Just hope I made the right choice..

I really do hope I get a good teacher for Science..

I wanted to take Media for GCSE, but i can only take it at A level.

di marco
03-09-2006, 12:04
I wanted to take Media for GCSE, but i can only take it at A level.

yeh they didnt do media at my school for gcse either