View Full Version : Chantelle and Preston to Marry

x Amby x
12-04-2006, 17:43
Im not sure if its true but apparantly Chantelle and Preston are to marry. I heard this from my friend on MSN (jake_luva) and then i heard it on the radio! anyone else heard this?

12-04-2006, 17:46
it was all over the papers here today.. it is a bit sudden don't you think

12-04-2006, 17:49
she was on gmtv this morning confirming it apparently they are engaged to be married not engaged to be engaged and the wedding will be at the end of the summer

x Amby x
12-04-2006, 18:00
its all happened a bit quick i mean they only met each other in January!

12-04-2006, 18:25
wow that was quick, on her program just this morning she was saying they were taking it slow.

12-04-2006, 18:28
ye i heared it on newsround sounds a bit rushed to me although they do seem like a nice couple and i think ythey might last quite a while

12-04-2006, 19:26
about time well they do each other very well has they was in the house for ages i think they will be very happy together

12-04-2006, 22:25
Oh god more on them!!
They are both already boring me to death!
more magazine covers on them two yawn yawn.

shes also reported to be pregnant too.
more ok covers for the engagement,wedding pregnancy,new baby,new house,divorce,reconcilliation,christening,renewal of vows.

12-04-2006, 23:15
oh jeez they are defo rushing too much! i reckon they break up within 2 years

13-04-2006, 00:09
Fair play! Think of the money their gonna make, they wont be around forever so they should make the most of it with a nice hefty profit!

13-04-2006, 08:15
Im really pleased for them, even if it is a bit rushed, they do seem to be in love. I hope it lasts. I knew within 2 weeks of meeting my fella that i wanted to marry him and have his children maybe they feel the same.

13-04-2006, 09:32
its a bit rushed isn't it?? when she gets bored the split will be just as quick. i just think its a bit fast thats all

13-04-2006, 14:15
it will be all over before we know it!!!!!

17-04-2006, 21:07
Ok well good luck and congratulations to them? :)