View Full Version : Britney Tot Cracks His Skull

12-04-2006, 09:49
EXCLUSIVE Singer and hubby quizzed over baby's injury
By Ryan Parry, Us Correspondent

BRITNEY Spears and her husband are being quizzed after their baby son suffered a suspected fractured skull.

Six-month-old Sean smashed his head falling to the ground from his high chair. His injury emerged when Britney, 24, took him to a doctor six days later after he became groggy and tearful.

Suspicious medical officials filed a complaint to the Los Angeles child welfare department and the couple were questioned by investigators who were escorted by police.

Britney and husband Kevin Federline, 28, have been accused of poor parenting before. If found guilty of ill treatment or neglect they could receive a warning - or even lose their baby.


BRITNEY Spears' husband is being grilled by sheriffs as the couple's baby son battles a suspected fractured skull.

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Kevin Federline, 28, and Britney, 24, are being investigated after anxious doctors filed an official complaint on six-month-old Sean, who hit his head toppling from a high chair.

It is not known if they were present at the time. But social services officials escorted by police were worried enough to quiz the couple, who have been accused of poor parenting several times before.

In February Britney was questioned by police after being pictured driving with Sean on her lap.

Now she and Kevin face a severe warning, or even the possibility of losing their child, if they are found guilty of ill treatment or neglect.

Confirming the investigation, Sergeant Ken Scheurn of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Lost Hills Division said yesterday: "Deputies from this division carried out escort duties for the Department of Child Services to Britney Spears' home."

According to the official complaint seen by the Mirror Sean fell from his high-chair, banging his head hard on the floor, while eating at the family home on April 1.

Sean's nanny is believed to have been in the room. It is unclear where Britney and Kevin were.

Although Sean stayed conscious, the couple called a doctor who gave the tot the all clear.

It seemed the panic was over - then days later Britney and Kevin were plunged into fresh agonies over the health of their baby. Alarm bells rang when Britney noticed that Sean was sleeping longer than usual.

When he woke he was groggy, not himself and crying more than usual.

Over the next days the pop princess and Kevin watched alarmed as Sean failed to improve.

Finally, on April 7, they took him to respected paediatrician Dr Marna Geisler at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. Dr Geisler examined Sean and carried out a three-dimensional X-ray of his skull.

Soon afterwards the couple were told the scan indicated severe head trauma, possibly a fracture.

The next day concerned Center officials filed a report on the injury to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

The department must investigate all suspicious injuries to children.

Later that day CFS officials escorted by police quizzed the couple. Sources say Britney and Kevin co-operated.

Yesterday the department and medical centre refused to comment.

After being caught driving with Sean on her lap, Britney grudgingly admitted: "I made a mistake."

She claimed she was fleeing from photographers. Under Californian law, the baby should have been strapped in the back seat.

In March Britney shocked diners at a Los Angeles restaurant by changing her baby's full nappy on a table. Pot-smoking Kevin has also been criticised for going out partying after Sean was born.

The couple have endured marriage troubles in recent months with several reported bust-ups inside their luxury home.

12-04-2006, 09:55
6 days later :eek::eek: with any head injury you can't take that risk!! Maybe I am an over worried parent but falling that high on to the ground would be something I would get checked out asap...

12-04-2006, 09:58
Well well well, looks like Brit and Kev are going to be quizzed like other "bad parents".. good,, it will set an example to other "young" celebrity parents..That photo of Brit is hardly the image of a good mommy.:searchme:

12-04-2006, 10:02
you got that right there what i cant get is how he fell the only reason i can think is he was not straped in:searchme:

12-04-2006, 10:03
Well well well, looks like Brit and Kev are going to be quizzed like other "bad parents".. good,, it will set an example to other "young" celebrity parents..That photo of Brit is hardly the image of a good mommy.:searchme:

Jodi.. she is pregnant again!!! if she is found to be a bad parent will they let her keep the second child?

12-04-2006, 11:31
Oh my god,6 days later!! My son fell from his push chair when he was little and i whizzed him straight to hosp and demanded he had a xray thingy on his head,he did and was fine but you cant take the risk! I cant believe a mother could leave it so long or even take the risk.How would she have felt if something was wrong,she wouldnt be able to forgive herself,i know i stiul havent forgiven myself for not strapping him in that day whilst i raced to get the phone,it can happen in a split second!

12-04-2006, 11:52
6 days later with a head injury well in my own personal opinion they have something to hide!! i had a neighbour who's 5 year old daughter broke her leg she didnt take her to the hospital until the following day because she was drunk!

12-04-2006, 11:52
Perhaps it was an illegal immigrant that was serving as Nanny and was afraid to let on that the child in her care had toppled out of his highchair ( a 6 mo old does not rocket out of a high chair) My son was always strapped in tight when I had him in his highchair......And I also would have whisked him off to the ER if he had as much looked at me wrong.. those celebrities are some times like the old time Victorians,, childeren should not be seen or heard unless they wanted to see them,, why have kids if you do not want to take care of them......

12-04-2006, 11:58
I am sure my ben is Harri Hodini cause i turn my back for two seconds and the child is unstrapped and off across the floor... In a high chair I would have his taped or stapled to the chair so he wouldn't move

12-04-2006, 12:00
I am sure my ben is Harri Hodini cause i turn my back for two seconds and the child is unstrapped and off across the floor... In a high chair I would have his taped or stapled to the chair so he wouldn't move Yup or FORMULA 1 seat belts, Tony used to climb out of his crib just cause there was a toy he wanted in his bed..i wanted to build a barrier on top just cause I was afraid he would trip over his sleepers and come acropper on the floor.......sighhhhhh being a mom :bow:

12-04-2006, 12:22
6 days later?! Oh my god, and shes having another one?! I agree crazygirl, I think shes hiding something, thats way too long to wait.

12-04-2006, 17:28
i can remember when my daughter was a baby and i was filling her bath i put her on the floor and she toppled over and knocked her head on the side of the bath well i panicked and took her straight to A&E! i know now that i was over reacting but i was a first time mum and panicked!!
britney should of been straight to the hospital you dont mess with bangs on the head

12-04-2006, 19:31
here's what it said on britney tv website

People" magazine have the full story about Sean Preston's accident, saying, "While the baby's nanny was lifting him from his high chair, something snapped in the chair and Sean Preston slipped from her arms and fell to the floor, bruising his head on 1st April. A doctor came to the house that day and examined the child; he seemed fine, but six days later, the parents became concerned and took Sean Preston to the hospital emergency room to have him checked out. No serious problems were found. After the hospital visit, child welfare officials visited Spears's home accompanied by a sheriff's deputy, as is routine following certain hospital reports." Spears' laywer said, "They determined that they were not involved in any injury and that nothing improper was done within the home."

12-04-2006, 19:36
well a doctor did go to the hospital that day it happened so they did get him checked over but they said everything was fine so i suppose they did look after him properly

17-04-2006, 21:01
Omg!! 6 days later :eek: Im not going to say anything about Britney and Kevin's parenting but I sure to hope Sean is ok now :(