View Full Version : VCLB Characters

11-04-2006, 18:22
The Girls


FULL NAME: Tammy Jones
AGE: 17
STATUS: single
TOMTOM's realy name is Tammy Jones, but everyone she knows calles her Tomtom, excepting her mum. She's not someone to mess with - she has an opinion about everything (usually that it's a load of crap), and has never had a boyfriend in her life, due to scaring them away - all except her best friend Spider, who she gets on with like brother and sister.
Tomtom has already been caught up in the middle of a fire that she started herself, and there's plenty for her to do in the future!

FULL NAME: Alison Parr
AGE: 16
STATUS: seeing Corey
ALISON is an ex-surfer from California, who came to LV to explore the wonders of flashing lights (never mind all that smoke and muggers, as long as the lights flash).
In Las Vegas she has fallen for hot-stuff Corey Jackson, and is oblivious to so-called friend Chee's jealousy and scheming.

FULL NAME: Shelly Gardiner
AGE: 17
STATUS: Sleeping with Mark
SHEZZA was once a very quiet, sweet girl with loads of friends and the star grades at school. At 16, however, she turned sour, and got involved with a dodgey squat-dweller named Mark, and became hooked on all sorts of drugs, welcoming herself into the true world of Las Vegas. Little does she know that she's not the only girl in Mark's life, and there's going to be trouble when she finds out...

FULL NAME: Chee Campbell
AGE: 19
STATUS: Married to Axe
CHEE may look pretty innocent, but underneath the pretty face she's a cunning woman who manages to wrap people right round her finger and gain their trust, before proceeding to completely mess up their lives. She's married to a man called Axe, but only because of his many millions.
Despite being married, Axe lives too far away to ever be bothered with what she does in life, so she uses him as a source of money, and has fixed her attentions to Alison's boyfriend Corey - and she intends to get him too, no matter what it takes...

11-04-2006, 18:33
The Boys


FULL NAME: Adam Cole
AGE: 20
STATUS: Married to Chee
A character that you don't see or hear of very often, AXE is a rather unnoticed person, who spends a lot of time shut in a room of his giant of a house, dishing money out to his uncaring wife Chee through the services of his long-suffering butler Johnstone. On the rare occasion that he shows his face, he's showing Chee off to some relative or other.

FULL NAME: Jack Spencer
AGE: 18
STATUS: single
SPIDER lives off the things he steals (a lot of stuff). He lives with his drugged-up mother in a flat above a grotty casino. Tomtom is probably his only friend, and he spends a lot of his time with her. And like Tomtom, he has a surprising attractiveness that he always fails to notice - and neither does anyone else, since it's usually hiding under the hood of his black and silver parka!

FULL NAME: Corey Jackson
AGE: 19
STATUS: single
COREY is just about everything a girl could want. Everything "Sex God". Somehow he's managed to stay single for this long, until he notices Alison - and Alison notices him!
He loves playing the guitar loudly in his garage, and used to be a member of a band.

FULL NAME: Mark Jason
AGE: 23
STATUS: Sleeping with Shezza
MARK is probably the nastiest piece of work anyone could come accross without being a murderer. He's taken over the once innocent Shezza's life and mind - not to mention a ton of other girls'. He lives in a gross little squat with his drugs.

13-04-2006, 00:34
Ooo the characters look really cool, like the celebs you've used for them! :thumbsup: