View Full Version : IQ Test

06-04-2006, 18:57
Classic IQ Test


This takes abut 10 minutes or so...

I got 129 :eek: :thumbsup:

06-04-2006, 19:01
i got 113 oh well 100 is the average i think

06-04-2006, 19:11
I had 122 :p
not tooooo bad. *makes up characters*

di marco
06-04-2006, 19:53
i got 136! :D some of those questions were really weird!

Chloe O'brien
06-04-2006, 20:58
This was my score

Your IQ score is 113!

You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind and you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor. For you, life is a series of equations.

Your brain is naturally predisposed to intense mathematical acuity, so it's second nature for you to cut to the heart of an issue, to discover quick solutions while others get bogged down in unnecessary details. This allows you to communicate a variety of ideas to other people, so don't keep it to yourself.

06-04-2006, 21:02
My one said this:

Your IQ score is 129!

You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level, making you a Word Warrior. Your command of words is so powerful that you are also a terrific communicator -- able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone.

The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too, in both artistic and creative pursuits. This allows you to be a visionary -- to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas.

06-04-2006, 21:20
i got 136! :D some of those questions were really weird!

I was proud with 122! Well done Dm!!! That's well good!

06-04-2006, 21:27
When i did it i got 114 :p :cheer: Go me! I couldn't be bothered to read some of the questions though just guessed 'um!

big bro fan
06-04-2006, 22:50
I got bored half way through i would have been rubbish anyway

07-04-2006, 00:12
Your IQ score is 144!
Visionary Philosopher

Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game -- to imagine or anticipate what should happen next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with new ideas and this makes you a Visionary Philosopher.

You also have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns in all sorts of situations, a talent that adds to your visionary philosopher mind.

07-04-2006, 00:19
How much is the maximum on IQ tests?

07-04-2006, 08:33
i got 109!!!

not that great!!!

i will try it again later when i hav'nt just got up!!

07-04-2006, 10:14
i got 117

ur IQ score is 117!
Precision Processor

You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind and you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor. For you, life is a series of equations.

Your brain is naturally predisposed to intense mathematical acuity, so it's second nature for you to cut to the heart of an issue, to discover quick solutions while others get bogged down in unnecessary details. This allows you to communicate a variety of ideas to other people, so don't keep it to yourself.

07-04-2006, 11:30
I got 118

You have a strong ability to process visual-spatial and mathematical information and this, combined with your logical mind, means you are a Visual Mathematician. You can manipulate multiple parts of the picture (or problem) to come up with a solution and can understand the "big picture," which is partly why people may turn to you for direction.

Like Einstein, your ability to detect patterns and your skills in maths and logic, make it natural for you to come up with ideas and theories that simplify processes for everyone.

I am dreadful at the english stuff but hey I am compared with Einstein!!! IQ test only measure you on how you did on this test!! I did one last week and got 133 cause there was more questions in the areas I do well in

07-04-2006, 16:01
I got 122! Not bad aged 14. :)

samantha nixon
07-04-2006, 18:05
i didnt do to well i only got 102

07-04-2006, 18:42
i got 102 as well!!!!!!!!!!!! and i doing a law degree!!!!

08-04-2006, 10:08
i got 110! not great but not too bad i didnt think!

09-04-2006, 21:56
131 - not bad really!! some of the questions were a tad confusing!

11-04-2006, 13:36
Your IQ score is 136!

Like a meticulous collector, you've fed your brain a unique set of facts and figures over the years and this makes you a Facts Curator. Whether or not you intend to absorb every piece of information that comes your way, your mind is a sponge for knowledge.

The words in your head could almost fill a dictionary, and you're equally adept at manipulating numbers and detecting important patterns in number sequences.

11-04-2006, 14:34
Your IQ score is 126!

its not too bad

Your unusual talent of being equally good at both mathematical and verbal skills, paired with the way you learn through experience, makes you an Inventive Inquisitor. You understand the world by "learning through living" and are able to teach others by taking them through actual experiences.

Most people search their brains for previously stored information that might help in a given situation, but you are open to an unusual amount of change and take things as they come and see things as they are.

20-10-2006, 14:13
Your IQ score is 124!

You have an unusually strong balance between verbal and mathematical skills combined with strong visual skills. However, the main reason that you are an Inspired Inventor is that your idea centre never shuts down, and you may not even be aware when your brain is working on the next great idea.

You are particularly adept at brainstorming or devising multiple solutions for any problem and this is the reason people flock to you for fresh ideas, advice, and insight.

20-10-2006, 16:57
I got 100 but i knew it was coming as i get really confused with loads of questions and my mind just dosn't understand them so i just really picked anything on some of the questions on some of then.:p

20-10-2006, 17:30
I got 98! Not that brainy lol but it's 2 off the national average!!

20-10-2006, 17:52
:cheer: :cheer: :clap: I got 93 and proud of it!!!:p

20-10-2006, 17:56
I got 131 which I'm really pleased with

You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind and you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor. For you, life is a series of equations.

Your brain is naturally predisposed to intense mathematical acuity, so it's second nature for you to cut to the heart of an issue, to discover quick solutions while others get bogged down in unnecessary details. This allows you to communicate a variety of ideas to other people, so don't keep it to yourself.

24-10-2006, 03:49
IMO, IQ tests don't prove much, except for the fact you're not a total idiot. Most of that IQ test is logical thinking which is something I do for a living. If that test was based on art I'd be in single figures.

As my nephew said to me 1+1= a window. Suprised that isn't in some tests - to demonstrate thinking out of the box!

di marco
30-10-2006, 17:33
As my nephew said to me 1+1= a window. Suprised that isn't in some tests - to demonstrate thinking out of the box!

haha lol i remember that! and 6-6 = glasses!