View Full Version : Tennant and Piper signed for third series.

02-04-2006, 18:51
Sorry if this has already been posted but this has been taken from DS.
David Tennant and Billie Piper have both signed up to appear in the third series of Doctor Who, the BBC has confirmed.

The news ends long-standing speculation that Piper was planning to quit her role as Rose Tyler at the end of the upcoming second series.

"There are lots of places for Rose to go," said Piper at the press launch for series two, which begins on April 15. "I have had a ball. I might still be here in 40 years."

Commenting on the story, a BBC spokeswoman teased: "All parties want more of Rose Tyler... however it is too early to confirm in what shape, form and how that will be for series three."

Source: Digital Spy.

02-04-2006, 19:01
i was hoping she wouldnt return in series 3, she will become more important than the doctor at this stage, the show was always about having loads of assistants, not just one.

02-04-2006, 20:08
I think she won't become more important than the Doctor. I think the Doctor will still be at the centre point when series 3 is shown. I am glad Rose is staying for a third series. I really like her character and Billie Piper has proved herself as a very good actress :)

02-04-2006, 20:53
I'm sort of pleased shes staying. I love her charcter, cause she's fiesty and independant, but i think if they keep bringing her back, then she's ruin the series. Theres gonna come a time when they need to replace her, as with all assistants. I'd rather them do it, while she's still good in it, then leave it untill we're all fed up of her.

02-04-2006, 20:57
im glad shes staying, shes a fab actress and a real asset to the series.

30-06-2006, 16:21
Im really glad shes staying! No one can replace her! :) But are you sure? because i thought she deffinetley was not doing the second seris! Sumone help me???!! lol Jo xxxxx

30-06-2006, 17:20
I'm really confused..

thought she was leaving/dying week after next ? :S

30-06-2006, 17:23
I'm really confused..

thought she was leaving/dying week after next ? :S

Yh I know! God someone help us out! I thought she like died or sumat??!! :searchme: and I read the interview about her in the radio times and it woz saying shes going on to do some other stuff so how can she be doing doctor who to??!! :hmm: Anyone help us?? Luv jo xxxxxxxx

30-06-2006, 19:09
if you look at the date of the first post, you'll see it's from April! things have changed since then and Billie is almost definatley leaving. She is going on to play Sally Lockhart in the adaptation of Phillip Pullman's book 'The Ruby in the Smoke'. Anyway, i think it's just an old article. Hope i have helped.

Jessie Wallace
01-07-2006, 02:53
Ok so is she or isn't she staying, i personally hope she is, but there are too many story's going round, so none of us are sure which is right.

Jessie Wallace
01-07-2006, 03:02
Ok just found this on the BBC Dr Who site!

Radio Times cover and interview with Billie Piper.

With only two episodes left until the shattering conclusion of Doctor Who's second series - and Billie Piper's departure from the role of Rose Tyler - Radio Times has sat down with the lady in question for an in-depth interview.

In this week's edition of the magazine (available from today), Billie discusses the past two years of time travelling adventure. She also talks about her new job - an adaptation of Philip Pulman's novel The Ruby in the Smoke - and her new co-star.

"I'm working with Julie Walters - she has no idea what she means to me, and I'm too embarrassed to tell her, which is stupid because she's so normal."

Billie also goes on to confirm that the decision to leave Doctor Who was taken a year ago, but that it remained secret until recently: "The longer I stayed the more scared I'd be of leaving because it's so comfortable and nice."

"I'm utterly grateful for the whole experience, but you have to take care of yourself and do what you feel is right. We filmed in Wales for nine months and I didn't like being away from home [in north London]."

So it looks like she is definatly going!

01-07-2006, 08:51
Yep - Billy Piper isn't staying - she is leaving BBC Press Office confirmed this. David Tennant is remaining as the Doctor (Which is brilliant!) :D

01-07-2006, 11:00
Ok just found this on the BBC Dr Who site!

Radio Times cover and interview with Billie Piper.

With only two episodes left until the shattering conclusion of Doctor Who's second series - and Billie Piper's departure from the role of Rose Tyler - Radio Times has sat down with the lady in question for an in-depth interview.

In this week's edition of the magazine (available from today), Billie discusses the past two years of time travelling adventure. She also talks about her new job - an adaptation of Philip Pulman's novel The Ruby in the Smoke - and her new co-star.

"I'm working with Julie Walters - she has no idea what she means to me, and I'm too embarrassed to tell her, which is stupid because she's so normal."

Billie also goes on to confirm that the decision to leave Doctor Who was taken a year ago, but that it remained secret until recently: "The longer I stayed the more scared I'd be of leaving because it's so comfortable and nice."

"I'm utterly grateful for the whole experience, but you have to take care of yourself and do what you feel is right. We filmed in Wales for nine months and I didn't like being away from home [in north London]."

So it looks like she is definatly going!

Yup it sure sounds like she is definatly leaving,, some one musta got their wires crossed,,, JJ

01-07-2006, 11:08
I think when the thread was started, it was before all of the announcements etc and it was revived lately....does make it slightly confusing though eh lol

01-07-2006, 12:26
I think when the thread was started, it was before all of the announcements etc and it was revived lately....does make it slightly confusing though eh lol
Ah right, I didn't look at the date before :p But now I can see. Shame though, cause I like Billie

02-07-2006, 10:34
Yep - Billy Piper isn't staying - she is leaving BBC Press Office confirmed this. David Tennant is remaining as the Doctor (Which is brilliant!) :D

Ok thanks people! Yea im glad David Tennant is staying! Hes a great doctor! :thumbsup:

02-07-2006, 11:18
The Press Office have sent out about 3 different stories all syaing different things. They're trying to confuse us, so we dont know whats happening. They definately said that both of them were staying for series 3, then said that Billie Piper would only do a few episodes in series 3, and then said she was leaving at the end of series 2. So no one really knows whats true and whats not.

02-07-2006, 12:39
well form what ive seen on the telly she is dying soon so that would mean she has to leave right?

Jessie Wallace
02-07-2006, 12:50
You would think, but this is Dr.Who, so anything could happen.

02-07-2006, 13:01
You would think, but this is Dr.Who, so anything could happen. lol yer i suppose it would be cool if she did do a couple of episodes in series 3 cos i really like her and dont want her to leave.

02-07-2006, 13:17
lol yer i suppose it would be cool if she did do a couple of episodes in series 3 cos i really like her and dont want her to leave.

Yea me to! That would be great!:)

02-07-2006, 21:24
Hi guys. I started this thread months ago because a press office report came out saying Billie signed for a third series but things have changed since then and most hints and rumours now point to Rose leaving at the end of this series next week.

08-07-2006, 19:47
*screams* how. cool. CATHERINE TATE LMAO i cant wait til the christmas special now *bounces about on chair* and she didnt even die

08-07-2006, 19:59
so it looks like david has stayed and billie has gone

08-07-2006, 20:04
so it looks like david has stayed and billie has gone

Yep that's right! This news is now confirmed as not true as Rose has left the series!